Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

It's official! It's real! I pinched myself and I'm wide awake. It's not a dream! The book is finally on Amazon for pre-order. I have one of those permanent smiles on my face today!
I'm so proud of it.  I'm hoping you all will love it as much as we do. The next milestone will be actually holding the real thing in my hands.


Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

Congratulations !!! I will be watching for it! Love the cover.

Beth said...

congratulations, jacquie! I can't wait to read it! You capacity to inspire just grew enormously!

tracy_a said...

Congratulations! Looks great!

Karamat said...

Congrats!!! How exciting!!

Michelle in NH said...

Congratulations to YOU! I'm looking forward to reading it & marveling at your color & design choices. Thank you.

Sequana said...

That darned Fat Quarterly team beat you by one day!

I'm sure yours will sell more. *snicker*

Debbie said...

congrats - I cannot wait!!

Taya@TypeB said...

How exciting! I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on it! Congrats, Jacqui!

Christine L said...

How Exciting for you! Congrats!!!I look forward to getting a copy.

Candied Fabrics said...

Wow! Love the cover! Big congrats!

Vicki said...

It looks great! Congratulations!

Agnes Wong said...

A day of awsesomeness! Congratulations on the new book. I can't wait to add it to my collection.

Kathleen said...

WOW! Congrats. I'm putting in a pre-order! :)

Cheryl Arkison said...


Zibu said...

Congratulations!! I've been reading your blog and admiring your beautiful quilts forever (it was one of the first blogs I subscribed to when I learned that one could do that!) and I'm so excited for you and your new book!! Congrats again and hope that the settling-in is going well.

Rebecca Lynne said...

CONGRATULATIONS! You go! I can't wait to see it in person...

sukie said...

Woohoo!!! Adding it to the list of must have!

Rachel said...

CONGRATS!!! That is awesome!!

Lynn said...

Wow! This is terrific, so happy for you. I love the product description on Amazon! Congratulations!

Joy said...

Wow...love the cover. Congratulations!! I can't wait to get a copy!

audreypawdrey said...

congratulations! That is awesome news!

Miki Willa said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see what's inside. I love the cover.

Unknown said...

WOW congratulations - so many new things in such a short period of time

Dani said...

That's wonderful! Congratulations! That is an accomplishment not many people make in their lives - something very special! *off to Amazon to pre-order*

www.randomthoughtsdoordi.com said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment

Melissa said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to get my own copy :)

Anonymous said...


Donna said...

Congratulations! I'll be watching the store shelves for this book! Now go take a nap cuz you deserve it.

Pétra said...

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see the inside :)

Sharon said...

You will have to come back to KCMQG when you do your book tour!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Congrats! totally awesome! :)

connie said...

Congratulations!!! What an accomplishment!

Camille said...

Congrats Jacquie!! It looks wonderful. Can't wait to get one. Cheering for you over here!

Sarah said...

I can only imagine how exciting that must be! Beautiful cover!

Jake said...

WOOHOOO! I can't wait to see it.

Kelly @ Vintage Fabric Studio said...

Many congratulations on seeing your hard work and creativity come to fruition! And your new banner is pretty sweet too, you're a city girl now!

ecuakim said...

Fabulous. Can't wait to see it!

Jan said...

So darn cool; congratulations!!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh that is amazing!! I cannot wait to hold it in my hands too!

Nanette Merrill said...

I'm getting it. I would love it if you would sign it. Will you have any available from you that I can purchase and have you sign for me?

sandra said...

Congratulations you have worked hard to get here and I for one love all of your quilts. Blessings Sandra

Tacey Burnham said...

I can't wait to get my copy. I hope that one day we can meet in person so you can sign it for me. What an accomplishment! Congratulations!

Marty Mason said...

Oh, yes, what a great reason to smile. But with your talent, you deserve all the credit you get. Can't wait to get a copy.

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

WOW! congratulations! do we get a sneaky peek?

Kristy said...

Congratulations!! You certainly deserve this good news after the last few crazy months you've had.

Megan said...

Just awesome!

Live a Colorful Life said...

SO SEW excited to get my hands on this book!!!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

So so so exciting!

Valerie said...

Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I can't wait to get it! The cover looks great. Hope the permagrin lasts and lasts...

One Shabby Chick said...

Yeah...so excited for both of you....and I love the new blog look.

May Kristin said...

Wow! Congratulations! So happy for you! I will look out for this book!

jednoiglec said...

A couple of weeks ago I was just wondering when your book will be announced to release:) It's good to see the cover and I hope that soon Amazon will give some preview.

Sharon T said...

Congratulations! Love your work and your blog. Welcome to Chicago!

Lindsay said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see the book in person.

Anna said...

Fantastic! Congratulations, and I can't wait to see it!

Poppyprint said...

Wonderful news!

Nova said...

yippeee!!!! happy day indeed! congrats, it's so exciting :)

MariQuilts said...

Congrats....this is so wonderful for you. I'll be sure to head right over to Amazon.

IslandQuilter said...

This is so exciting for you and Katie. I can hardly wait for the book to come out!!!

Best Wishes!

Paige said...

That's so exciting! Congratulations!

Dawn said...

A big congratulations on your book. Can't wait to see it!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Jaquie!! I am looking forward to having it in my hands too!

Elizabeth said...

Simply awesome. What a spectacular year you have had, no? And congrats on the new look, it's perfect.

Anna said...

I can't wait!!! totally awesome!

Arita said...

Congrats to you and Katie. The cover is awesome.

What Comes Next? said...

how wonderful!

Little Bluebell (Adrianne) said...

Congratulations!! The cover is gorgeous and I can't wait to see more.

Paula said...

Ordered!! Can't wait to get it. I want you to sign my copy when I see you again. Congrats Jacquie.

Linda said...

The cover is beautiful, can't wait to see the rest of it! Congratulations on being a published author.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting I'd be smiling all day too. I can't wait to get one!

Suzanne said...

WOW!! What an amazing accomplishment!

Chris {frecklemama} said...

Wahooo!!! So exciting! I am smiling because on my longarm this week is a quilt that needs pebbling and two quilts that need the cube meander - both of which are on your gorgeous cover.

I am thrilled for you and can't wait to get a copy when available. I also can't wait to meet you next week at SS!

Chris {frecklemama} said...

d'oh, I just realized that I don't think you're going to Sewing Summit. Darn!

Vivian said...

Oh wow, what an achievement! I can't wait to see this one! Will there be a blog hop to introduce the book?

Trisha said...

If I am this excited you must be REALLY excited!! Congrats!!!!

em's scrapbag said...

That is so totally awesome. So very happy for you!

Victoria said...

Congratulations, Jacquie! I am thrilled for you! xo V

Nathalie said...

congratulations!! I can't wait to get it.

syko kajsa said...

Woohoo!!! Congrats Jacquie!!! I love the look of it!

Meg said...

Jacquie, where is your cape? Cuz you are SuperWoman! A move, a book, a blog, the teaching and speaking, the quilts! Holy cow, you're making me feel lazy! By which I mean congrats, and thank you for being so inspiring!

Miriam said...

Congratulations Jacquie!!!!

I love the new look on your blog too!

Melissa said...

Wonderful news, Jacquie! Congratulations! I can hardly wait to take a peek inside :)

Mandalin said...

oh. my. gosh! that is very exciting!

Mama Spark said...

Congratulations! It couldn't happen to a nice person!!

Rebecca Lynne said...

I Pre-Ordered! Cannot wait!!!

Stephanie D said...

Awesome! I'm not a modern or improvisational quilter, but I'm going to have to buy this because I know one of the authors!! (Well, okay, I CYBERknow one of them.) Yippee!

calicodaisy said...

Congratulations! I've got it on my Amazon wish list! -- michele

MightyMom said...


so, WHEN are you coming???!!!!

ayumills said...

Congratulations, Jacquie!! This is completely amazing but not surprising!! I can't wait to get my hands on it!!!

Brigitte said...

I'm so proud of you too!!! Congratulations for this achievement

happy zombie said...

I am so thrilled, and so happy, and so excited… and that's just for me, the consumer! But ditto that for you - I know your book is going to not just fly off the shelves, but there's going to be rocket boosters on them and they well jet off the shelves faster than the speed of sound!

Super, duper, duper, duper congrats!!!!

Amanda Jean said...

A big huge congratulations to you and Katie! The cover looks awesome! Can't wait to see what's inside.

Allison said...

A very late congrats! Just catching way up on your blog, it's been awhile since I read it.