I've saved everything my boys have ever made for me, along with every news article, music program, note from the teacher, report card, etc. It started as a 'baby box' filled with little things. Then there were baby BOXES and now it's the baby box storage room. My 21 year old is still giving me things to put in his 'baby box.' How big does he think that box is? Nevertheless, our kids' creations are our treasures. I need to do some editing, but instead I decided to add to the collection.
I took some time out today to translate one of those little treasures into fabric. Somehow, making something that relates to my family lessens the stress of the day. This made me smile too.

I think I'm going to make a pair of Christmas potholders. Each time I use them I'll think of my boys.
I love how the arms come right out of Santa's ears. Cute, don't ya think?
very very cute--the ear arm connection is too funny. They will make adorable potholders.
so cute - so far, I only have a box that slides under our bed...it's pretty full though!
Adorable! I am going to like your post to my niece who is wanting to make some "memory" quilt for her parents. Great idea!
I love childrens drawings translated into fabric :)
And yes, Santa does have some pretty amazing arms/ears ;D
Cute Jacquie, very cute - what do you boys think? I'll bet they're a wee bit embarassed!!
Have a giveaway on my blog - you deserve a chance to win.
hmmm looks kinda like the pictures I just taped to my boys' room walls.....
Adorable. His body resembles a juicy, ripe strawberry. Love it.
Love the fact that he is still giving you things to put in the box! Very sweet!
Some of my favorite drawings from my kids are the ones w/ the arms coming out of the ears. I love the evolution of the stick figure!
It's a great idea to do this! I want to learn to do the stitching you do to make details around fabric. Does it just take practice or do you have other tips?
Thanks for sharing this today!
That is just adorable!!
This makes me want to go through my memory boxes. My son drew dozers, backhoes, and dumptrucks. I love looking back at those.
That's wonderful!
how precious!
What a perfect picture, so wonderful how you it keeps making you happy. You've opened up a new way of looking at the thousands of drawings I saved. Thank goodness for a large attic and plastic bins!
How delightful!
It's darling! What a wonderful idea. I'm glad to hear also that you have a few more boxes than me. I thought I had most! lol
This is so utterly heart warming and wonderful! Super idea!
I would really love a tutorial on how you translated the drawing to fabric, or a link to a good tutorial that you can recommend. Pretty please?
That is so cute! I can't wait until my granddaughter starts drawing things that actually look like what she's saying it is so I can do some of these!!
What a fantastic idea! I have been cleaning out our attic and when I came across a box of the boys' old school papers I thought about throwing them out or at least weeding them out...when I do, I'll do it with a project like this in mind!
That's a great idea. I might do something like that with one of my drawings for my mother! (My own son, being 2 years old, can't really form anything discernible yet.) :)
So cute, and what a fabulous idea!
totally beyond cute!!! Great plan for potholders.
My friend says if you want a folky santa, just ask a kid to draw it for you. This one is SO fun!
so cute! what a nice memory keeper
How sweet is that? What a great idea...
perfect! kids art is so great. Made a quilt for DSIL with snowman drawings, some stitch patterns I had collected over the years, the rest were her grandkids, nieces and grandnieces drawings that i had had them draw for her (at the time, no nephews) She LOVED it!!
Love it! I have been trying to get my brother to send me pictures drawn by my niecefor the longest time so that I can do the same, but he still has not come through:(
Totally adorable! What about a wall hanging, or Advent calendar?
I love this. I already have pictures of stick people taped to my office wall, drawn by my 4-year-old granddaughter. I also love the evolution of stick people. This is a great idea!
sooo cute!
It's delightful and really IS the true meaning of the holiday! After all, what is Christmas without children?
So cute! Potholders are a great idea. They'll make you smile everytime you see them!
Fantastic idea! love the handwriting :) maybe it's time to go through school work now at second grade before it gets overwhelming!
Love it!!
I love it. I have the same problem with keeping my kids "treasures"! I think I need to try turning it into fabric! Great idea.
I just love this idea!!! I have many pieces of art from my kids whom I am missing terribly right now... (empty nest thing) I think this is just the therapy I need.
Awesome! I hope it did ease some stress.
I would love to see a soup to nuts post on how you did this as I have some of my son's work that I'd love to bring to life!
this is phenomenol (sp?) jackie, i love it - as always! you go!
This is too cute:0) Oh! this block so strike a cord with me. I love it! It looks a lot like the Santa my oldest drew on the living room wall with lip stick. She was about 3 and soo proud of herself. Needless to say her mom was not as excited as she was lol! Thanks,I love things that bring back memories and smiles. Sarah
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