Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tallgrass Prairie Studio 2.0

So, I drank the facebook kool-aid. My youngest son is in Chicago for a few days over Thanksgiving and I have built in tech support, so I took the plunge and created a page for Tallgrass Prairie Studio. I have a personal facebook page, but I haven't been there since I started it. I'm more interesting as a business than I am as a person. I'm going to try to keep it up to date and actually use it.

I understand the facebook protocol is that you're supposed to ask people to like you. To make it easier for you, there's a button on the sidebar that when you click, magically tells facebook that you like me. Doesn't everybody want to be liked?

In other news, I received the latest catalog from C&T and I'm a cover girl! That's my quilt on the cover of We Love Color which is all about using Robert Kaufman's kona solids.  I do love konas and all those luscious colors!  I'm so excited to see inside and I have to say it's simply thrilling to be in the company of the other 15 designers in this book.

For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving this week, have a happy day.  I'm thinking about where I was three and a half years ago, having never made a quilt before.  I am more than blessed and thankful for what quilting has added to my life.


Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Congratulations on being on the cover! Good luck with your FB page!

Leah said...

Congratulations on such a beautiful spread! I'm loving the solids and how bold and beautiful they look in those modern settings. Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the cover quilt - it is amazing! I didn't realize you'd only been quilting such a short time.

Good luck with Facebook - I joined too but am still not really sure what I'm doing :)

henny said...

Hi Jacquie!
Congrat! Miss your blog :))
I'll visit your FB :)

Barb said...

congrats on the cover!
good luck and have fun with FB

Judy said...

I'm totally amazed at how long you've been quilting. You are a natural!

Poppyprint said...

Way to go on the book cover! That's so exciting!

ellen said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:You are a wonder!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with all of your loved ones. There is so much to be thankful for in life.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Jacquie on being a cover girl - you've had quite a year with publications, the move etc, and it's well deserved.

Enjoy your holiday weekend with your family, the food and the catching up - blessings all round

Anna said...

Wait, what? You've only been quilting for 3.5 years?? Oh my gosh! That's amazing. You're one of my very favourite quilt designers. I'm thankful that you chose to start quilting! Happy Thanksgiving :)

Jules said...

you have only been quilting for 3.5 yrs?, wow you just gave me hope!, thanks Jacquelyn. i love what you do, not just like. ;)

Jules said...

actually if you have the inclination one day, maybe you could write a post about how and why you started? i'd be really interested. thanks.

EG said...

You are "liked" both on Facebook and otherwise. I didn't realize you were so new to quilting!

**nicke... said...

hey cover girl!

Lisa Sipes said...

Congratulations! I've already "liked" you on facebook.
You and I started quilting around the same time (I just had my three year anniversary) and am totally humbled by where I am today after such a short amount of time. It's amazing, this world we live in, isn't it?

carol said...

Congrats on being a covergirl! You surely deserve it! I started quilting about the same time as you. It was August of 2008 for me. Too bad I'm no covergirl though.......

Live a Colorful Life said...

Congrats on being a cover girl! Now I'm going to try to "like" you. Um, that's doesn't sound so nice--like I DON'T like you or something, but you know what I mean. :)

CitricSugar said...

Congrats, Jacquie! The COVER. Wow!

If I had also drunk the Kool-aid and had facebook, I'd like you. Instead, you'll have to content yourself with a spot in my blogroll. LOL.

Happy American Thanksgiving! (Ours was last month - in November, we have snow instead of turkey.)

Dolores said...

I can't believe you've only been quilting 3.5yrs!! I love that quilt on the cover.

Arita said...

The cover is gorgeous; and only 3 1/2 years quilting!!! I'm looking forward to see your next 3 1/2 years.

Mariel said...

3 years!! You were an inspiration before I knew that. AMAZING. Now off to 'like' you on FB.

Suzanne said...

Holy cow! I had no idea you were just at the beginning of your quilting career so recently ago. What great stride you have made! Happy Thanksgiving!

angela said...

Sorry to be dense, but what is C&T and where can I get it?

Elsa said...

I want to know where to get the C&T catalog too and I'm liking you on facebook too!

jacquie said...

C&T is a publishing company. Their modern quilting imprint is Stash books. Google either and you'll find their catalog of books. I'm sure you can probably request to receive a catalog in the mail.

Elsie Montgomery said...

Loving your quilts and thankful that the folks at C&T have such good taste! Hope facebook does not drive you away from your quilting!

Paula said...

I "liked" you before Facebook! Have a fabulous day.

FlourishingPalms said...

I have to say I've been quilting for 28 years and aspired to do what you've accomplished in just a few years. I'm very happy for you, as I know that those who are naturally gifted are just that... gifted and blessed. Those of us who are not continue to dream. Have a nice Thanksgiving, and happy Facebooking. I am still refusing that Koolaid! (ggg)

Lindsay Conner said...

That cover quilt is gorgeous--congrats!

Stephanie D said...

Congratulations, Jacquie! You are one gifted lady!

Valerie said...

Wow- 3 1/2 years ago you hadn't made a quilt?! I didn't know that about you! That is amazing - look at your life now! Incredible! I love hearing about that - makes ya think anything is possible, you know??

MightyMom said...

awesome! but you should do more than just make a page you know.....