I've been a bit lame on my Fitness Friday posts...I guess it's better to be working out than sitting on the computer. I have to thank
Glen who left a comment a couple of weeks ago about his 12 mile bike ride. It sparked an idea that maybe the bike would be a good thing for me too. I never ride out here (gravel roads are the pits for bike riding!) A little light bulb popped in my head that maybe I could ride our trails. Well, I tried it and it's great! Thanks Glen!

I've been thinking about why I'm doing this...what's my target? I don't think I have an ideal weight or a specific goal except developing a habit. I want exercise to be a permanent part of my life.
How are you doing?
I have been really off my goals this past week. But after my son told me that he has been getting up at 5:30 am and working out for 2 hours I was motivated. If my college aged son, who has never gets up early unless he HAS to can get up early, I can to! So when the alarm went off at 5:45am this morning, I went out for a quick/walk jog!!
I was doing great walking my dogs until the weather got bad and I just could not motivate myself to the tread mill. Walking outside spoils you. Now we have a week of rain ahead off and on but I am really goign to try to fit it in between storms or maybe??? get on that dang
Last week not so good, but this week fantastic so far, and guess what? The more I do the better I feel, amazing isn't it.
Oh, I'm doing terrible but good at the same time. I'm adjusting to my first semester back in school in many years. Uck! Next week I'll be more organized.
good for you on the bike - we love biking and it's easy to add alot of miles to your goals that way! we have all caught the 'back-to-school' cold/cough this past week so i haven't been able to do anything. It's so hard once you get out of the swing of things, i am hoping for a better week this time!
As for a target, I vote the target be a healthy lifestyle. And if you really want to make sure you walk (two times a day), adopt a shelter dog, I say. A big dog that needs lots of exercise! I know, I love my big "Buddy"....Lifestyle. I vote Lifestyle. Enjoy!
Better this week too! Got to the gym 4x! and sweated profusely!
LOL. Glad you enjoyed the bike ride. We are doing another one tomorrow that will be 18-20 hopefully. We are gearing up for a 26 mile ride on the Tammany Trace when the weather cools, so I can go to the Abita Brewery......
Oh, and glen is short for glenda, which I hate, and I am very much a girl although mostly a tomboy one.
glen: named for the Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz with her long gorgeous blonde curly hair, not one strand of which do I have!
I was late getting started on this challenge, but have had a great couple of weeks. Even in such a relatively short time, I feel better, eat better, and sleep like a rock. Even though I have A LOT on my plate right now, I have a very happy and positive attitude, which I attribute to the awesome stress-relieving benefits of exercise. I've even been able to deal with some snarky, negative attitudes in others and get them to reframe things in a more positive way. With two big family event in the next 8 months, I know I will look and feel my best if I keep this up. Thanks to you and Katie for getting this started.
And I LOVE the quilt in the picture! Outstanding!
I have been on again off again here. But it is all better than nothing at all. I went out one day while on retreat and walked 2.5 milea, then it rained, and then I didn't want to get away from my sewing. I did get in a long walk before hoping in the car for my four hour drive to get there.
I am up for a new beginning this week.
I just started a new workout video today! I'm loving it!! It was really fun!! It's called Turbo Jam. You don't even realize that you're working out! It's really that fun! If any of you want information about it drop me a line at jacq(dot)baldwin(at)gmail(dot)com
I'm still slowly walking my way across Virginia, making sure I put in at least a few miles each day.
Quilt top #1 is finished; now I'm headed for #2. Without the miles, these would still be just ideas floating around in my head.
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