I haven't sewn for me in a long time. It's so different that sewing for something commercial like a book or a magazine. You have to think about if it's too hard or if a instructions or a pattern can be developed.
I call this sewing for free. No strings attached. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
I also turned the sample spool from Wednesday's tutorial into a gift for someone special. I hope it will find a home in her livudio. (Living room studio). Katie turns 40 on Sunday. Head over and tell her happy birthday! Notice that little zipper tab on the bottom? My first invisible zipper thanks to Katie and her tutorial.

I've avoided zippers since my garment sewing days. Ripped out too many zippers in my time. Katie made me do it. That girl teaches me something every day. It's nice to have a friend like that.

I'm taking the weekend off to eat Hooter's wings and watch the Superbowl...yes, I love football. Go Packers!
I like where you're going with this!!
This is very intriguing. And it makes me happy for you that you are doing this with no other pressures but the strength of your creative imagination to draw you into a new adventure. Oh, and I really like your choice of orange and grey, two colors that play well together. Looking forward to following your coming posts! (As always...:))
I love grey and orange together! Can't wait to see what you come up with :) The Yoshiko Jinzenji book's arrived at my house in CT but I'm in Singapore till next week so I'm dying to get my hands on it!
I can't wait to get my hands on the Jinzenji book - love her stuff!
Can't go wrong with orange and grey as far as I'm concerned :) Looks great so far.
loving your minimalist quilt. can't wait to see it finished. I love how you said that minimalist art makes you catch your breath. What a great description. I have felt the same way.
Yeah for birthdays and friends with creativity. It will go perfect with my red.
Very interesting!
Also, GO PACK GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE the gray and orange. What you have got going on there is fabulous. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. I just got Yoshiko's new book too. It is fantastiC! Makes me want to put all my other projects aside and begin on a minimalist/complex project immediately.
oooooh. i'm loving that cityscape thing going on. and orange is my fave too (orange an blue).
Football, really? I totally didn't take you for a fan! Have fun watching the game and eating your yummy wings.
I think your orange minimalist quilt is really cool and I especially love the random colour squares in the negative space. It is always a pleasure to watch your creations come together.
I, too, am enjoying Jenzenji's incredibly beautiful and yes, breathtaking, book. Your quilt is stunning--I love the colors!
1. Anything gray and orange makes me happy, minimalist or otherwise, so this is going to be awesome.
2. The pillow rocks. Katie should love it. Good job on the invisible zipper. I'm going to try that...someday.
3. I think it's against my marriage vows or something to cheer for the Packers--my husband comes from Minnesota--so he's a Vikings fan to the core.
Enjoy your weekend!
I really like the orange and gray, and am happy for you in your pursuit of doing something for yourself. Doing so is quite a bit different than when we are 'doing' for something or someone else. It gives the opportunity to explore those "what ifs" that niggle at you. I live and work in Wisconsin so I have been hearing "Go Pack Go" all day. The excitement is building. I can't wait for Yoshikos book to arrive at my doorstep! Have a great weekend.
just found your blog and I have gone back and read all the archives! I'm thrilled with your blog because I'm not much of a free motion quilter but I can't seem to get past stitch in the ditch straight line quilting. Love all the creative straight line quilting you do! Can't wait to give some of it a try.
Love, love, love minimalism. Yay! The other great thing is that minimalist quilts are generally quick.
love that orange -
yes, go Packers!!
It's very geeky and spacey. I love the idea of free sewning. I am not much of a pattern person, which can be a good thing or a bad thing! Can't wait to see what you do with the backing!
Free sewing? I like that idea. My husband asks me from time to time, "What are you making that for?" I may steal your line and tell him it's free sewing, just for the fun of going through the process. I have loved Jinzenji's work ever since I saw the code quilt blocks and had to look her up. What an inspiration she is! I really like how you are using her work as a jump-off spot. Keep up the great work!
I like that blue quilt at the bottom of this post.
Woohoooooo wings and Super Bowl. I am sure you are having a blast about now since the Pack is up by 2 touchdowns and it's not even the 2nd quarter yet. I'm finding it really hard to cheer for them though since I'm a Bear fan you know. ;) BUT JUST this ONE time I'll give a try just for you. LOL
Livudio. You're cute!
Glad you're finding time to play and sew for yourself! And zippers...I must try some for myself. I must.
Stay warm!
i took a minimalist approach to a quilt i'm working on for a friend who's getting married. he's very much a minimalist, so i wanted it to be something he likes. while i was sketching it out and piecing it, it was hard for me to not add to it. but now that it's pieced, i like it. next is the quilting, and i'm still not sure what to do to keep with that minimalist approach, so i guess we'll see. i blogged about it here http://sewkellysews.blogspot.com/search/label/m%20and%20n%20wedding%20quilt
looking forward to meeting you at the next LAMQG meeting!
Love the orange! I'm with you on the nontraditional quilts. There is something freeing about not having to follow a pattern. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
your blog always inspires me. I recieved the yoshiko book and was shocked how much work goes into such simplistic design.
ooo I'm just loveing that blue spool pillow!!
and there is something wonderful about quilting for ME!! As much as I love to give quilts away....working on this Mommie quilt that is uniquely and totally MINE is precious to me!
The orange looks fantastic! I love orange. It doesn't hurt that my school's colors, Auburn, is orange and blue!
hey jacquie! it was great meeting you last night, although i wish we could've talked more! you were a popular person. :) anyways, i linked to this before, but here's a link to the finished product of my adventure in minimalism - http://sewkellysews.blogspot.com/2011/03/two-weeks-early.html
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