Monday, November 28, 2011

Building Bridges

It was great to have most of my family around for a few days.  Nothing makes you feel better than family!  I actually felt like sewing yesterday.  My migraines have prevented me from doing much around here, but I'd rather not even go there.  So, let's talk quilts.

I have two more bridge sections to share.
This is the largest section so far.  My biggest challenge with these blocks is not to overcomplicate them.  I have to hold back from adding too much.  This one makes me want to climb it!
This one is pretty different from the rest, but I think its elegant in its simplicity.
I made this bridge harder than it had to be.  All those white strips were cut on the bias...yikes and some were over 40" long.  Keeping skinny, really long bias strips straight as an arrow is challenging.  They didn't have to be done on the bias, but sometimes my design as I go process doesn't result in the most efficient construction methods.  Eventually, I do seem to get where I want to go.
Here are all five of the bridge blocks randomly on the design wall.  My hubby was pushing me to make 5 individual quilts, but I really want these blocks to come together into one quilt.  I think I've decided on a final layout, but a little time on the design wall will tell.  This quilt is becoming quite a meaningful process as I continue building bridges.

Thanks for all the "likes" on facebook!


Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Wow, these all look amazing. Totally stunning!

Brige said...

Jacquie - Have you ever tried Butterbur for your migraines? You can get it from Swanson Vitamins (reliable vitamin source). I take it when I have severe sinus pain but folks swear by it for migraines.

Love the route you are taking with this new quilt!

Michele said...

They're all amazing!

stitchinpenny said...

Love the bridge blocks. I used to work with bridges in a different life and they can be beautiful. I didn't comment yesterday,but I loved the pictures of your son. Glad he was able to make it home.

Anonymous said...

These are so FANtastic! I can't wait to see how you put them all together - looks like a bit of a challenge :)

I'm so sorry about the migraines :(

Suzanne said...

Bridges are so amazing and yours are no exception.

Debbie said...

Very cool and oh so clever!!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

These are wonderful!

Poppyprint said...

I like the idea of them altogether on one quilt, too. Your bridge sections are looking amazing!

Jan said...

This is such a cool idea, and it is progressing beautifully! Good luck with your migraines; I suffer from them, too, but not so much anymore. There is a diet that may help you. If you are interested, email me. I would be happy to share it, but, I must let you know that it is quite restrictive.

EG said...

I love them so much!

**nicke... said...

great concept jacquie. love how it is looking. hope your migraines go away!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Such a stunning concept!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

This is so intesteing for me. I have always loved bridges. I have pictures of bridges from all over the country from our vacations. Everyone will yell, Look, MOM! Another bridge! I whip out the camera.

I am loving the graphic-ness of this quilt. I can't wait to see what you do with it and how it will come together. And will there be a pattern later?

glen: I am all over that pattern!

Brenda said...

wow! I like what you're building.
my migraine advice: Extra strength tylenol and Aleve (naproxen) at the same time with lots of water.

SusieDW said...

Hi Jacquie, Love these new designs and the whole project. Interesting watching your progression. Wondering if you'll introduce color in the bridges project?~Susie

Cheryl Arkison said...

I was going to make the same suggestion as your husband!
But what a challenge to make them all come together. I think I know what I would do...

Laura said...

Looks gorgeous! Can't wait to see the finished project. :)

Tammy Vasser said...

The quilt is splendid! A masterpiece for sure! Please take care of yourself. {Hugs}

jacquie said...

How did you know? There is color introduced in the setting of the blocks....wonder if you can guess what it is?

SusieDW said...

I have two logical thoughts. A batik of red/brown and taupe (weathering) or the orange red of the Golden Gate Bridge (which you've already introduced in your logo/header and the recent B and W quilt.) I'm from San Francisco so it's a given with me :). Yellow could be nice but not sure of the design treatment you're thinking of .... hints?

jacquie said...

you're pretty right on...think alexander henry heath!

SusieDW said...

A h !!
Texture. STRONG! Will there be any jagged edges? Bridges are built over rocks and water. But, then, you sure don't want to compromise the HARD lines of the Black & White. Gonna like watching this! Thanks!

SusieDW said...

...or bridges are just built :)

Anonymous said...

Stunning! I'm looking forward to seeing this evolve. I really love the asymmetry of the whole thing, yet it still feels balanced. So nice!

Michelle said...

lovely! i would never had thought of doing a quilt like this. it's going to be so striking!

9patchnurse said...

That quilt is going to be so cool. I can't wait to see more of it.

Queen of Scraps said...

I love all the beautiful quilts you make. I am a traditional quilter but you are really winning me over to the modern quilt world.
I think you have 23 quilts in your house.

Thanks for inspiring us daily!