Monday, August 1, 2011

Can you Move a Prairie to the Big City?

Well, I hope so!  The big news around my house is that Tallgrass Prairie Studio is relocating.  Windy city here I come!  My better half has taken a permanent job in Chicago and so, it's time for a change.  As I type there are a few tears welling up because I love Kansas City.  My guild, my first real quilting friends and my family are here.  Those are hard to leave behind, but this is a new adventure, new opportunities, people to meet and an amazing city to explore and enjoy.

The best part, my hubby and I will be in the same city 7 days a week.  We haven't had that for many years.  I'm not sure what it will be like having him walk through the door each night instead of only on weekends.

I spent the last four days scouring the city of Chicago for a place to live.  It's not easy to find a place within a budget and that will welcome a big, sloppy black lab.  Yes, Bruno is going to be a city boy.  His only request, an elevator.  He's not much for a third floor walkup!

Turns out, with a little hard work, it's possible.  This will be the view from the balcony of my new apartment.  I'll have a little bedroom for my studio,  but as long as I have fabric and a sewing machine I'll be good.  I'm worried, overwhelmed and excited all at the same time! My hubby will move in a week.  It's going to be a few months before we're together again, but knowing that it's going to happen is what will motivate me to get all the work done that it will take to move.
Wish me luck!


Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

The best to you Jacquie in the new live adventure!

Mary P said...

Jacquie, that is wonderful!!! We at the Chicago Modern Quilt Guild will be happy to have you around!

Kelly said...

This past November, after 2 years of living in different towns (not big enough to be cities LOL)my hubs and I moved back in on a 24/7 basis. LOVE IT! Best of luck! Look forward to seeing the new influences in your quilts!

laura capello said...

i will miss you but best of luck! having a traveling hubby is not made of awesome and chicago is such a fantastic city!

connie said...

Oh, what a change, I wish you well in your new adventure. I know you will do well and just think of all the new inspiration... Sending good thoughts!

Lynne said...

I'm sure this is both exciting and difficult for you at the same time. BEST of luck to all of you. And, on behalf of Illinois modern quilters everywhere: YAY! One more for our team! :)

Ebeth said...

What a wonderful city! You will love it and the time with your husband! Best wishes.

Gail Baar said...

Welcome to Chicago! You will love it-I hope your move goes well. It is always hard to leave a place, and start in someplace new. Good luck with it all.

Alli said...

That's wonderful that you and your husband will be able to see each other every day of the week. :) Yay!

jlk said...

You will love Chicago! My grandparents live just outside the city. It is a great place to live. The winters are very very cold, but the summers are a big party! And it's called "The Windy City" not because of the wind, btw, but because of politicians.

The Domestic Intellectual said...

Chicago is a great city, and a wonderful place to quilt! I live way up north in Ravenswood in one of those 3rd floor walk-ups, but I wouldn't change it for the world! Your view is looking north and east... does that mean West Loop area? or farther south and west of that?

Hope you have an uneventful move and looking forward to hearing how the Windy City moves your quilting!

Unknown said...

The best of luck to you in your move. I am sure that you will adjust quite well and enjoy the city. I am like you as long as I have my fabric and sewing machine, I am okay and you will be too. This is your opportunity to meet even more quilters!!

badlandsquilts said...

Best wishes to you & your family...enjoy the ride of your new adventure!

Kelli said...

Yay to seeing more of your husband! I can't imagine what it's been like seeing each other only on the weekends. Good for you on a new adventure!

Patty said...

Good Luck on your move! My 2 20-something daughters live in Chicago and I love visiting them, so much always going on :-) You will find lots of inspiration to fuel your creative spirit.

Di~ said...

Wow, Jacquie, this is huge! You have a good attitude! My best to you both. Will you be closer to or further from the boys?

sukie said...

Dang! That's crzy. . . everyone's had big changes this year. Good luck and we'll see each other in Spring 2012

audrey said...

Welcome to our wonderful city!! I have lived in the city proper or the surrounding burbs my entire life and I can't think of a more amazing city to live in. I work in the city and I see something new every day.

The city has so much to offer I hope you enjoy living here!

Gari in AL said...

Back together 24/7: yes it is a change but a good one. We were apart during the week for 17 years before retireing and being together again 5 years ago. Big change but a good one and we celebrated our 50th this year. Chicago: lived there, lots to do and see. Never lived in the center of the city but you and the dog (and, of course DH) will love it. Moving...not so much. ;-)

Deere Driver said...

I'm excited for you, and the blogging community is already making sure you feel welcome. That's what I love about this format. Its like pen pals and you can finally meet some of them and discover through them.

Good luck! I too am envious.

Sara said...

Lots of change coming your way,but it will be so FUN!! Good Luck in everything you do!

Check out my giveaway too if you get a chance:)

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you and your family. Will you have a new name for your blog?Wig.

Shea said...

If you thought I called you a lot now, just you wait! Glad that cat is out if the bag. We will miss you like crazy, but I would be a complete hypocrite if I faulted you for wanting to see your husband every day! Now to begin our first KCMQG fundraiser: collecting money for monthly plane tickets so you can come back for meetings! Much respect, admiration and congratulations to you and Steve.

Vicki said...

Dang. We will miss you so much. But Chicago is awesome (I've only visited once but loved it) and will be a great adventure for you. :) said...

Although we didn't live in Downtown, we did live in a Chicago suburb when my husband was in dental school. It was some of our happiest memories and there are times we wish we would have stayed instead of moving back to California. You are going to love Chicago. It is a wonderful place to live...just make sure you have plenty of warm clothes because the winters are brutal. Wishing you a happy new life experience!

kait. said...

I'm so excited for you! That's a big change but Chicago is a great city and isn't one of your sons there too? Good luck with moving!

Erin said...

Great view! I'm sure we'll be seeing some Chicago-inspired quilts in the years to come. Best wishes to you both on this new chapter of life.

Sharon said...

Our loss is Chicago's gain. Happy we might have you for a couple of more month, though.

Anonymous said...

Good luck! It sounds like a wonderful/scary adventure!

The Calico Cat said...

Best of luck! I know someone else who is knee deep into the moving to Chicago thing.

Debbie said...

Wow - that IS news! Best of luck during the transition!!

Caitlin said...

Holy crap. Jacquie! What are we gonna do without you?!

Doris said...

I enjoyed living there (in Oak Park, just a block from the city limits)... Will you still have your place in KC, or making this a complete move with house sale, etc.? Best of luck, I wish it was Des Moines you were coming to, but you will like Chicago, I feel... And being together is a very good thing!

Lisa said...

That's so exciting! Chicago is a fabulous town (I've only visited)! Living in big cities is FANTASTIC - you can walk/transit/bike most places and leave your car at home - that's the key thing, ditch your car and really experience the place.

Good luck!

patty a. said...

Museums and Vogue Fabrics at your fingertips! How exciting! Best of luck with your move!

Poppyprint said...

What exciting news! I love moving, but I know it can be so stressful. All the best with everything, Jacquie. I think there must be a very vibrant quilt community there (Jane Sassaman!), amazing galleries, restaurants, parkways. I would love to visit Chicago one day. Like you say, sounds like what matters most is that you and your husband will be together every day. It will probably feel like a vacation for the first year (at least I hope so, once the dentist, doctor and dog-sitter are all organized!).

Paula said...

Just be sure that Chicago knows the we had you FIRST!!!and as long as you are not going to Philly I guess we will all cope. You have been such a wonderful mentor and teacher and friend. You will be greatly missed by me and many others.

Live a Colorful Life said...

Best of luck there. I'm sure you will love Chicago and I KNOW Chicago will love you back. My niece lives in Villa Park and the next time we visit her, you and I will have to go fabric shopping!

Dan R said...

Congratulations on the move! What a great city view.

Twisted Quilts said...

Good luck on the move and all that goes with it. My daughter lives in Valparasio so I expect to be visiting in that area often. I would love to meet with other quilters. I could give a Southern perspective.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Sounds like a great move in many ways. I hope your 24/7 full house doesn't keep you from quilting -- though whatever we might lose would be your (and your hubby's) gain. I look forward to seeing the city through your eyes!

Jenny said...

oh best of luck! what exciting times this will be! so much to discover in Chicago. so many new influences. hope all goes well!

Unknown said...

Wow! This will be a big loss for KC, but your presence will remain in all that you created and in those who you inspired and encouraged. I am so happy our paths crossed for a brief time!

Anonymous said...

Wow, how exciting and what a change. I have recently moved from a rural area to downtown Seattle. I have a small sewing area instead of a complete room buts its okay for now. I find I walk more than ever and love to walk to the market for fresh veggies and fruit rather than major grocery shopping as you do when you live outside of the city. Lots of dogs and dog parks in this city and I'm sure Chicago will be the same. I love the city view and there are so many things to do in the city. Enjoy!!!

Sarah said...

Best of luck with the move. I am just back from our annual Chicago trip and I have to admit that it is (so far) my favourite US city. I am sure that you will love it. And being together with you other half just has to be the best part, doesn't it??

Dani said...

Congratulations Jacquie! That is very exciting. I moved with my hubby's job a few years ago so I know all the fears and apprehension and excitement and tears! (In fact, our next move in a year or two will likely be to Chicago - I just posted a ton of pics on my blog of our visit there last weekend.)

It is wonderful that you will be able to spend more time with your hubby. Anything that gets you that is worth it!

Sequana said...

Welcome to my city!!!!

That pic looks like your new place will be on the southwest side?

You will love it here, and pls do wait until this icky heat is gone before you move. :)

Did someone already mention that there is a Mod Guild up here?

kristin said...

Oh, Jacquie, we are going to miss you so much. But you will love Chicago and you're going to have so many great adventures there. Just think of all the new fabric stores to explore and an entire city of fresh inspiration!

Rev. Sarah C. Evans said...

Welcome to Chicago! Email me at my google handle if you want inside scoop on the CMQG (hint: it's a fun group) and where to find fabric in the city. I look forward to seeing how you manage your stash in city quarters! We moved here from Columbia, MO about 3.5 yrs ago and I'm still trying to stash manage!

Kristy said...

Wow...huge news; but such good news!

Congrats on the relocation...funny, you are just moving from the west side of STL to the east side of STL, pretty much the same distance just a different direction.

Elizabeth said...

Such great news for you!! We will definitely miss you in Kansas City but I can't even imagine how much fun you will have in Chicago.

Mary Anne said...

Chicago! My home town and one of my favorite cities. I'm so excited for you and 'Buzz'! We'll miss you tons here in KC, but I know you'll keep in touch.

Unknown said...

We'll miss you here in KC, but Chicago is a fantastic city! It's a place that is full of energy. Good luck with the move! Must be such a good feeling knowing that you and your husband will be under the same roof every night soon.

Brigitte said...

Jacquie, I guess you've got mixed feelings. I can understand the sometimes sad goodby to a homy place with family and friends and the looking forward to many new experiences to come. Glad you have what you need as a space to create more quilted beautiful things. And you can share all your days with your husband. Wish you luck!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you will be moving to my hometown. Welcome to the Windy City..


Quilting Corner said...

I hope the move goes smoothly. It is very exciting and yes scary. But trust in the one above. All will be good.

Beth said...

You are going to have so much fun! I lived in Chicago for a short time and it was an adventure!

Janet said...

Welcome to Chicago! I hope you will love it. I have lived here all my life and think it is a wonderful city.

And, thanks for a great blog!

Allie said...

Wow! Best of luck to you in this new adventure. Lots of work ahead for you, but what an exciting pay off!

Mary Kay said...

You will be sooo missed in KC! Thanks for all your time, leadership and mentoring for the guild.
I'm from Chicago and have family there so I'm also a little jealous. Wishing you a smooth transition!

Browndirtcottage said...

Oh WOW!!!OH NO!!! I'm laughing I'm crying!! I'm scared for you, I'm happy too!! will be OK!!! How FUN...sad a little too!!!

I would LOVE to have a new adventure Jacquie and I will be anxious for your future posts and will be happy to hear allll about it!!!

p.s. just glad it's you doing all that packing and not me!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So exciting and sad at the same time.

My daughter is starting college in Chicago this fall. As soon as you find all the good fabric shops, you'll have to let me know where they are :)

I hope all the moving logistics go smoothly!

jill/marny said...

I've lived in both Chicago and on the Kansas Prairie - very different but there are great people both places. You will bloom where you are planted because you are that kind of person! My best, jill

Jan said...

Chi-town is a wonderful, magical place! It won't be the same w/out family and friends, but I recall your anniversary post - and being with your one true love sounds like a trade-off worth some minor adjustments!

My husband's first job out of grad school was a college in Elmhurst - loved it! Our son was born there, and we decided to move back east to be close to family. We cried like babies when we left... but the adjustments have been worth those tears 11 years ago!

Meghan said...

I hope you love Chicago. It's my hometown, and I miss it terribly. There are a lot of hidden gems, so make sure you get out and explore as much as possible before you settle into the routine!

carol said...

Oh goody, we'll be only 90 miles apart! You will be such an asset to the Chicago Guild and I guarantee that the mid-west remains friendly, even this far north! LOL

Donna said...

We're happy to have you! You'll have to visit Quiltology and the Needle Shop. I look forward to following your quilt adventures in this great city!

One Shabby Chick said...

How exciting for you! Yeah for you and the hubs :-)

Angela Nash said...

Well I'm super excited about your move, since I'm in Chicagoland! Welcome Welcome!

Michelle said...

Oh, what a change! Sounds like you're embracing it and I'm excited for you. May your move go smoothly, and the Chicago area quilt guild sure is lucky to be gaining you as a member.

CitricSugar said...

Good luck and over-label every moving box. In fact, I highly recommend keeping a master list of what's where and numbering everything. It may seem insane but the amount of time it will save you when unpacking and unloading is worth it.

Suzanne said...

Chicago is lucky to have you! Think of all the new inspiration you will have at your fingertips and all of the support that never leaves you through blogging.

Emily said...

Jacquie good luck on your move to my home city :) I hope your move goes well and all loose ends tied (as well as possible) before you leave. I am a part of the Chicago Modern Quilt Guild and we would love to welcome you to Chicago with some quilty conversations. So exciting to spend more time with your husband, I hope you enjoy becoming a Chicagoan!

Marilyn said...

That's a great view, Jacquie!! But I'm going to miss you a lot! I'm very happy for you also, and happy that you and hubby will be together full time:) Plus, next year's KCMQG July meeting is going to be at your place again, right? *wink*

Jen said...

I have been enjoying reading your blog! Your quilts are fabulous! Good luck on your move to Chicago.

DKB said...

how exciting? what nabe did you land in? i lived in chicago nearly 15 years ago as a new college grad. I live in the South Loop/Printers Row area. I havent been back for many many years and cant imagine how the area has changed

MightyMom said...

Oh My Goodness!!!

well, that's an awesome view! Are you selling the farm? I seem to remember you had it from before you moved there permanently??

You and Bruno will learn to love the good parts of city life I'm sure...and just think of all the city inspired modern quilts you're gonna make!! and HEY, when's the book coming out??

Unknown said...

Oh, good luck to you! We live in Seattle (which I love!), but Chicago is home. <3

Unknown said...

Changes like this can be really daunting but I hope all goes well and it certainly looks like you've found a new group of quilting buddies there ready to welcome you with open arms

Kaelin said...

Moving to a new place is always bittersweet! We left Chicago for New Orleans 3 years ago, and I was sad to leave Chicago, but excited to be moving to a place so full of life and culture. Seeing this picture makes me nostalgic for Chicago...I think you'll love it there and the shopping is incredible. You should check out The Needle shop, Vogue Fabrics, and Paper Source - they're all great stores! And my husband and I loved to go down to our favorite grocery store Fox & Obel (kind of like Zabar's in NYC), buy some Australian Kookaburra licorice by the pound, and then walk across the street to the AMC movie theater for a date night :) Hope you two have many fun date nights exploring your new city!


Pattie Crum said...

Welcome to the area. Check out the Chicago MQG. You will give it a big boost.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Best of luck with your move. It sounds like the stars are aligning quite nicely.

Miri said...

Lots of luck with your move!

DH used to travel a lot for his work-half the year I would say (not in one lump, of course) and having him home now that he's retired is terrific. (But I do get a lot less sewing done!)

KateKwiltz said...

Woo-woo! Kansas' loss is Chicago's gain! Looking forward to sewing with you -- and many trips to the cupcake shop! :)


Kay Stephenson said...

Exciting adventure indeed! Congrats to your hubby on the new job. New friends and experiences await!

Tif / Halu-Halo said...

i KNOW that you will definitely bloom where you will be planted! GOOD LUCK with your move!

tracy_a said...

Good luck in the move! Chicago is a wonderful place - I know you will find a tribe in your new town!

Unknown said...

Chicago will be a wonderful place to live, even if it is high up in the air with a gorgeous view. I am super jealous. I do not think I would ever grow bored in the city, and it is only three hours from my parents, not five. Wish you all the best in your adventures in the Windy City.

Carla said...

Wow! What big changes for you, Jacquie! It will be a grand adventure...If not now, when? Right! We will certainly miss you here in KC, though!

Melissa said...

Jacquie, you know you'll be missed so much here in KC but you have to be so excited to head off on a new adventure. You and your husband will be like newlyweds again being able to see each other every day.

I can't wait to hear about your adventures in Chicago. I'm sure you'll find inspiration everywhere. I hope you'll come back and visit the guild from time to time.

MelanieO said...

I'm so sad and happy for you at the same time. I know you'll miss KC, but Chicago... Wow! One of my favorite places ever (lived there for 5years - inlaws live there). And that view!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Good luck with your move!!! You are now on my drive to MN! Big hugs!

cakegirl said...

KC's loss, our gain. So happy you are moving to my here. WELCOME!!!

Tacey Burnham said...

As someone who has had to make some pretty major moves in their lifetime (Calif to Utah to Texas to Hawaii back to Calif), you are in for some major ups and downs. But, in the end, every place we have moved has been a great blessing in our lives and has added so much depth to my view of the world.
No doubt, your move will also add a new dimension to your quilting. I look forward to seeing your evolution.
I wish you the best of luck and know in my heart you will be just fine.

kitty crafter said...

Sounds like me: last year we moved from Overland Park, KS and are now living in a Chicago suburb. Looks like you have a great view! Congrats on the move

Mandalin said...

How very exciting! And more time with hubs, what a beautiful incentive. Romance rocks!

niki said...

Oh, I'm so excited to claim you as our own.

As far as your "Moose", you know that Chicago is absolutely "nutty" about sculpture. Consider "The Bean", "Marilyn" and of course, the "Picasso". I suggest contacting the Chicago Department of Public Works & Recreation.

I"m so very happy to have you here in Chicago. You are my quilting idol. I was so happy that you were being published. You finally got the national recognition you so deserved.

Jennifer said...

promise me you'll jump into the lake.

Rose said...

I know I have never commented much on your blog...but wishing you well in your move.

Sue said...

Oh, I wish you all the best on your move and new adventure in the city! My husband and I have been living apart during the week for almost a year, and until I read your post and the comments, I didn't realize how common our situation is.

Happy purging and packing as you prepare for your big move!

Vivian said...

Good luck to you Jacqui on your move! I think you and your husband will enjoy getting used to the new location, routines and opportunities.

As far as your quilt guild and buddies I have a feeling that there are already a whole buch of Chi-Town quilters that already "know" you!

pat sloan said...

Congrats and Hugs on the big move! It will be exciting!!

sewtakeahike said...

I'm so happy for you, Jacquie!!!! I hope your move goes smoothly and you settle in quickly. I've only been to Chicago a couple of times, but both times I loved it. Good luck to you and your husband and I'm so glad you'll get to spend more time together now!

Allison said...

Congrats on being able to be with your husbands seven days a week instead of just on the weekends.