Thursday, May 24, 2012


A friend texted me this and I had to share it. I met Elizabeth, Amanda Jean and Cheryl, who I've been blog friends with for years for the first time at quilt market. It's an honor to be listed in the top ten Crafts and Hobbies books with these two books, both simply amazing. We've all come a long way in a short time. If you haven't checked out their books, you definitely should.


**nicke... said...

three of my very favorite sewers! xo ;)

Valerie said...

Yes, I love all three of these too!

Erica said...

I have all three of these and while they are REALLY amazing, yours is definitely my favorite!

Anonymous said...

All 3 are great, but yours is my favorite too. NancyA

Rene' said...

Congratulations!!!! This is very exciting! I also have all three and LOVE them. Elizabeth's just came in the mail today as did We Love Color! Can't wait to get reading.

Ebeth said...

Awesomeness indeed! I don't usually drool that much over books (because I feel like a hoarder if I have too many quilting books) but I've been drooling over all three. :)Congratulations!

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

Congrats - completely deserved. Your book is awesome - soooo much inspirational eye candy!

Michelle said...

I am so glad you shared :)I ordered your book and Amanda's this morning. Anxiously awaiting arrival of them tomorrow (gotta love Amazon)! I did not realize that Modern Patchwork was by Elizabeth Hartman. I loved her Practical Guide to Patchwork. Could not resist revisiting Amazon and ordering her new book as well!!

Cheryl Arkison said...


Poppyprint said...

That's so cool!! Way to go designing gals!

Dianne said...

Jacquie, Quilting Modern absolutely deserves to be in that list because it is first rate. I have it in both hard copy and ebook. I loved Sunday Morning Quilts too. Elizabeth's first book was excellent and I am impatiently waiting for her second to make its way across the Pacific.

The Calico Cat said...

I have all 3 of those books.

Fran said...

That's fantastic for all of you & really deserved. You're all incredibly skilled as designers & quilters & so generous in sharing your knowledge through your blogs, so I think it's kind of karmic that you've all had this success. I've purchased all three books too & I LOVE your's & Katie's so much.

Lynn said...

So many great new books. It was fun to meet all of the authors too.

Kersten said...

What an honor! That is absolutely wonderful.

But you know Jacquie, you are the Elizabeth, Amanda, and Cheryl in my world.

Live a Colorful Life said...

I have all three books and they are each fabulous! And I'm amazed that I'm friends with you and Amanda Jean, and that now I have met Cheryl and Elizabeth. Woot!

(hopefully some of that amazing creativity will rub off on me...)

folksmith said...

We Love Color just came in the mail today. Can't wait to sit and read it tonight your designs.

Clair said...

I was glad to get to meet you at market. Amanda liked meeting you too. I met SO MANY people there.

Emily said...

Eeek! :) Of course you'd be on that list!

Dani said...

LOL, I'm currently reading your book and Sunday Morning Quilts, I got them both in the mail this week.

Paula said...

Need to add Sunday Morning Quilts to my collection...the other two are FABULOUSNESS!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It couldn't happen to a more talented group of seriously nice people :)

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Congratulations to ALL of you. Love your style(s).

Katherine said...

Wahoo! So happy for you and delighted you got to meet up. You are an amazing and talented group of ladies.

Chris said...

I just ordered my copy and I can't wait to add it to my quilting library! Congratulations on this amazing book.