Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Quilting Modern...Introducing....The Cover Girls!

Cover girls...not me or Katie, but some of the quilts in the book are the cover girls of the Spring 2012 Interweave Books catalog!

Katie and I are so happy...there is dancing in the streets in Chicago and Seattle.  Interweave has also posted more info on the book on their website.  You can see the table of contents and also get a peek inside the book.  We are chomping at the bit to show you the whole thing.  April can't get here soon enough for me...a little over 4 months and counting!

The design folks at Interweave did a stellar job on the book.  They must have an on staff mind reader because they created our vision for the book to a tee! I have to say, it's simply beautiful.  It's bursting with color and they used the quilts to design the art for the book.  As an author, it's amazing how little things make a difference.

Sorry to gush, but I can't help myself.


Vicki said...

can't wait to see the book! this must be so exciting for you!

Anna said...

Oh wow! Thanks so much for the link to the preview. I confess I was so excited when I saw the ToC and the first quilt (Urban Garden) that I had to call my husband over to look! The book was already on my Amazon wishlist but now I'm super excited to get to April and get my copy! And I love that it will include lots of process how-to on so many different improv techniques. Congrats again, looks brilliant so well done to you and Katie!

Paula said...

Look at that purple quilt!! I can't wait for this book to come in the mail. Congrats Jacquie!

Brigitte said...

Looks great, great, great, congratulations! This will become a real success.

Suzanne said...

Gush on! You deserve to be proud.

stitchinpenny said...

I don't know Suzanne, but she said almost word for word what I believe. Hard work culminated in a project that you are proud of - Gush on.

Anonymous said...

Gush away! I know we are all thrilled that the book turned out the way you envisioned it.

Can't wait to see it!

Debbie said...

This has been on my list ever since Katie shared about it at a class! Can't wait. And congrats - so pleased it is just what you envisioned!

Cheryl Arkison said...

Woohoo! It is such a thrill at this point. Really looking forward to this. Congratulations

Elsa said...

Really exciting! I follow both you and Katie ~ looking forward to the book!
And, do please, gush on!

Needled Mom said...

Oh yeah...coongratulations!

**nicke... said...

so so so so excited for you both!

Tammy Vasser said...

I'm so excited for you! Can't wait for the release! {hugs}

Melissa said...

It looks like a beautiful book! April seems soooo far away but it's nice to have a little peek! Congratulations!

Sarah D. (KCMQG) said...

Love the sneak peek. Looks like a fab-u-lous collaboration. You & Katie rock!

Svarta Malin said...

Wait wait wait for the book! Looks so exciting!

Jan said...

The preview looks incredible! It's a good time to be loving the heck out of modern quilting! Thank you for your art!

Arita said...

So looking forward to the release....the preview is great.

Jules said...

it's already on my wishlist!

Kristen said...

I think my mouth just dropped on the gorgeous mendocino quilt. It's has gorgeous quilting and piecework!! Will be purchasing this book soon!

Jenny M said...

Pre-ordered my copy 2 weeks ago, April is so far away and my copy has to travel to Australia! Love the photos of Sardinia Table runner & the Winging it pillows. I can't wait to try something different, that is not my normal traditional quilting & patchwork.