Monday, February 6, 2012

Building Bridges

I don't have much left to say about this quilt except that it's hard to take pictures of it. Oh, and the binding...I put in one section of cream binding...I felt like the quilt needed an opening. I'm not sure why, but it works for me. Building Bridges finishes at 70" x 85" and I'm proud of it.

What I like the best: has Bruno hair quilted into it.'s different. was a collaboration.
...the only color is on the back. tells a story.'s not perfect.'s me.

Forgive me for this picture heavy post, but I wanted to try to give you a real taste of the quilt. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Incredibly beautiful. I love it.

Unknown said...

Divine, amazing, stunning
Congratulations on a fantastic work of art

Anonymous said...

Just incredible! I love that you kept it just the cream and grey. Love the bridges and their variety. Love the quilting - especially the words. FAN-tastic.

Marg M said...

It is beautiful.

Unknown said...

This has got to be your favorite quilt. It is really fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing.

Regi said...

Absolutely beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing this with us!

sue said...

It is a stunning quilt and the quilting adds so much. What I love best about it is that you are right there in that cloth. Thank you for sharing yourself.

Amy Friend said...

It's so wonderful. The quilting is just amazing! What a wonderful choice.

-P- said...

intelligent, straight forward and stunning!

Tamie said...

Such intense quilting! Thanks for sharing the process.

Anonymous said...

Simply Stunning. I am in awe of your talent and wish I could be as spontaneous

Suzanne said...

The quilt is striking! I'm so glad to see it and all of the pictures. You NEVER had to apologize to me for lots of pictures on your posts. They are the next best thing to seeing your projects up close.

carol said...

Wow! Simply amazing! AND...the quilting is perfect! Just perfect! What more can I say?????

krislovesfabric said...

Amazing, I love this quilt! Thanks so much for sharing!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Astoundingly beautiful!

stitchinpenny said...

Still love it. The word choices are perfect. The quilting adds intensity.

Megan said...

This quilt rocks my world in so many ways...seriously. The quilting is phenomenal. And the restrained color palette, architectural piecing, subtle text. It's really quite extraordinary. And I love that you have dog hair in there!

Melissa Corry said...

This is absolutely stunning!!!

Aliceart said...

Amazing! You know how much I love this quilt!

Nichole said...

Wow - this is such a statement quilt. I love it all..the design, the quilting, the colors, everything! Well done!

Melissa said...

There's so many wonderful things about this quilt! The bridge structures are so visually engaging and you've arranged them perfectly. The quilting is so subtle and rich at the same time. An incredible collaboration!

goletagirlwendy said...


'Manda said...

Wow! The quilting really adds a lot and I love the occasional blue quilting line.

Elsa said...

It's fantastic! Love that you've got a bit of color on the back too.

alobsiger said...

GASP! The most fabulous of fabulousness! Congrats!! It is beautiful!

Rachel Slote-Brown said...

Wow, this quilt is amazing!
Love the quilting, words, bridges... everything.

Sheila said...

I am crazy in love with this quilt. I've loved it from the moment you posted your first process photos, and the finished project certainly does not disappoint! Kudos!

Amanda Jean said...

stunning! brilliant! gorgeous!

i love the words not quilted and the super dense quilting on the rest. just wonderful! truly a work of art.

Lisa Sipes said...

The quilt itself is awesome and the quilting is spectacularly amazingly fantastically stupendous!

Little Bluebell (Adrianne) said...

Wonderfully original!! I have really enjoyed watching this quilt come to be. Thank you for sharing.

Brenna said...


Debbie said...

This is so ... so ... so unusual, beautiful, artistic, touching - so many things. Truly wonderful!

Sharon T said...

I'm at a loss for words...absolutely stunning!

Aimee said...

Really, really gorgeous. I can practically feel the texture through my monitor. I love that it is subtle and graphic in one fell swoop. Amazing.

SusieDW said...

Beautiful, intense, POW! Your quilt shows your growth as an artist and a person. Only a person(s) on a very intelligent, thoughtful arc could create this piece. You certainly chose the right person (long arm) to partner with. I love the "opening", weaving quality, Bruno, perfection, simplicity, art of the message. Of course you're proud and I'm so glad I found you so I could see the reveal today! Thank you!

monique said...

Absolutely breathtaking!

StaroftheEast said...

This is magnificent! You are the only truly modern quilter I know in the literal sense.The rest is traditional with modern fabrics, what can be wonderful of course, but this is something else! Magnificent!

Irelle said...

Your quilt is amazing. Your talent is over the top and I so appreciate your inspiration to the quilting world. Thanks for sharing your beautiful quilt.

Pauline said...

as usual..very beautiful quilt it

Nicole said...

Love the quilting you've done on this one! What incredible texture! And the words that you quilted tell a part of the story. Simply lovely.

Susan Jonsson said...

Show stopper quilt! All the adjectives are getting used describe how fabulous this quilt is. Original, and pace setting....Can't get enough of those photos....In person has to be incrdible....I am in awe.

Kate said...

I haven't stopped thinking about the quilting on this quilt since you gave us a peek the other day. That, together with the strong visuals - makes my heart race....

Poppyprint said...

You should be very proud of it - this quilt is fabulous. Love the dense quilting and the words and everything about this very unique work Jacquie.

Michelle said...

It looks amazing! You should be proud and show it off!

**nicke... said...

this knocked my socks off! i love it jacquie! did you do the quilting? it is fabulous!

Cheryl Arkison said...

Of course it is orange on the back!
Impressive, Jacquie, very impressive. And I love that there is Bruno hair in it. I always love when that happens with mine too.

tusen said...

It's great! Thanks for all the photos, I keep thinking I'd love to touch the quilt to feel the texture.

tutto a posto said...

I love the lettering!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Absolutely stunning. LOVE the words. And the orange on the back...

Kersten said...

I already wrote a comment but when I came back to say something else I noticed my comment wasn't up. I must have walked away from the computer before I hit send...and now it's gone.

Anyway, I was saying how fabulous this quilt is!!! The piecing, the colors (or lack of), the quilting, the words...the whole idea of it. It's amazing! You are one talented lady!!

Can we see a pic of the entire back?

I cant wait to see how you piece hexies!!

I just saw your quilts on The Modern Quilt have such an eye for creativity!

beachiesews said...

Amazing piece of art.

Brooke said...

This is absolutely stunning, Jacquie!

Unknown said...

This quilt is fabulous. By far my favorite. I can't wait to see your book!!

Karen M said...

Absolutely stunning!

SusieDW said...

The "blue thread" is really effective. Gives a "blueprint" suggestion.

Sharon said...

I hope one day I get to see this quilt in person, I'm sure the photos, as nice as they are, don't do it justice. Congratulations, you should be proud of this piece.

SusieDW said...

One can sure appreciate the importance of a good "blocking" effort with this quilt!

Ebeth said...

Congratulations - it's absolutely incredible. What a wonderful remembrance it will be of this transition in your life. Amazing.

Paula said...

You know I live in awe of your talents and creativity. This is just so fabulous, the words, the blue thread, the orange of course!
Just wonderful Jacquie. The binding is perfect.

Valerie said...

Amazing!! Perfect marriage of piecing and quilting.

sewtakeahike said...

Good grief Jacquie! Your bridges quilt is breathtaking and the quilting is mesmerizing. Did you improv piece it or paper piece it? It's just so perfect, but I know how you feel about paper piecing. :)

Cyndi said...

It's been fascinating watching you create this masterpiece. Stunning.

Donna said...

o.m.g. This really is fabulous. And I love picture-heavy posts.

Erika Mulvenna said...

It is so stunning! I love it, really great quilting.

Maiden Love said...

Incredible! Your work really speaks to my muse.

felicity said...

Completely fabulous. I love all the photos - thanks so much for including them. I truly love how each of your quilts is so different yet altogether "you"!

Christine L said...

WOw it's BEAutiFUL! I love it! Congrats on such a wonderful piece of art to treasure forever!

Bessiemae said...

Ohhhh my, Jacquie. Honestly, this belongs in a museum. Congratulations, it is nothing short of spectacular.

Karen said...

Just spectacular!!!!

cakath said...

I'm sure that I am saying the same thing that 50 other people have said, but first of all WOW! Second, I so enjoy following you and your work because you are just so darn creative and talented. Thank you for all that you do to offer inspiration to so many people.

Jan said...

Beautiful - in every way! As you were showing WIP on this, it reminded me a lot of the John Hancock bldg. Miss that city!!

TERESA said...


Lady Jane said...

Thank you - I did enjoy, very much indeed. The quilt is stunning and amazing and just so new and modern and unique. well done you!

happy zombie said...

I am in freaking awe. FREA KING AWE! Oh Jacquie - what a magnificent work of art! And that it can keep you warm and make you feel cozy is gravy!

Sigrun said...


Basildon Kitchens said...

There are no words - this is amazing! I absolutely love it!

Katie @SwimBikeQuilt said...

so happy to see the final product! the quilted words are a nice touch :) It is stunning, and unusual.

jednoiglec said...

The quilt is amazing. Simple shapes, wonderful images and so nicely quilted!

charlotte said...

beyond awesome.

Scrap,Quilt, Preach said...

Wow all the lovely quilting. It must have taken you hours. I also like the affect of the words in the white space as well.

Well done.

Anonymous said...

What a truly amazing quilt. It says so much in such a simple, stunning gray-and-white, many-quilted-lines way. Congratulations on this beautiful work of art.
Debbie R.

Dana said...

Holy Guacamole, I love this quilt!!!! Really great job!!!

Dottie's Daughter said...

Great job. A lot of work in that one and the end result is magnificent.

Naomi Olson said...


Η Πευκοβελόνα said...

This is art!!!

Alison said...

This is by far my most favorite quilt I've seen, beautiful!

Kat said...

This quilt is absolutely amazing, the quilting and texture are incredible. The feel of it is so sophisticated. Love it!!

Lindsay said...

Wow, this quilt really is amazing - the design, the quilting, everything! It's also totally unique, I've never seen anything quite like it.

Brigitte said...

It's unique in the best way one can say! Great work of art.

Katie said...

Just stunning, Jacquie!

Anonymous said...

This really IS a work of art, and you may be justifiably proud of it. I love the straight-line quilting, and the whole graphic nature of it. The quilted words are a stroke of genius. Well done, and thanks for sharing!

heather said...

absolutely beautiful/amazing/really genius... quite inspiring... such talent! thanks so much for sharing! i need to visit your site more often! :)