Tuesday, June 19, 2012

That's Life

no air conditioning
no water
no power
elevator is sketchy
8% battery left on my computer

bruno has diarrhea
it's going to be 97 degrees today

on the bright side, at least i got a cup of coffee before the power went out.

some days are diamonds...some days are stones.


Laura said...

Oh no! I hope Bruno feels better and the power comes back on soon. Good luck!

Rebecca said...

That's really rough. No water is the worst! You never know how nice it is to wash your hands until you can't do it anymore Good luck! I hope things are looking up soon.


Unknown said...

I hope it is only a short term disruption for you - poor Bruno .....

Dani said...

Oh boo! I hope that the power comes back on soon and that Bruno feels better even sooner. Thank god for caffeine.

Nicole said...

Yikes! Hang in there. Wishing you more diamond days!

Dora, the Quilter said...

Oh, I'm so sorry! I hope it is back on soon--I'm guessing it will be by the time you read this.
It was for days like this that I began quilting with treadle sewing machines!

Kit Lang said...


Wishing you well and hope your power is back on soon!

Tennjenny said...

Oh my. I think no water is much worse than no power. But the two together? Absolutely horrible. Good luck.

**nicke... said...

you poor dear! i hope it comes on quick! and poor bruno!

LSS said...

Oh no! I would say come over but my parents are coming from OH today. :( Give Bruno some pumpkin for his issues.

Darcie said...

Oh, no! A storm? But how about Bruno? I'll be thinking of you, Jacquie! Sending you big ND hugs....

Maxine said...

So sorry..I won't complain about 107 days....I'm sending you some cool air....

Doris said...

Oh my Lord. I hope you have ice for that coffee... Right now I am SO thankful we haven't lost power, seems to be an epidemic in the midwest today.

Wishing you a nice cool breeze...

SusieDW said...

Oh Geez :( This is not good. Bruno is my main concern. Poor guy. Here in Phoenix we experienced a 4 hr power grid outage about 15 yrs. ago. August. Definitely makes you appreciate the Diamond Days and prepare for future Stone Days. Good Luck! Hope all is well soon.

Brige said...

Pumpkin - a huge heaping tablespoon with each meal will take care of his bowels and keep him regular. Just top his food with "non-spiced" canned pumpkin each meal. Dogs love it, its good for him and it will keep him regular.

Brige said...
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Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Sounds like you need to spend the day at a Starbucks with your computer. Guess that doesn't work so well with your poor puppy though. Hope all is better soon.

Brige said...

Oh... if he Bruno tends to have regular problems (gas, stinky poo, bad breath, loose stools, etc). Try the pumpkin and give him a probiotic like Acidophilus. One with every meal if he eats every 12 hours. (try 2 a day for a dog Bruno's size and go down to 1 if needed). Get it in capsule form and break the capsule open over his food or in tablet form and crush the tablet over his food. I have a gassy boy with a sensitive stomach (profile pix) and both of these have worked very well.

Valerie said...

But how will you sew?!?! Sorry today is off to a rocky start..maybe tomorrow will be a diamond day:)

Elsa said...

Oh, I do hope Bruno is doing better fast and that the power comes on even faster.

Dolores said...

Oh my. I am so glad I am here and not there. Poor pooch, he's probably not feeling too well at all and then he has to cope with the heat. Not a good situation.

Audrie said...

Ugh! I went through 8 days of that in Oct / Nov last year when we had that horrendous Nor'easter. It was freezing and we had no heat. But at least my cats weren't sick. I hope the power comes back on and Bruno feels better soon.

felicity said...

Some days you're the windshield, some days you're the bug? Sorry to hear about the horrendous heat and Bruno's tummy.

Anonymous said...

Oh my heavens! I am so sorry, I do not mean to laugh at your obvious misery, but when I got to "Bruno has diarrhea" I laughed out loud.
Nothing like kickin a girl when she's down. **hugs**

I hope your day gets better, Bruno feels better, and blessings are sent your way.
God Bless you!

stitchinpenny said...

Hopefully the power will come back on and the day will look better.

Bailey said...

Oh no! I did have a little giggle when I read your post.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! When it rains, it pours! I hope Bruno is feeling better soon and you can both get some relief from the heat. Hang in there!

Artfulife said...

Hope you day gets better!

Erika Mulvenna said...

Oh crap. Hopefully they fix all the "essentials" in your building soon, or reimburse you for going somewhere that has the basics! Or you can come over here, it is a chilly 70 down in my basement sewing room!

Lee said...

Oh no, Jacquie! That does not sound fun. Hope Bruno feels better soon!

Poppyprint said...

oh boy.

Fabric Fanatic said...

Jacquie, I'm a firm believer in adding a big spoonful of plain yoghurt with each serving of kibble. Maya loves it and it completely reversed all her tummy troubles. Hope Bruno is better soon and you get the power back soon too.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh. The heat is headed our way. Take easy, breathe and sit. As for Bruno, my girl Fiona (yellow lab) does really well with chicken and rice if you can pick some up in a local powered up place. Best to you and take care! Byrd
PS Always have an emergency basket of hand piecing at the ready . . .

carol said...

Are you still alive over there? I'm close (Milwaukee area) and it's hotter than "you know what" here too, but I have AC, water, power, battery life and a well dog. Hope you and Bruno are okay!

Paula said...

Oh my, Jacquie...thinking of you and Bruno!!

QuilterBee said...

That sucks!! Especially about Bruno :o(( Chin up sista, tomorrow will be a better day! Hugs, Amie in Tn.

Marg M said...

thank goodness for coffee :-)

Lisa said...

So glad you got your coffee :-)!

Elaine Adair said...


EG said...

Oh, Bruno! Insult to injury! Or is that injury to insult? Hope power comes back and Bruno gets healthy soon!

Anonymous said...

On the bright side, crummy days like that really help you appreciate the mundane. It was great to see you in KC last week, sorry the welcome home was a bummer!!

artsycraftsyivy said...
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artsycraftsyivy said...

Jacquie, are you still without power and water??

Anonymous said...

Ouch. Hope that the power wasn't out too long, and that the dog is on the mend. And I hope that your stone of a day turned out as a small annoying pebble and not a weight.
Debbie R.

Katherine said...

how things are better now :-)


Patti said...

oh dear...a person can sort of cope with the other stuff but a dog in the house with diarrhea is just sad, for all of you...hope things have returned to normal by now. Wishing you cooler weather and a "dry" dog! :)

Shirley said...

Hi, I hope all's well again; just dropped by to say how much I enjoy your blog, though due to time-eating gnomes i don't visit as much as I wish. You're such an inspiration!

Kim B. said...

Jacquie -- I hope everything's better, and especially that Bruno is better.

waggonswest said...

I guess you can hope the "cold wind" pushes past the "hard times" I imagine it would feel pretty good about now. .... Sure hope things turn around soon.