Monday, February 27, 2012

It's's really real!!

Interweave overnighted an advance copy of the book to me on Thursday. It's hard to find the words to tell you how it feels to hold your book for the first time.  I will tell you I was shaking when I opened the package! Pretty awesome, a bit humbling, and kinda jaw dropping.  It's even better because it's everything I wanted it to be.  It's heavy too.  176 pages of quilty goodness.  21 projects...2 sets of pillows, placemats, a table runner and quilts...17 of them.

I wanted it to be beautiful.  It is.  Interweave put in all those little touches that make a difference.  I won't share much of the inside of the book today.  You'll see plenty of that later.
As with any project like this, there was a great team behind Katie and I.  I can't thank them enough!
The best part, my friend Kate was here when the book arrived so she shared the joy of opening that package.  My new friend Tricia came over and let me gush over the book to her, and I got to share the book and my enthusiasm with my new Chicago Modern Quilt Guild friends yesterday afternoon.  Life is definitely good.

It's due to arrive in the warehouse at Interweave, April 2nd.  You can pre-order it on Amazon and see a peek inside too, in case you want to see a bit more.  I hope you all will love it as much as I do.


Sara said...

Congrats to you!!!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Congratulations. I can't wait to get a copy.

Debbie said...

So anxious to get my own copy! Congrats to you & Katie!!

Mary Anne said...

I'm so thrilled for you both! Hugs from KC!

Michelle said...! What an accomplishment! I definitely want to b a copy.

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

A big CONGRATULATIONS Jacquie! It looks fabulous - can't wait to see it in person.

Suzanne said...

Squeal with glee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dutchcomfort said...

Congratulations Jacquie!! It looks great!

Michele said...

Congratulations! Looks like a good one!

krislovesfabric said...

Congratulations, can't wait to see it :)

Taya@TypeB said...

Congrats! What a fantastic achievement. I really look forward to holding a copy in my hands too :)

Needled Mom said...

Oh gosh, it must be so exciting! Congratulations.

Aliceart said...

Congratulations - it's beautiful! Just peaked on Amazon, and added it to my wish list. I'm going to tell my daughter to peek at it, she's newish to quilting, and modern, so it's right up her alley.

Sherri said...

oh...congrats! Yay! Can't wait to see more!

Susan@avintagefarmwife said...

Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! This must feel AMAZING. I'm going to add it to my Amazon wishlist right now.

Kristy said...

It looks wonderful Jacquie and I LUV you know I'm gonna get this one.

Big Congratulations!!!!!!!!!

Ulla's Quilt World said...

Your quilts/crafts are so fantastic! It's so nice to find other quilters all around the world!
Hugs, Ulla (from Finland)

sukie said...

Getting me one for damn sure!

Shari said...

Congratulations Jacquie. You've certainly come a long way in your quilting journey. I'm very happy for you and look forward to getting your book.

Di~ said...

Wonderful, Jacquie! All your hard work, it must feel so good! You are the woman!

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you. Congratulations on your book!

folksmith said...

yea!!! i pre-ordered mine weeks ago, can't wait to receive it, it'll be such a surprise when it gets here.

Elsa said...

How exciting! I've already ordered it and can't wait for it to arrive!

patty a. said...


Sarah PingsAndNeedles said...

Can't wait! Congratulations ... what a buzz that must be!

em's scrapbag said...

That is awesome! I'm so happy for you! May it be a best seller!

Laura said...

Wonderful! Congragulations.

Unknown said...

Awesome, can't wait to see one in the flesh

**nicke... said...

yay jacquie! congrats! you deserve it!!! i can't wait to buy it.

Ebeth said...

What an exciting year you're having! Congratulations! I can't wait to see the book in person.

Miri said...

Congratulations! Looks super!

Nova said...

hurrah! so exciting!!!

Miriam said...

Congratulations Jacquie!!!

Valerie said...

Yay!! I've already checked it out numerous times on amazon and can't wait to get it! Congratulations-what an exciting time this is for you!

SusieDW said...

Awesome and it looks beautiful. It must be such a feeling of achievement! Congrats to you two. I'll mention it to my little quilt shop here in Phoenix!

Rene' said...

Congratulations to you and Katie!!! So exciting! I've already pre-ordered mine and have been waiting (not so) patiently ever since ;-)

Katherine said...

Very excited for you and Katie, Jacquie! Congratulations!

Michele T said...

Congratulations!!! Thrilled about your book!!

CitricSugar said...

So thrilled for your Jacquie! It's just too cool!

Pauline said...

Huge huge congrats Jacquie...cant wait to see it!!!

carol said...

No one deserves it more! I'm SOOOO happy for you!

Linda said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see it.

Dana said...

congratulations! It's on my Amazon list already and I can't wait to see it!

Paula said...

Pre-Ordered....can't wait to drool through the pages!!

Poppyprint said...

This is very exciting indeed. Your book is one of my most anticipated new titles!

Lindsay said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see the book.

Clare said...

Congratulations! Love the cover.

Mego said...

Congratulation to you and Katie!!! I've already pre-ordered at the LQS and will be first in line to have Katie sign it! Wish you would be in Seattle on the day!!!

aisling said...

Wow, that's pretty amazing! Huge congratulations!

Louisa said...

How awesome! Congratulations! said...

Congrats, but best of all you deserve to be in print! How proud you must be of yourself!

bellsjo said...

Wonderful news - congratulations to you! I look forward to getting hold of a copy, although here in the UK the relese date is not until the end of May.

bellsjo said...

Wonderful news - congratulations to you! I look forward to getting hold of a copy, although here in the UK the relese date is not until the end of May.

Sharon T said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to get my very own copy!

Dana - Old Red Barn Co. said...

So happy for you! Congratulations!

Jen said...

Congratulations Jacquie! So happy for you! I would be shaking too if it were me!

Linzee said...

So very exciting, Jacquie. Congratulations! Can't wait to see it in person.

Emily said...

WOOOHOO! :) Again, this book is just too fabulous to handle! :) Congrats!

Lyanna L. said...

Yay! Congrats on your book can't wait 'til it hits shelves so I can get it.

So happy for you!

Kristen said...

I am so excited for you! I have already put on my wish list.

Fran said...

How lovely for you. I have already pre-ordered a copy of your book from Amazon & will be so happy when it finally arrives.

MightyMom said...

well FINALLY!!!!!!

woo hoo!! looks awesome!

hmmmm, shall I preorder a copy...or wait to buy one when I can get you to SIGN IT IN DALLAS???!!!!!


and I should tell you that YOU inspired my Easter curtain/wall hanging.......... it's not traditional at all. (can you believe that?)

Jenny M said...

How exciting! I pre-ordered my copy back in November...I am looking forward to seeing my copy arrive here in Australia.

Nicole said...

Ooh, I just took a sneak peek on Amazon. You and Kate have done an amazing job! Wow! Can't wait to get my hands on it!

Lisa said...

You are so talented I can't wait to read the book when it comes out. The knowledge you share is worth the purchase. I plan to preorder myself a copy. I really admire your mastery of the art of quilting.

Life by Design said...

Congratulations.This is the best and designer project to create by you.It look so fabulous and colorful.

Very Shannon said...

Congratulations!!!! Looks fabulous! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy! If you or your publisher are looking for places to stop on a blog tour I'd love to have you!

Samantha said...

congrats! can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

Patty said...

Congratulations, Jacquie! I can't wait to get my hands on it. I've loved getting sneak previews but nothing will compare to getting to flip through it with my own hands and eyes.