Monday, July 2, 2012

I Am Perfectly Imperfect

It's time for a little vacation.  Both my hubby and I could use some time off (especially him!) and some time together.  We're so excited for no phones, no internet and a few days in the beautiful, quiet woods of Wisconsin.  

The quilting I've been doing on this quilt is a good example of a quilter gone crazy who just might need a break.  It seems I've been quilting on this for weeks and weeks. (probably because I have!)  After Sheryl quilted my Building Bridges with matchstick quilting I simply had to do it on a quilt myself. It's definitely worth the time and effort.  At times, though, I wondered what I had gotten myself in to.

I've learned that I'm not a machine and when quilting lines are 1/8th inch apart, any tiny wave in the line is visible.  I've embraced those as part of me....they are a function of needing reading glasses and my flaws and failures as a person.  Those human imperfections make us who we are and those quilting imperfections make the quilt a product of my hands. And, amazingly enough, when I move even a foot away from the quilt, those little waves disappear and the lines create this amazing texture.  It is perfectly imperfect, just like I am.

Can't show this quilt to you right now, but I'm so happy with how it's coming together.

I wanted to give you a heads up of the Jane Sassman blog tour that starts today.  I'll be participating in a few weeks to show off Jane's new book.  Be sure to check it out.

Laura Wasilowski
Jessica Sloan
Judy CoatesPerez
Jane Sassaman
Linda Teufel
Gloria Hansen
Melissa Peda
Susan B Knapp
Jacquie Gering
Weeks Ringle
Jessica Kovach
Pam Matthews
Frieda Anderson
Pat Sloan
Jan Krentz
Anita Grossman Solomon
Lyric Kinard
The Quilt Show
Jane La Fazio
Free Spirit
Nancy Zieman

Enjoy the 4th of July holiday and see you on the flip side!


Melissa said...

That quilting looks so time-consuming but totally worth the effort :)

I recently started pebble quilting a twin-size and I had a similar experience - it seems like it's taking forever!!

Elizabeth Dackson said...

Holy cow, Jacquie, that is just stunning! I definitely don't see imperfection here, just seriously awesome quilting. Just wow :)

Jenny said...

You don't need to see it this way!
"they are a function of needing reading glasses and my flaws and failures as a person"

The fact that you're not a machine -- that things you make vary -- does not reflect your flaws and failures as a person. It's a strength of being a person, and a reality, but not a flaw, I think. This strikes my ear a bit like a body image comment that implies we should look like Barbies -- which we shouldn't. Do you really feel this way about quilting? Reading your book, I hear the voice of an artist who embraces variation and diversity of visions, and the unexpected evolution of a craft piece that turn it into beautiful art.

Lisa Lisa said...

I love this post. I recently had a similar thing happen. In the end, my curved lines weren't even noticeable! We are not perfect.....we're human. The quilts we make are handmade with love. Love the quilting on this!!

stitchinpenny said...

Hope you have a wonderful vacation.

krislovesfabric said...

What a beautiful sneak peek! Can't wait to see the whole thing! I am intrigued...Have a wonderful vacation.

SusieDW said...

Well, at least you meet your commitments and with great style and art, I might add! Who wants perfect? Bah humbug. Perfection = no happy accidents. Was at the UN building long ago. Docent pointed to huge Persian carpet on wall. Said that a least one flaw is intentionally added to the carpet because only God makes perfect stuff.

patty a. said...

I quilt like that all the time (1/8") and I try and make nicely spaced lines and that doesn't always happen, but the variation is what makes it interesting! Did you do this on a long arm or a regular sewing machine?

Debbie said...

Great phrase...perfectly imperfect. Aren't we all?

Unknown said...

I can't even begin to think how many bobbins were filled! Awesome and you are obsessing!

StaroftheEast said...

It looks great!
Wondering if you could do that with a twin or triple needle?

Anonymous said...

Fantastic quilting! I've never tried it that close together :)

Enjoy your time away!

cinzia said...

Perfectly imperfect indeed! The quilt looks amazing. Enjoy your vacation.

Paula said...

The quilting looks fabulous! Hope you are keeping that neck up!! Have a great vacation, you both deserve it.

Emily said...

Jacquie this is amazing! After seeing your bridges quilt I tried this out (on an 18" square sample) and it used almost 3 bobbins! :) I couldn't imagine doing a whole quilt - except I guess maybe I can imagine it because I'd love the finished product! :) Have fun on your trip!

debbi d-w said...

Love "Outside In!" Just back from my own getaway on Washington Island in Wisconsin, and stopped in at Sievers' School of Fiber Arts to see if they had Alyssa H-C's book, and they did not, but they had yours! Congrats - they only carry like 12 quilting books in the whole shop - made me smile.

Lisa said...

I was just over at pink chalk where you summited a pic of your sewing room and there sat yoda he is pretty popular around here too. Remember you circle quilt with yoda wrapped up in it? Well everytime you turn on our iPad there he is. Brings a 6 yr old much joy! Love your work thought I would share how you bring joy to the world in little ways too!

jane said...

What a gorgeous book. Thanks for the chance to win!