Friday, October 21, 2011

Sew It All TV...The Inside Scoop

Welcome to the set of Sew It All TV with your host Ellen March and her fabulous crew.
As soon as I walked into the studio I felt at home.  Can you see why?  Orange, orange and more orange. Orange everywhere and touches of lime green. Ellen even has the same orange totes I have in my studio. After a few seconds of gawking, it was right to work unpacking, prepping step outs.
I was looking forward to this magic chair, hoping it would transport me to the place where there are no bags under eyes, long sexy eyelashes, and flawless complexions, but alas there were no disappearing wrinkle creams or magic potions, so I had to appear as myself.
Angela was great and with a light touch she coiffed my hair and fixed my face (as much as this face can be fixed) and sent me on my way.
Kim, who is the go to gal for everything on set, helped me prep.  She threaded the machine and changed the needle (which I BROKE!) and showed me the ropes.  I spent a bit of time at the machine practicing.  You wouldn't think I would have to practice, but I am a creature of habit...sewing on my problem...someone else''s like I'm a teenage boy who took home ec just to meet girls and has never sewn a stitch.
The set was dressed with some inspiration from me.  Amazing that the sewing machine cover worked perfectly on the set!
Behind this table is where all the action happens.  Did you know that on TV you have to work upside down?  All the practicing I did at home, the step outs were facing me like I was watching TV...well, on set it was just the opposite.  Of course, makes total sense when you're home, not so much.  Ellen was a terrific host, so at ease and supportive.  It's all a blur to me.  I think I did fine.  I guess we'll all be able to judge when the show airs.  Want to come over and have a watch party?  I think wine and salt and vinegar chips will be served! Or maybe I'll let you all watch it and you can tell me about it.

This is what you see as a guest on the show.  The crew, the camera guy, sound guy, etc.  The guys were terrific and turns out everyone of them had a Kansas connection.  They were either from Kansas, went to school in Kansas, or worked in TV stations in Kansas.  I couldn't have been more at home.  I got to know the sound guy the best.  You get to know someone fast when they have to put wires down your shirt and battery packs on your pants. Turns out that well endowed women are a sound guy's worst nightmare. Cords tend to shift more and don't lay flat like they should.  Double stick tape however, is a sound guy's best friend.

What you don't see is the director.  She is the voice behind the curtain, sort of like the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz.  Most of the time when you hear from her, you've messed up in some way.  I heard from her.  Thank goodness I met her earlier so I could picture her smiling face as I heard the words in the headset tell me where to start over.
In a flash it was over and I was grabbing my suitcase and running for the Super Shuttle to take me to the airport and back to my everyday workaday world and out of the stunningly orange world of Sew It All TV.
The show is currently airing season two. My episode will be in season 3. Stay tuned and be sure to contact your local PBS station and ask them to carry the show!


Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a great day. Unfortunately we won't be able to see it here in the UK but I'm sure you did a great job.

Joy said...

Oh what a shame I cant watch that here in the UK. I always wish there was more crafting shows on telly. The set looks lovely so gald you enjoyed it.

Marty Mason said...

What a great way to spend the day - can't wait til it airs here....I'm excited.

Spice said...

WOW! That's so cool. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

You must be so glad it is over! I think I would have been too nervous to talk :)

Caro said...

Congratulations to you and the sewing machine covers looked great. One question -- the thread caddy next to the blue sewing machine cover was wonderful. Is it yours or was it just a display piece? I'd love to have one if you can provide any info on how I can find one. Thanks.

carol said...

How fun! Did anyone ask for your autograph? I would have!

Angela Nash said...

So cool! Thanks for taking us along! Make sure you update us when it's on WTTW!

Sara said...

What a fun day that must have been!!

I guess my local PBS doesn't have it---booo:(

Megan said...

What a fantastic adventure!

Debbie said...

Very cool! What a great opportunity & I love the orange studio - what fun...

Candied Fabrics said...

Hooray! Done! And I'll bet you were fabulous! I love those pillows - did you make them too? The set overall is very pretty! Smart girl to take a picture of all the camera folks - I remember my first time on tv set I was sooooo scared to look at that part that I didn't, and then when my kids asked me how many cameras there were, I had no idea ;-)

Anyway, congrats!!! I'm gonna go set up my DVR to tape this show :-) Then I won't miss you when you do appear!

Brenis said...

Woot!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!! I bet you were on a high all day after that :) This was super cool to see the behind the scenes shots, and your comments about the teenage boy cracked me up! Not to mention getting to know the sound guy pretty intimately! LOL Good for you Jacquie!!! Wish we could see it NOW!!! :)

MariQuilts said...

Thanks for sharing the fabulous. I love the set too. Congrats

Cheryl Arkison said...

I've never heard of the show. I must check my station. But yes, I am totally down for a viewing party. Let me know when to book my flight!

Sharon said...

That's amazing! Can I have your autograph?

Anonymous said...

So much behind the scenes! It's amazing to see all the people and equipment involved.

Can't wait to see your episode!

Poppyprint said...

What fun!!! Thanks for the behind the scenes peek!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

When it gets bootlegged to You Tube, let us know!!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Sounds like a great day, I'm sure you did really well! As Hadley said, let us know when we can see it on You Tube!

Kristen said...

So awesome! I love that this show is getting some wonderful people who are also my fav bloggers. I look forward to it!

Aimee said...

That's awesome Jacquie! So much fun!

Live a Colorful Life said...

I'm with you on the orange. And yes, to salt and vinegar chips and wine. I'll be there! How exciting! I will definitely check PBS listings here--fingers crossed.

CitricSugar said...

Jacquie, when are you going to realize that you're beautiful?

It sounds like the whole thing went well! The first few times on TV for anyone are kinda crazy. I've done the local news community segment (pretending to be Martha Stewart) a couple of times and I never feel like I know what I'm doing. And that just airs here. I hope that our PBS affiliate carries it...

Miri said...

How exciting! Thanks for the peek behind the curtain!

Anonymous said...

I know those pillows!

Awesome. Calling you tomorrow!

Batangas City real estate said...

Nice set. Sadly, i haven't heard of the show yet. The interior was fascinating and now, i love the color Orange. Those pillows are something i want to have in my room.

MightyMom said...

you're really going places girl!!

Now, tell me about the book! Do you have a release date yet? Have I missed it?