Friday, February 3, 2012


I love hexagons, but I'm not much for hand piecing.  I sew mine by machine.  I've always done it like Liz shows in her video.  I was sitting marking the 1/4" points of a few hundred hexagons one night and at the same time I was talking with my friend Elaine.  She told me that I didn't need to do all that marking, that there is a way to sew hexes by machine without it.  I said, tell me more!  She did and I went directly to the machine to give it a try.  Low and behold it works.  It took a bit of practice, but it works.  No more marking!!
I've got about 50 sewn so far...hundreds left to go.  I'm going to try to sew a couple of rows each day.  I'll try to put something together to show how this works.  It's kinda changed my hexing life!

One more side to hand stitch on the binding of the bridges quilt.  I changed my mind on the color of the I'm running a bit behind.  I have to sew on the hanging sleeve too.  Reveal on Monday for sure!


Michelle said...

Thanks for sharing the link for the video. I've never seen hexagons pieced that way, I'm anxious to see how you do it without marking. I love the ones you're putting together. It makes me want to sew some up.

Cascade Quilts said...

I can't wait to see how you've pieced them! I *love* hexagons and am hand-piecing a quilt right now :)

Jen said...

Are you going to share the "no marking" secret? I'm incredibly curious! Can't wait to see how your quilt turns out. Love the "colors!" :)

Sarah PingsAndNeedles said...

Yes! don't keep us in suspense! Let's see how you do this without marking the .25 inch!! Please!!

Unknown said...

I finally have some Hexi hope. Thanks in advance Elaine and Jacquie!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Just when I thought I could turn my back on hexies, I am intrigued and want to do more!

Anonymous said...

I haven't fallen prey to the hexie craze, but, with the way this quilt is looking, I might soon!

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

When I make my hexi quilt it will all be done by machine as well. So I will watch to see how you do it. Off to watch the video now. Thanks.

Alli said...

Oooooh, I'm excited to hear how to machine sew hexies without marking! And yours look fantastic! :)

Valerie said...

There's hope for hexies in my future yet! Looking forward to hearing more!

Quilt+Bitch said...

Would love to learn more about sewing the hexagons. Tutorial please. :)

Pieces of Cotton said...

I'm not normally crazy about hexagons, but I love your fabric selection - you really make it work.

Unknown said...

Oh I'll be checking this link out and using it on one of those 'must do someday' quilting projects - thanks for sharing Jacquie - like you I don't fancy hand piecing it (other projects yes, but only when I'm really in the mood)

CitricSugar said...

What??? Jacquie! Are you teasing us? lol. It's like the power cutting out or the DVD freezing just when the hero is about to reveal the identity of the killer!

Unknown said...

by machine? oh yes please do tell us!

Melissa Corry said...

I am loving these hexies and would love to hear more about putting it together by machine :)

Marjorie said...

Bravo. The video link was very helpful. I'm actually giving some thought to finishing an English Piecing project that way, just to avoid having to prep the hexies for hand stitching.

Nicole said...

So what did Elaine say? Inquiring minds want to know!

Brian said...

I always love your creations and tips, so I can't wait for this one! I just started a hexagon quilt as a project for when I can't be near a machine, but I am very excited to see your modern take on the hexy, especially the quilting. I think it can be difficult to quilt hexies in a new or novel way.

Cindy said...

I'm with everyone else. Curious as to how you pieced without marking. Love the idea of machine sewing hexies...and no marking will be a bonus.

Suzanne said...

With more information from this post, you might persuade me to give hexagons a try. That's one thing I like about you. Seeing your work encourages me to want to try things I may have thought beyond me.

carol said...

I've never been one for Hexies, but with this, I just might change my mind.

Alison said...

Please share the no marking way with all Hexie lovers

Arita said...

Thanks for the link. Will have to give it a try.

folksmith said...

i must say that i love hand sewing hexagons and sewing on binding. however, i can't wait to see how you machine sewed the hexagons.

The Calico Cat said...

gray seeds, blah blah blah, she has gray seeds...

I had to go back to actually read - the seeds had me mesmorized.

Oh & Aren't you missing a spash of orange?

Camilla said...

I love those Daisy Janie Shades of gray or whatever it is, you've got it looking so good there-inspired!