Thursday, January 5, 2012

Giddy with Excitement

I'm going to clean the floor today and get down on my hands and knees and baste.  I'm giddy with excitement and anticipation.  It's no fun to lean over a quilt with your head pounding, in fact, it's impossible.  At least it is for me.  Funny, what you take for granted.  I used to whine and complain on basting days and now headache free it feels like a treat.

So how about a treat!  I have one to share.  It's Reader Appreciation Month, remember?

It's a giant Roll-up from Robert Kaufman filled with juicy pastels.  I drew a random number from all the folks who left on comment on the last post.  I know, sneaky of me, isn't it!  The winner is Carol of Mamacjt!  Congrats Carol and thanks for being a part of this blog.  Send me your contact info and I'll drop it in the mail to you!

This is what's on the design wall today.  I've always wanted to make a red and white quilt.  Did you all see the Red and White exhibit....totally fabulous and so inspiring.  I had red/white on my mind and then I had a little encounter. It all started with a visit to a small gallery in my neighborhood.  I was walking the dog and happened on this gallery.  A photographer was installing a new exhibit.  He saw me pressing my nose to the window and invited us in (Bruno too!)  We chatted for over an hour.  His photographs were all about the concepts of abundance and scarcity.  Those are the concepts that are driving this quilt.  I'll be interested to see where it goes.

But for now I have basting to do. Off to get sore knees and an aching neck.  Isn't it just the best!


Debbie said...

Congrats to Carol - that IS sneaky! ;-) But very those chance encounters that just add interest and joy to our days - yay.

Emily said...

I looked at the link to the red and white I'm anxious to see how your bridges quilt is coming along because it and a really cool bridge near where I live (the High Trestle Trail) have inspired me to try a similar type of quilt.

connie said...

Love the sneaky giveaway! Congrats carol. Have fun basting!

Aliceart said...

Me, too, me, too - I loved that exhibit even though I did not get to go! I'm anxiously awaiting the book that I hear will be out in 2013. When I couldn't go, I called them up trying to get some kind of catalogue, etc and that where I first heard about the upcoming book.

Smart girl the way you drew, that way you know you are getting one of your regular readers!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Congratulations to Carol! I hope Bruno enjoyed his visit to the gallery? I'm looking forward to seeing this quilt develop!

Lee D said...

I hope you are using a Kwik Klip if you are safety pinning your quilt. Makes the job go that much quicker!!! look forward to seeing just what you are basting

What Comes Next? said...

fabulous way to do the draw! I love red and white quilts and one is for sure in my future. I really like what I am seeing with yours so far.

Unknown said...

That exhibit... I was so envious ... but a bit far from England.

Red and white quilt, eh? sounds fabulous. Looking forwards to it!

rubyslipperz1052 said...

Congrats to Carol...winner of this wonderful jelly roll!

That was a sneaky way to do a giveaway. It's a GREAT idea! I luv to do giveaways on my blog and yet I've been trying to think of a way to THANK those who regularly comment rather than just when there is giveaway. =)

and, even more importantly...I'm VERY happy for you that you are headache-free!! Yep! headaches can really put a damper on life!


Amorette said...

hope the basting goes well! i am so happy for you, to be able to work without something holding you back, or keeping you from enjoying it- i bet you'll get more projects done!
i am very interested to see where the red and white quilt goes too!

Unknown said...

Oh, congratulations Carol, I'll be watching carefully to see what masterpiece you create with this jelly roll, thanks for sharing with us all Jacquie

Miki Willa said...

I really like the red and white you have started. I am just curious how you solved the headache problem of floor basting?

jodie said...

I love that Bruno was invited in to the gallery!

Anonymous said...

Oh and the inner thigh burn that only comes from basting a quilt on the floor!
I've got a red quilt on my mind, too. Can't wait to see yours progress!

Mindy said...

I'm anxious to see what you come up with! Red and white is my all time favorite color combination! Most girls love pink, I've loved red for as long as I can remember. Happy Basting!!!

Sarah D. (KCMQG) said...

So glad Bruno is taking in the Chicago/big city 'cul-cha' along with you!

Taya@TypeB said...

Oh, I can't wait to see the red and white quilt come together. I tell ya, basting truly is my least favorite part - must by why I have so many tops!

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

Totally love that you were inspired by the art and got to chat away about the process. Can't wait to see where your creative inspiration takes you with this quilt.
BTW I loved the red and white exhibit!

Sarah said...

Oooh that block looks interesting - can't help but think of Tokyo when I see it - strange how you sometimes just have an instant idea of what something looks like to you! Can't wait to see what it becomes

Lindsey said...

I HATE basting! I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets sore knees from it, though, I thought I was just out of shape, lol. I can't wait to see where you go with the red and white.

WandaFish said...

So pleased your head is clear enough to make basting fun!
I'm intrigued to see where your red and white goes.

felicity said...

I love two-colour quilts, and red and white quilts especially. Still haven't made myself one. Yet. I love where yours has started!

Marcia W. said...

The photos of the red and white exhibition were very interesting. I should have realized that other quilters also clean before laying out their quilts on the floor. Curiousity to see if you started another wonky log cabin project brought me back today as well as the teaser about guest posts. You are nicely unpredictable with the surprise giveaway. Take care!

Unknown said...

Your red and white looks interesting. I had a major backache after pin basting on the floor, so I found a spray baste that I use instead. Congrats to Carol!

carol said...

Thanks for the jellyroll! Now I'll have to think of something "pastelly". Usually not in my repertoire, but I'm sure I can come up with something interesting.

LOVE your red and white beginning, Jacquie. Two of my most favorite colors together!! I'll be anxious to see the finished product......I'll probably be swooning!!

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

That red and white quilt looks awesome :)

Theresa said...

You forgot sore pointer finger tip! Yes, basting is certainly a 'gird your loins activity' for sure. But the rewards are rich! Have fun down low!

Jill Chapman said...

I would have loved to go to that red and white quilt exhibition, all the photos I saw of it look breathtaking.

That's a gorgeous red you've chosen, so rich.

Malealyn said...

Oh the red and white. I just pulled red and white out of my future projects bin and moved it to working on now! Lovely, looking forward to seeing the next phase!

Live a Colorful Life said...

I think basting is the very worst part of an otherwise thoroughly enjoyable art form. Can't wait to see how your red and white creation evolves.

Paige said...

Yay! Do you prewash? I'm not trying to start a debate but I don't and red makes me so nervous up against white! This is looking fantastic!

charlotte said...

this is looking pretty interesting...

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see where you go with the red and white! I love two color quilts :)

Debbie said...

Congrats to Carol! You are so lucky. :)

I'm loving the red and white look myself these days. I can't wait to see what yours becomes, "Oh Sneaky One"!!! It is quite exciting so far!

Tammy Vasser said...

Funny what we're thankful for at the end of a illness. I'm so happy you're feeling better!

Tamie said...

I wish I could have seen that red and white exhibit in person. It was stunning in the photographs.

Suzanne said...

Happy sore knees!

Quiltsmiles said...

Waaaa! Waaa! I had tickets to travel and see the R&W exhibit but a flu held me back. ANyhow,
Love the concept of abundance and scarcity so it'll be interesting to see how you translate itwith fabric. SO far so good.

Congrats of 4 years of blogging.
