Monday, October 17, 2011

Stepping Back

For me, a design wall is so important to my process.  My new studio has two 4x8 sheets of foam insul-board covered and it's great for putting pieces up, but stepping back is also important.  What I mean by stepping back is being able to move back from your design wall, to see value, shapes, and layout.  In my studio, if I scrunch myself back in the corner I can only get about 5 feet away and today I learned that it's not enough.
I worked all weekend to get this top put together and I thought I had the layout nailed.  After it was all sewn together and hung in the living room I noticed some problems.  It doesn't flow from bottom right to top left like I wanted and one of the orange strips isn't right at all.  Closer up, it worked.  Stepping back, not so much.
It won't take much to fix it, but I learned a lesson today.  I may need to rearrange again.
I'll admit, I was hurrying a bit too...I wanted that quilt off the design wall so I could get the bridges quilt up.  I have three sections completed and I'm itching to keep building!

Have a great week!


Dan R said...

i am so excited about your bridges. more please ;]

Cory said...

Jacquie, Have you tried taking a digital picture of your layout? I do that especially when I want to compare different layouts. A picture also shows where a quilt might look heavy on one side or the other. That or a reducing glass might be helpful. Good luck on figuring something out. Take care and God bless, Cory

Miki Willa said...

I know what you mean about being able to step back. I have finally arranged it so I can get back about 10 feet, which is not ideal, but much better than it was. I am really liking this quilt, and am looking forward to the bridges quilt.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

The best I can manage is to lay blocks on the floor and then climb a fee stairs - not very satisfactory at all! Could you look through the wrong end of some binoculars or do you need to see it with your own eye rather than through something? Love the look of your bridges!

Vivian said...

Before rearranging your room, try using a reducing glass or peep hole (purchased from a hardware store) to see if it helps with viewing your quilts in the space you already have. They may give you that much "less" of a perspective at the distance you currently have to get a good look at your designs.

Debbie said...

You have the most amazing project ideas and continue to inspire me!!

Laura said...

I think the layout looks great, but I know what you mean about stepping back. I have to do that too. My design walls are covered foam board also, but not attached, so I can move them down the hall or into the living room where I can step back. Also, the digital picture idea has worked for me as well.

LSS said...

Love the bridges! interesting suggestions in the comments. Must ponder.

twelfthzodiac said...

Yes, a peephole is what you need! I got one (same problem, I can't get far enough away!) & it is awesome.

KateKwiltz said...

I have an idea. How wide is your desk?

Live a Colorful Life said...

Wow I love these quilts. The orange strips rock! i can't wait to see more of the bridges. And how you change up the first quilt...

Doris said...

Enjoying seeing bits of your new home and studio!

Anonymous said...

My mom uses the eye piece of a peep hole so she can see value and layout in her quilts from a short distance away. I think that's GENIUS and I'm going to get one myself. I'm surprised how far away it makes a quilt look and you can really get a good idea about value and layout with it...see what seems out of place and what sticks out or if it all gels together.

MariQuilts said...

Love those bridges.....and I know what you mean about stepping back far enough...challenging in a small space.

Teri said...

Ugh....I had the same problem. Now I have a worse problem about 2 feet.I finally found a peep hole it works beautifully.

I love the bridges quilt.....

Alexis Deise said...

I know how you feel. I have to lay things out on my floor usually -- to combat the distortion, I sometimes take a photo from above and then look at the picture... not a great or convenient tactic. :) I love the bridges so much. Can't wait to see them all together.

Anonymous said...

I can get about 8 feet away from my design wall. I usually take a picture too.

I love both these quilts!

Julie said...

Those bridges are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!

Marit said...

Love your diagonal composition!!! The narrow red strips are a beautiful touch, ant the overall design is both playful and balanced.
So glad you can work those lovely big design walls again...
; )

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

I love seeing your process - you are so inspiring to me!

krislovesfabric said...

LOVE the bridges!!!!

audreypawdrey said...

I am glad you posted about this because it is something that I have struggled with as well. We are trying to sell our house, so I don't currently have a sewing space (except the kitchen table) and definitely don't have a design wall. I have struggled with getting far enough away to see how things are going, but I have picked up some tips from your comments that I am going to try! Please share what ends up working for you because it will probably help us as well! I am loving your bridge quilt!

Jan said...

That happens to me with fabric design b/c I can't see it enough of it in the right scale. I do a crazy amount of printing and piecing to see what's what. Love those fabrics ;) - if you need more, lemme know!

Adele said...

I think your logo looks like a train (Tallgrass Prairie Studio) on a bridge....

Peep hole will work fine for your small space.