Monday, October 10, 2011

Quilt Retro

Happy Monday!  I have another book to share with you this morning. This one is written by KC MQG member, Jenifer Dick.  Jenifer has a unique voice and and has put together a wonderful book with a retro vibe.  I'm so excited for her!

You can read about Jenifer's inspiration and the story behind this quilt, Dinner Bell.  I'll just say, I love creative!
The book is filled with creative, unique projects, many of them using applique.  Jenifer shares her simple, no nonsense method and gives lots of tips for applique success.  I know I could use those.

Jenifer has generously provided a copy of her book to one of my readers.  Leave a comment and talk some you do hand, or machine? I'll draw a winner on Wednesday.

Continue on the tour with  Deb Rowden of Deb Rowden’s Thrift Shop Quilts, and check out all the tour stops!

Thursday 10/6Me!

PS...the winner of Deploy That Fabric is Robin, of Robin Island Crafts!  Congrats!!!


Anonymous said...

That quilt is amazing! Nice to see some applique making its way into the modern quilt world! I would love to read about her insights and methods.

I love applique, both hand and machine. I machine applique most often since I always want to get to the next project. But, if I had all the time I wanted, I'd hand applique it all :)

jill/marny said...

This design is so creatively modern that I may have to rethink applique. I'm very curious to see the book! Thanks for the heads up,

krislovesfabric said...

I have done both but I like the speed of machine applique. I could definitely use the tips to improve both! Thanks for the chance.

Pamela V said...

Would love to see more of her work...very cool.

Anita said...

I don't do it, I'm afraid of it!

Michele said...

I'm still practicing applique skills. I've tried several methods.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I love applique. I do it mostly by machine but I really enjoy sitting down and hand appliqueing. I do need lots of practice still but I know eventually my stitches will become even and my shapes will be smooth eventually.

Kerstin said...

That sure looks like a wonderful book! Lately, I've been really into applique, but I don't have the patience for hand applique, so it's strictly machine for me.

Lesly said...

Applique is definitely on my list of skills to learn - looks like a fantastic book to learn from!

Cindy said...

I do both! - hand and machine appliqué. This book looks wonderful!

Susan said...

I have been quilting for about 8 years now & so far have avoided applique. Most designs I've seen are too "cutsie" for my taste. But the pattern shown is so bold & beautiful! I'd be willing to try!

FlourishingPalms said...

What a pretty quilt "Dinner Bell" is! I can picture it hanging in a stair well. Applique: I really, really tried to like doing it by hand, but it just takes too much time. I'm a get'er done kind of gal, so machine applique is better for me. I could whip up a machine appliqued quilt in no time. Thanks for the chance to win such a nice looking book.

♥Duff said...

love the quilting on Jennifer's quilt--it really adds a layer of style and interest. I learned to hand applique first and I still think it's the most beautiful, but I'm not against machine appliqueing anything that's going to get a lot of use.

Maggie said...

Amazing gorgeous book! I'm just learning to appliqué!

pklaw said...

Applique scares me! Plus it generally is used so traditionally that it doesn't appeal to me - floral, baskets, little birdies, etc. But this quilt is so amazing I want to give it a try! I'm definitely putting this book on my list!

Anonymous said...

I have made many applique projects over the years. I enjoy the challenge. This book looks very interesting.

Marjorie said...

Hand applique is my thing, though I will occasionally use the machine, which in turn cures me from the idea of not hand-stitching for about 6 months.

elle said...

A wonderful example of all that is great about quilting Today! Looks like a great addition to any library.

Patty said...

I'm working on appliquéing wool on some Japanese Daiwabo cotton fabric. I really like using the two different textures. I'm using Valdani variegated perl cotton 8 to blanket stitch my shapes down. It's primitively modern in my humble opinion.

sally said...

What a wonderful book. Usually with applique I use the machine. But it would be fun to try doing it by hand. Looking forward to see who wins this great book.

kynomi said...

The only applique I have done was by machine. Of course, I try to do everything by machine--I don't like handwork.

Tacey Burnham said...

I have done applique by machine but not that often. I would definitely like to learn more about the technique.

Elsa said...

Love the quilt and the book looks wonderful!
thanks for the giveaway.
Oh, love the new look of your blog.

tropicslady said...

I haven't done any applique. I've been watching it on PBS quilt shows and on YouTube videos, but haven't built up a confidence level to try it. It is time!


Mary Anne said...

I've never tried hand applique but I do enjoy machine applique. There are so many new quilting books coming out that it's hard to choose! Quilt Retro is definitely on my "to buy" list...unless I am a lucky winner on this blog tour.

Hope all's well in the Windy City!

Karen said...

I have hand and machined appliqued... But I am not very good at either. Some tips would be wonderful!

Nicci P said...

I recently learned the starch method at a MQG meeting and really like the results. That Dinner Bell quilt is just great... I would love to see more examples of her work.

Brigette said...

I haven't tried applique, but I like the look and desire to try it.

**nicke... said...

i use freezer paper to applique. it gives me a perfectly beautiful edge.

mek said...

I mainly hand applique - unless I am doing raw-edge stuff. I've always done needle-turn but recently finally tried the freezer paper method. I'm not completely converted, but I can see some advantages.

Aim said...

I have just finished up my first quilt top, I did some machine applique. I have done lots of applique's on bags and other things that I have made. I would love this book, it looks very interesting!

Craftykaren said...

I have tried both hand and machine appliqué. My favorite projects were Hawaiin hand appliqué wall hangings.

connie said...

I love to applique and my favorite is needle turn! I am not very good with the machine for applique.

wintunancy said...

WOW! The quilting on the piece you showed is amazing! Thanks for sharing a copy of the book with one of your readers.

Erin said...

I really enjoy the process of applique done by hand. I love hand work. But I have done it by machine. In my mind, it's not as satisfying that way.

The Retired Mama said...

I would love to say that I do applique by hand-- but no, I am way to lazy/ impatient for that. I really do admire those who do hand work. Someday----

Maxine said...

Have not tried applique yet..Love the look of the piece you showed. Would also love to read or know more about the book

Jules said...

i have never tried applique before, it seems a little scary i'll admit!. although i think there are some great ideas out there.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

I'm a big fan of raggy edge applique! Thanks for the chance to win this book :)

Flaun said...

I've yet to do hand applique, but will try it if I win the book!

Hrönnsa said...

I do applique by machine but would love to try it by hand...maybe one day. Book looks amazing, love the color combos :)

folksmith said...

i never thought that i would do applique until i saw someone doing it with freezer paper. in fact, i loved it so much i even taught classes at the quilt store that i worked in. once i've glued the edges down i am ready to hand applique, sometimes, just to be quick, i will machine applique.

Jenny said...

ive never done applique, but that doesnt stop me from buying books and patterns featuring applique!

Dan R said...

I do machine applique. One of these days I'll tackle hand applique!

Sally Langston Warren said...

I enjoy doing hand applique. I find it very relaxing. I would like to learn how to do machine applique. I enjoy reading about how others get inspiration for their quilts. I feel more normal to read that Jenifer finds her inspiration everywhere and lots of times the ideas just fall into her lap. Inspiration strikes me in the same way. I'm always thinking about quilts and quilt design and's almost a family joke. Would love opportunity to win a copy of Jenifer's new book! Thanks....

Elsie Montgomery said...

Oh, this is interesting. I've tried every form of applique and like the old-fashioned needle turn about the best. However, I did a Rhapsody using Ricky Tims machine blanket stitch and that quilt could not look any better... so that is a fav too.

Wenchequilts said...

I love applique! I do machine applique, combining them with hand embroidery and big stitches. There is no limit! (and there is no quilt police anymore ;-))
Big hugs from Norway!

Michele, a distracted quilter said...

Applique has always intimidated me. I've always wanted to take a class to explore different methods and techniques.

trudys_person said...

Applique is not my favourite, but I love the look, combined with piecing ... so when I do it, it it fusible/machine applique. Thank you for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Very cool looking quilt and book! My applique is all raw edge, usually fused. I have so many things I want to make that it would take too long to hand quilt!!


MollyP said...

This book sounds wonderful. I have done a little bit of machine applique, but very little. It kinda scares me. I have recently finished cutting a quilt that will be applique, so I'm hoping all goes well. Trial and error. Thanks!

felicity said...

Love these quilts! I do a little applique and I'm about to do a lot - 3 fundraiser quilts for my daughter's preschool. I use fusible web and a scribbly stitch in darker thread to attach it.

Brenda said...

I do needle-turned applique by hand. thanks for the chance at the book.

DianeY said...

I've used applique on clothing for years and have done some Hawaiian quilting (pillows). But for the most part, I've never done applique for a quilt-not sure why!

Mary P said...

All the applique I've done has been by machine but I'd like to try hand work.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Looks like an amazing book - I applique by hand and machine...but not usually at the same time! Thanks for the giveaway!

Alli said...

That dinner bell quilt is so striking! I love it!

I only do raw-edge machine applique. Needle-turned applique makes my tummy upset. :D

Lisa E said...

Wow, beautiful quilts. I do machine applique. Thanks for the giveaway.

Pattie Crum said...

I've done all types but think there is a place for both hand and machine. Welcome to Il. hope you're feeling at home in the big city.

Sharon said...

I've done very little applique. It's kinda intimidating but I might have to try some of Jenifer's projects.

Gill said...

I love Dinner Bell!
I like to do machine applique

Beth said...

I'm trying to learn to machine applique smoothly, but I find hand appliqueing so cozy that it's my favorite technique. Either way, I'm still a total beginner.

Thank you for hosting this giveaway. I love to read about the new books that are being published.

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

Karen M said...

Love the retro. I have done applique by hand. I have just gotten a new machine, though, and am looking forward to learning some new machine tricks.

Andrea said...

I've never tried applique, neither by hand nor by machine, but would love to try it. Thanks for the giveaway!

Tamara Hampton said...

I have only done hand applique, but im getting brave enough to try it on the machine! Ive loved everything ive seen from her book so far!! tamaraboatright at hotmail dot com

Margaret said...

I've tried both techniques and suck at both! I'd love to have some hints and tips about how to improve my skills.

sewquick said...

Love the Dinner Bell quilt! I've done a bit of machine applique...with the help of steam-a-seam! (No patience for hand applique)

Mary said...

When I first started quilting I thought applique would be my favorite. Well it turned out I hated it. Funny though I am so drawn to it. The project you are showing really makes me rethink my opinion of applique. I would love to win this book but if I don't I will probably buy it to see if I can be a convert.
Thanks for the heads up about the book.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I have always done needle turn, but recently I did two blocks with a blanket stitch on my machine. I used a small blanket stitch with silk thread in the top.

I watched a video that showed me how to switch back and forth to the straight stitch to travel so I wouldn't have so many stops and starts. I love it!

Cheryl Arkison said...

It looks like there are some fun quilts in this book. Nice to see.

Patrick said...

I have not ventured into the applique world, yet. Maybe this book will be my gateway?

Grey Cat said...

I'm learning to love applique, and I'm learning to love doing it by hand. I taught myself ages ago, and never really did anything with applique, but now I'm finding lots of designs that I want to work up in applique.

Morgan said...

I've never appliquéd before, and I've always wanted to try. I suspect I'd do it by machine, because I'm pretty lazy. This book looks great- I love the quilt on the cover with the birds! Thanks for the giveaway!

Allison C said...

I'm new to sewing so I have only tried applique once. I did it by machine using a tight zigzag stitch and two years later I need to repair it. I'm not sure what I did wrong. Oh well.

Dolores said...

I've only tried raw edge applique which I quite liked since it was simple to do. I also used a glue stick instead of iron-on adhesive, so easy.


Cheryl said...

I love the look of hand applique, but have seen some beautiful machine work too. I think it's good to have skills both ways, but I would always prefer by hand if I had the time.

Carla G said...

I love the look of applique, but haven't done any yet as I'm new to quilting! I can't wait to try it! Thanks for a great giveaway! :)

imatopper said...

My arthritis won't let me do hand applique but I do it by machine.

Anonymous said...

steeplechaser29 (at) yahoo (dot) com

I have done applique... but it's been several years. I think I've done it by hand and machine though.

Lynne said...

Applique has a definite place in modern quilting... I have so many ideas, just so little time. Learning more about machine applique to help my busy schedule. Thanks for the heads-up. Both books look great!

Naomi said...

Wow. Love the Dinner Bell quilt. I'm new(er) to quilting & sewing. I have been afraid to applique. But it's on the list of things I want to learn.

Unknown said...

Love the quilt you pictured - Congratulations Jenifer your book looks like a winner!

I like to machine applique with a little Lapel Stick to keep things where I set them!

SewLindaAnn said...

I like applique and I'm presently fusing a stabilizer to shapes and using a machine blanket stitch to apply. I love the fresh ideas I'm seeing in the pictures!

Marcia W. said...

One of the reasons I would like to win this book is to learn more about applique. I've done very little hand and machine applique, and want to glean more recent techniques. Thanks for the chance.

Tamie said...

I keep trying to love applique. I have not attempted it by machine, determined to conquer the hand method first. I'd love some inspiration.

Tammy said...

I've tried machine applique and enjoyed the result. Would love to win the book.

Lindsay said...

I've yet to try applique - it sort of scares me, but I'd love to give it a try.

ritainalaska said...

i♥applique! by machine if it doesn't have lots of little pieces, then by hand. most of it is fusible, some done with freezer paper. so i'm glad this bok has applique! thanx for the opporutnity to win it!

Anonymous said...

other than some fusible applique with a zigzag finish, I have been too scared to try it. Maybe the book will convince me otherwise ;)

geezbees 75 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I have a raw edge applique quilt to do but I'm still afraid of it. My granddaughter asks me every time if I've started her quilt.. I'd love to have some inspiration to just do it.. this book maybe what I need. Fingers crossed.

kayjay957 at yahoo dot com

Lisa England said...

I use different applique methods depending on what the item I'm making will be used for. I do prefer applique with turned edges for durability when washing. That dinner bell quilt is so unique and beautiful!

Jittina said...

To be honost, I haven't tried applique yet. But there are so many beautiful patterns out on the internet and in books, so I have no doubt I will try it one of these days.

Unknown said...

that really does look like an awesome book. I like both hand and machine applique, depending on the project.

Julia Graber said...

Applique goes best for me by machine. Love that "Dinner Bell" quilt. It looks like a great book.

Cindy said...

To be honest, I've not tried applique yet. I'm fairly new to quilting and would love to learn how to do this. This book looks really interesting and different- would love to win a copy!

Bridget said...

Amazing and graceful, that's what this quilt is! PS Love your blog, which is one of the first I subscribed to...and you're still going strong!

Lyanna L. said...

What a fun book that I could use in my quilting library! I have started to dive into the world of machine applique but lets just say it isn't the best work out there =)

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Recently I've been doing some wool applique, but I also like hand and machine applique.

liz said...

I would love to learn more about applique - love the peek I've had at this book, can't wait to see more! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jackie Russell said...

Love the quilt and quilting!

Live a Colorful Life said...

I tried hand applique and it totally stressed me out. A few weeks ago I tried machine applique and I think that will work for me. Looks like a wonderful book!

Jocelyn said...

The only applique I have attempted has been by machine. I don't think I could do hand applique, but I'm usually able to use my machine when I need to. Thanks!

audreypawdrey said...

I have only tried machine applique so far for my daughter's dresses. I haven't tried any on quilts yet!

Poppyprint said...

I'm appliquedextrous. I can go both ways. One day when I am able to sit longer and relax and focus I hope to so more hand applique. For now I reserve it only for special little things and tend to do fusible/machine applique most often.

Suzanne said...

I really appreciate applique but don't think I'm very good at it. I would love to learn from Jenifer.

Dresden Quilter said...

I have done both hand and machine applique though not too much of either one. It is something I would like to do more often.

audrey said...

i much prefer needleturn applique to anything else i've tried so far, but i know that some projects need some different.

One Shabby Chick said...

I love applique but am a bit too lazy/impatient to do it by hand so machine is usually the way I go...this book looks amazing!

Surely Stitching said...

Yes, I do applique, mostly by machine. My next applique projects are small quilts I'm making as Christmas gifts (for friends' cats!).

Pattij said...

Oh, this book looks like a good one! I started out quilting by hand, but am doing more machine quilting. But I do love wrapping up in the quilt while hand quilting and watching TV!

Deb said...

I'm so in love with this book! I love retro, so this will definitely go in my library, even if I don't win! I don't do a lot of applique, but I do enjoy it...I do machine applique and I love how easy it is with a little practice. I haven't done any applique with my quilting, but I embellish onesies and tshirts and the like with initials or other designs. Thanks for the chance!

Judi said...

Awesome book - thanks for the chance to win one! As for applique, I love it all, but prefer hand applique.

patty a. said...

I have done both hand and machine applique. I haven't done much lately, but this book looks like it would inspire me to do some! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I only quilt by hand as I don't have a machine set up fot it. I really like the mix of quilting patterns you used.

Sallie said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I have done hand and machine applique. I prefer hand applique because I can do take it out of the sewing room and spend time with others while doing it.

Mummy Kim said...

This book looks fantastic!! I have never appliqued before… I'm a bit new to the whole sewing world so maybe down the line I will give it a try. I have seen some beautiful applique work in my internet travels
mcintosh dot kimberley at gmail dot com

Jeanne Gwin said...

I do like to applique, raw edge, needle turn, and any other way there is. I just finished a Farmer Sam and SunBonnet Sue baby quilts for a friend of mine. They were fun to make and of course have the raw edge machine applique on them

Catskill Quilter said...

I do satin stitch applique, and blanket stitch applique by machine, but I would love to learn her new method!

susanlr said...

What a wonderful book. I cant wait to take a peek at it.

Patty said...

I love the fish wall hanging. It's so cute!

Michele T said...

This book would be awesome to have!! I love applique and sew them on lovingly by hand - it just looks terrific.

Michelle said...

These quilts are stunning. Love the use of the solids.

Sharon said...

I have several Kona solids I would love to use, but don't know where to begin. This book could help.

Miranda said...

I've tried applique a few times. A little by hand and a little with the machine. Faster to do it with the machine but you get 2 different looks.

babiesdoc said...

I have made a few applique quilts all by machine. one with raw edge hearts and one with tightly sewn dresses.

I probably wouldn't do much hand applique and I like instant gratification

Heather A said...

I'm more comfortable with hand work than machine work. I'm only just becoming acquainted with a machine. My applique work has mostly been working with vintage handkerchiefs and hand appliqueing them onto block which then my sewing genius Mom has sewn into quilt tops. Then I hand quilt. It's time I learned to do the whole process by myself. I'd also like to try machine applique once I get used to using a machine. First I need to tackle a straight and accurate quarter inch seam.

I love this dinner bell table runner/quilt. The book looks great!