Monday, September 19, 2011

A Different Kind of Life

Hi all!

I'm in Chicago and surrounded by boxes and it's a bit chaotic, but I'm here and ready to get settled.  Moving from acreage in the country to downtown Chicago is going to be quite a change for me, but I'm embracing it with open arms.

This is the view from my balcony. You should see it at night...simply breathtaking!

So after 24 hours I've learned:
People (especially the ones with dogs) are friendly and helpful!
Take extra poop disposal bags when walking your dog. You never know when you might need an extra. (Bruno is a two bag dog!)
It's great to be able to walk to a grocery store, pharmacy, coffee shop, restaurant, etc. etc.
I didn't purge enough from the old house.  I'm not sure I can make everything fit in the apartment.
It was nice to see my hubby fall asleep during the football game.  (Simply nice to have him underfoot!)
I miss my friends in Kansas.

That's about it for now.  I can't tell you how much I have missed sewing this last month or so.  I'm chomping at the bit to be back to it.  It won't be long now.  Thanks for sticking with me!

The winner of Nancy's book is Flying Blind!  As soon as I get your contact info I'll send it on to Nancy's team and they will send you your book.  Thanks for participating!


pj4beck said...

I was so lucky to visit the Emporia Quilt Guild and get to hear you speak last week! You are so inspiring! And so liberating!! I am such a rule follower! So wonderful to see how you can just take some fabric you love and go with it. I just love it!! Going to try some of your quilitng on a baby quilt I'm working on. Can't wait to get the top together so I can play with it!!
Good Luck settling in! You are a very brave person to make such a big change!!Thank you for taking that extra week so I could hear you speak!!!
I am loving reading your blog!! So much information and ideas!!!

LSS said...

Welcome to Chicago! I look forward to meeting you and the CMQG is excited to have you!

Shoot me an email if you need anything. Maybe we can meet for lunch soon.


Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Glad to hear you're settling in - I'm sure you'll find somewhere to squeeze all your stuff! Congratulations to Hadley!

stitchinpenny said...

Good luck in your new home. Moving is always difficult, but you having quilting to help make new friends and just to comfortyou as you go will make this transition better.

Unknown said...

what an amazing view! It's good to have to back and settled in (kinda!)

sukie said...

Sounds like you're totally setting in. . . and agree with Katy - the view is amazing!

audrey said...

Welcome to Chicago!!! If you need some absolute must try restaurants (mostly of the greasy comfort food variety) let me know, I've got a list a mile long!

**nicke... said...

congrats to hadley! and thank you for picking up your dogs poop! i always curse those irresponsible dog owners who don't pick up their dogs poop! so, thanks for being a great quilter and a great dog owner!

Julie said...

Gorgeous View! Best wishes on your new home!

Sequana said...

Welcome to Chi Town. Do you know yet what your neighborhood is? For example, I live in Rogers Park on the north side.....there is Old Town, New Town, Wicker Park, Albany Park......lots of parks.

Ask around at your new shops - they should know. And have you scoped out a nearby fabric shop?

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Glad you have managed to squeeze into the new place - that's one mighty fine view!

Thank you so much for the winnings - I will email you straight away xxx

Dani said...

Good luck with all the unpacking and craziness that comes with a move.

I think Chicago has some of the nicest people of any city I have been too. Just so polite and helpful!

Poppyprint said...

Glad to hear you are settling in and will be able to sew soon! How's Bruno liking city life?

Debbie said...

We miss you too! Glad you are setting in....

Laurie said...

So glad to see you back on the blog - you've been missed! I do hope that all settles out soon - I've just recently moved and I know all about not purging enough stuff!

Unknown said...

I think you will love Chicago! People really are so friendly. We recently moved to Seattle from central IL (I'm originally a Chicago girl) and I really, really miss the people! Nothing compares to the midwest - and I think Chicago is the perfect combination of big city and midwest comfort. ;)
Good luck with all of your "stuff" - we had to do the same. Somehow it all fit!

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

Glad you are settling in well! I would love to live in a city someday. Hope you have lots of quilts for the cold winters!

monique said...

Home is where your family is!! How is Bruno doing? Thank you for taking us blog readers along. Your blog is comforting and enriching.

Cheryl Arkison said...

That is quite the view! Glad to hear from you, you've been on my mind a lot lately.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

I live in a smaller city, and I can't imagine moving to Chicago, I can imagine how you feel from the country.

VickiT said...

Holy cow! You really DID move right into the city of Chicago. You never know when someone says they will be moving to Chicago where they actually mean. So many consider 'Chicago' to be anything from Indiana/IL state line all the way to practically Marengo when they say that. LOL I've lived in IL all my life other than a short 6-8 months in WI and can honestly say I freak out when driving to downtown Chicago. I used to be much worse and am getting better now although even with us being only about 2 hrs outside downtown we haven't been down there for a couple years now. I have forever wanted to drive into the city to go to the Vogue store but haven't done that yet. You should check that out when you're more settled. They have a few locations but the big one is where I want to go. Another blogger wrote about that about a year ago maybe and given her description you'll want to wear tennis shoes and be ready to do lots of stairs because it's on multiple levels with no elevators. This is one reason I've dragged my feet a bit at going. My horrible knees won't allow me to do stairs without great difficulty. :(

Glad that you're no longer missing hubby. You're much stronger than I. I'd absolutely hate not seeing mine for even one day because we are so close. Have lots of fun investigating your new surroundings and if you ever get out toward Rockford, let me know because that my neck of the woods and I'd love to say hi in person.

Di~ said...

Good to hear from you!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Welcome to Chicago!! You will love it and there is always something to do!! Make SURE you go and see the Thanksgiving Parade it is so much fun!!

Suzanne said...

People in big cities are a lot nicer that a lot of people give them credit for. The points you mentioned remind me of when we lived in NYC. I miss it. I hope you are sewing again soon. I've missed your inspirational quilt pictures.

Suzanne said...

That last bit sounded a little selfish. I didn't mean it that way. :-)

Camilla said...

Moving is a challenge, but also energising in a new place. Do you know FunQuilts' Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr in Oak Park Chicago? I expect you do and if not you'll soon overlap in Modern quilting circles I guess.
Happy settling, I'll look forward to seeing what the city inspires...

Victoria said...

Best wishes on your new digs, Jacquie! I look forward to seeing how your new location emerges and influences your work. I am sure inspiration will reveal its self everywhere, and I somewhat envy the easy access you will have to art galleries and museums! Enjoy!!

Shari said...

There's a certain vibrancy and energy to city living. And amazing architecture and light angles and history. May you find inspiration and exhiliration in your new environment. And of course, many new quilty friends!

Kritta22 said...

Oh I'm so glad you are seeing the good sides!! You are a superstar!!!

Mary P said...

Welcome to Chicago. I moved here from Boston 5 years ago and was so surprised at how nice people are. I still find it to be true. I can't wait to see how your new environs inspire you.

Anonymous said...

Good luck continuing the settling in process! What a wonderful view!!

CitricSugar said...

Welcome back! Best of luck settling in and making your way...

agent99 said...

Welcome to Chicago! Love your blog and quilt designs...and hope to run into you at a quilty event soon. Let your readers know if you need local know, local quilt shops, craft stores....oh, and I guess restaurants....

Good Luck in your new home!

paulette said...

Wow! You are in for an exciting change!! Good luck!

Paula said...


Miss you so much already. have no idea how locky you are!

MightyMom said...

So glad you're settling in!
Build your nest and you'll feel at home!

Julierose said...

I am a new follower and blogger--wow--what a change from country mouse to city mouse!! Sounds like a lot of things are more accessible and the view must be spectacular--good luck..Julierose

kait. said...

Your view is AMAZING! I love Chicago, I hope you do too. Good luck getting settled.

Kat said...

So now the fun have such a wonderful city to explore. I look forward to seeing if city living has any effect on your quilting style. There is so much inspiration to be found in Chicago- of course not the earthy, organic kind of inspiration that you are used to! We live across the lake in Indiana where on clear nights you can see the sunset over the Chicago skyline.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the move has been accomplished. Settling in will take a while, but you've certainly got the right attitude. And your quilting will be a wonderful calling card to a whole new set of friends. Enjoy the view, and make the most of your new life. And the sooner you get through the worst of the boxes, the sooner you'll be able to sew.
Debbie R.

Debby said...

We've missed you!
I'm envious of the new adventure and would love to jet off to try out new digs for a while. The view is just beautiful and it sounds like the city as has some fun places to check out.
Good luck and welcome back!

Debby said...

By the way, I've been wondering if you're going to change the name of your blog or at least add a caviat like "Tallgrass blowing in the Chicago winds" or how about "Tallgrass meets Tallglass".
Hope you settle in soon and get to have some sewing fun.

Junk It Folk said...

Welcome to Chicago! As an (almost)life long area resident, I can attest to the fact that Chicago is the most user-friendly of the big cities. You will love it here. You will never run out of things to do! Winter can be no-so-nice, but if you embrace it, you can find beauty in it, too. Enjoy!