Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Coming Up for Air!

3 days and counting until the truck arrives and all my furniture and all those boxes I've been so carefully packing will be on their way to Chicago.  I've saved the studio (and the garage...aaaak!) for last on my packing agenda.  I've had my nose to the grindstone, fixing, painting, and sprucing.  The house looks amazing.  It's ready for a new owner (hopefully someone will want to buy her), and I'm ready to say a fond farewell.

I was able to come up for air a bit last week.  I spent a few days in beautiful northern Arkansas talking and teaching with the lovely folks of the Q.U.I.L.T. Guild of Northwest Arkansas.  It was great to get out of the house and back to doing what I love to do.  I had the pleasure of talking to their guild and doing a trunk show as well as teaching a full day workshop on improvisational quilting.  We had a big group and so much fun.  A few friends from the KCMQG came down (thanks guys!) and then there was a bunch from the Arkansas guild.  What wonderful folks...so open, willing to try, jump out of the box and totally talented.  We had a ball!
Carmen posted this on facebook...I was so excited to see it.  My freelance writer friend, Linzee McCray, wrote an article on Modern Quilting for the French magazine, Magic Patch.  It was pretty cool to see my quilts published internationally.  Congrats to Alissa, her quilt is in there too.  Thanks to Carmen for allowing me to use her photo.  I'm hoping my copy will arrive soon!

A few more weeks and I'll be in Chicago permanently.  I'm ready to be settled with my hubby and back to sewing!   Won't be long now!

Be sure to drop by tomorrow for a review of Nancy Zieman's great new book and a chance to win a copy for yourself.


Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I live 40 miles west of Chicago and my daughter and hubby live in a condo on Michagan Ave. We just went to play last Sunday downtown. So much to see and do. Welcome to IL.!!!!

Nathalie said...

My mother enjoyed your lecture/trunk show and your class. I wish I could have been there, but with it being the first week of school, I couldn't get away. I will try to make it the next time you are there.

Nurseli said...

Hoping your move goes smoothly. Hang in there! Moving sucks. But it will be worth it in the end.

Terri said...

Have a safe trip Jaquie. Wishing you a wonderful full of experienced trip to your new home :)

Jeannette said...

Awesome to have your quilts in the magazine! Good luck with the move ... it is no fun except you seem to feel you have become unclutterd since you have to go thru everything to move.

Sequana said...

In your honor, we have ordered hot and humid weather again. Up til now, August has been just cool and wonderful.

Will all the city sirens be going off when you finally arrive like they do for a big sports win? If not, they should. :)

Twisted Quilts said...

I noticed on your FB page that you grew up in Cary, NC. I am in eastern NC. My daughter lives outside of Chicago in Valparasio. I will be looking to see if you have any classes or workshops in Chicago that I might be able to go to. Right now we are cleaning up from hurricane Irene. We have huge pine trees down in the yard, one clipped our house and did a lot of damage. I am sure your remember hurricanes from your time here.

Anonymous said...

I hope you unpack the studio first and take a little break to play before you tackle the rest of the house. I hope the rest of the move goes smoothly!

monika@mysweetprairie.ca said...

Sweet! published in French. That's awesome!
sewing in Saskatoon

What Comes Next? said...

I hope you have a safe and uneventful move! After all the hubbub packing and priming, take some time to unpack your studio first and then relax and enjoy for a minute before tackling the rest!

Sharon said...

I miss you already! Hope the move goes smoothly.

Suzanne said...

Good luck with the packing! I hope it goes smoothly.

ps. my word verification was monooses which reminded me of your moose. Where did he find a new home?

bellsjo said...

Good Luck with the move! I hope everything arrives safely.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Have a safe move - hope everyone and everything arrives safely!

Brigitte said...

Congratulations to your work published international! It's nice to have something here of you in Europe. Have a safe move and a good start in Chicago, lot of new quilting friends!