"Procrastination is the most common manifestation of Resistance because it's the easiest to rationalize. We don't tell ourselves, "I'm never going to write my symphony." Instead we say, "I am going to write my symphony; I'm just going to start tomorrow."
Rationalization is Resistance's right hand man. Its job is to keep us from feeling the shame we would feel if we truly faced what cowards we are for not doing our work. But rationalization has its own sidekick. It's that part of our psyche that actually believes what rationalization tells us. It's one thing to lie to ourselves. It's another thing to believe it.
I don't have time to work out today....have you said that to yourself like I have? I convinced myself to believe it too.
...Never forget: This very moment, we can change our lives. There never was a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny. This second, we can turn the tables on Resistance.
This second, we can sit down and do our work.
So, this second I'm going to get on the treadmill...and when I get off step into the studio and continue to do my work.
I have the power to change my life.
You do too.
The giveaway...I'm putting together some great fabric bundles. Just comment to enter. I'd like to hear your thoughts.
1 – 200 of 222 Newer› Newest»Great advice!!
sounds like an interesting book. i've often found myself near the end of a project and want to walk away, or brainstorming ideas that are never realized - am i afraid of success? failure? sounds like this book is designed to help people like me embrace the possibilities and get off our duffs and take an active role in our own story. :)
i'm totally guilty of talking myself out of things that i really should do and want to do. this sounds like an interesting book! sometimes setting concrete and realistic goals really help. like instead of saying "i will finish this giagantic quilt top this weekend", say "i'll make 10 quilt blocks on saturday and 10 more on sunday" and see where that takes you.
This is great advice and a great reminder. For me, I think I have to allow myself to realize that I can get a lot done in only a very short period of time. I'm the type that feels like I have to wait until I have "several hours" to do... most anything - clean up the clothes on my bedroom floor, sew something, workout and lift weights, work on a big portfolio for work that's due in 2 months. When in reality, as a mom to two who works full-time, I don't have several hours to commit to much in my life! So I need to steal the '20 min' here and '30 min' there and just do it!!
Please excuse me while I work on that portfolio for 25 min before my next lecture starts.
So so true. Is it like this with EVERYONE? Thanks Jacquie.
I think it would be useful to think delve into the reasons WHY we procrastinate in doing the things we know we should do (or need to do). Often times when I admit to myself that I've been procrastinating on something, I uncover a buried fear or deep hesitation which helps me gain insight into what's really going on. Thanks for the giveaway!
oops, I forgot to add a way to contact me (the previous portfolio email) if I would be so lucky as to win: steeplechaser29 (at) yahoo (dot)com
I know I need one lots of day!
very motivating quotes Jacquie x
I need to get a copy of this book!! So true! I also need to get copies for my daughters!! Thanks for sharing as I will definitely keep my eye open for this book! Now I am going to go on my exercise bike right NOW!!
take care!
This was just what I needed to read today. I've been procrastinating in a big way, and the more I do, the more impossible it seems to actually start something. This reminded me that it's not too late, but I need to act now. Thanks for the motivation.
First of all, I LOVE your blog and have learned a lot from you. Thank you!
What a great message you share today. I think I have to get my hands on a copy of that book and give myself a Kick in the Ass!
What a fantastic way to start the day! I will be adding this book to my "must get" list. I once read somewhere that to "rationalize" is to tell "rational lies." It's such a gift to be given the tools to get out of our own way so that we can create!
I'm working on my dissertation, so procrastination is my worst enemy. On the exercise front, I wanted to play roller derby for three years, and I finally made myself tryout. It's one of the best decisions I ever made. I you wanna do something, do it. Perhaps that should be our new motto.
I think I need to read that book. Thanks for the push to get up and do something this morning.
hmm... sounds good to me... i think i'm going to have to find a copy of this book myself! i started the kick in the pants and was exercising a bit, until the shoulder pain i was ignoring got too bad. now i'm doing other exercises that aren't working my butt out...just my rotator cuff. sigh.
enjoy your weekend! i'm going to run around with cub scouts tomorrow.
The worst thing about procrastination for me is that while I don't manage to do what needs to be done, I also don't allow myself to do anything "fun" but productive. So in the end, nothing gets done - I have just procrastinated away the time in trivialities - and in that time I could have either accomplished the task or something crafty or other meaningful-but-non-work-related. Sigh. I must do better. And I can do better. I need to read that book.
Sounds like a book I should read. I always tell myself I can't sew until I get other things done. Those other things are endless! I need to just make myself to it right now. The other things will still be there when I am finished. As much as I think it, it's still very hard to just do it.
Great motivation tips! I think the best thing to fight procrastination is to break up a big task into smaller tasks that way you feel like you're getting more accomplished.
urgh, just telling a friend last night that i procrastinate by procrastinating. i want to write, but maybe i'll empty the dishwasher no don't do that that's just procrasting (see? meta-procrastinating! procrastinating by trying to keep myself from procrastinating!) :)
I try not to say "I wish I could..." or "I would've done it, but...". If I *really* wished it, I should've found a way to make it happen.
wow, this is a subject that gets talked about often in our house. My husband is not a procrastinator, but me??!? and his best friend/ partner?
For awhile I had a big sign up in my bathroom that said "Just do it".
What perfect message for today! This seems to be the story of my life. I have been procrastinating big time at work and I think it is the fear of not being able to accomplish what I need to do. It is about facing your fears...fear of admitting you don't have the right skills, fear of being older and knowing technology has passed you by etc. And once you procrastinate in one area of your life it spills over into the other areas. That is book that I will be looking for this weekend! Thanks for sharing.
It is so true - you can change your life at any moment! Thanks for reminding us!
I'm printing this right now and putting it on the fridge! I have teenagers and a couple of college aged children living home while finishing school. Those are wonderful words for us all. Thank you.
I'm notorious for procrastinating. I always say "In the morning...".
Jacquie, I've missed you!
I'm checking this book out of the library RIGHT NOW.
I just think of all the stuff I could get done if I didn't have to work 8 hrs a day, commute, etc. I try to make those little 15 minute periods of time between other things productive.
Wow, what great timing! I had just sat down at the computer to read my favourite blogs as a way to put off doing the work I need to get done today. Now, thanks to you, I am going to log off and go for a run, then finish the quilt I am procrastinating about!
This is a really great book!
Queen of Procrastination here, maybe I should read the book...next year...
Sounds like a great book. Sometimes I think our perfectionism makes us procrastinate even more.
Procrastination is a curse- I have to ask yourself constantly why I am doing it and then figure out the real reason I haven't done what I want to do!
Wow! Thank you for that 'KICK'! Every morning this week with the time change I've avoided working out even though my son is wide awake at 5am! I need to get the book. Thank you for your wisdom and the inspiration! Happy Friday!
Wow! I needed that motivation. I was exercising everyday and had lost 44 pounds and was feeling great. Lately I haven't been exercising and have put back on a few pounds. I always seem to convince myself that I just don't have the time to work out. I'm starting back today. Thanks.
Very true! My excuse lately is the cold wet weather but I have a gym by the office and a wide open living room I could use.
Such good advice...and terrific food for thought. Not only do we rationalize and sometimes believe our own false rationalizations...but sometimes I think we are actually afraid to succeed.
Thanks, now I have a Christmas gift for my sister, the musician. We all need a little kick in the rear every now and then.
This couldn't have come at a better time. I'm between jobs and there's always time tomorrow to get that task done...Especially exercise! Thanks for this post (and the giveaway!)
Sounds right up my alley...I really should get this book too! Although if I am forced to be honest it would probably shed a light on the tine I "waste" on the computer! Yikes! : )
I need this book...I was just thinking to myself that I need to get more organized about getting things done. It's so easy to put cleaning my basement off. I just requested this book from the library. Thanks
It's so easy to say "i'll do it tomorrow or whenever" thanks for kicking us to just do it now!
Amen, sister! I find I can rationalize lots of stuff, but when I go out and just do it, the results are amazing. Like yesterday, I spent several hours making Christmas gifts and finished a whole bunch. It didn't take a lot of time, just a can-do attitude. thanks for a chance at your giveway.
I'm going to check this out from the library this weekend. I need to read it! I think sometimes I'm so afraid to do all that I want to do because I'm worried I'll fail. The truth is that most very successful people fail several times before they ever do great things. The difference being they try again & again until they get the job done. Thanks for the recommend. Hope you have a great weekend :)
I woke up to go running this morning. It was 35 degrees. I went back to bed. Thanks for kicking me in the butt. I'll get out there today.
Just what I needed! Thanks for the chance to win!
I was in the middle of a procrastination post that I, ironically enough, put off to read your blog, and now I have to rethink it. You've ruined all my rationalizations!
Maybe you should just give the book away! :)
Thanks for inspiring me! As soon as I get home from work I'm going to start some projects that I've been putting off. Checking my reader was my procrastination vehicle at work so I'm off now ....
so true...why not stop being disgusted with my unproductive self (quilting/exercise) and just DO IT. must find this book! thanks.
So inspirational!
I ran three times this week on the treadmill and went for two walks outside. It really is all about just doing it and not coming up with excuses!
I have always liked the saying "there is no time like the present."
I have had that book on my "I want to read" list forever... you just made me decide to move it to the top. What great quotes!
Sure is a gut check! Thanks for the push (ok, its more like a 2 handed shove) along!
I like the quote, but I think it's funny that no matter what we are doing, we are always procrastinating doing something else. I love doing crafty things, but I don't like housework. So, I often find myself quilting when I should be cleaning. But now after reading this quote, what I thought was procrastinating is now NOT procrastinating, in the name of art. Yep, that's what I'll tell my husband! :)
I really needed this today. Thanks, Jacquie!
Powerful advice------now--to just do it.
Procrastination is my second name, sadly! I often think that if I had started this and that when I had planned to, I would have had plenty of time to do other things I wanted to do...
Wonder if I can find this book in norwegian...
I am the master of procrastination. And I'm always amazed once I force myself to buckle down and "do it" that it usually isn't that difficult, nor does it take that long.
Procrastination....I'm pretty sure that's my middle name!
I'm actually, finally, doing ok on exercising. It sounds like a great book. These quotes made me think of my creativity goals for the year--procrastination has definitely slowed me down. And the first steps aren't even the scary ones, you know?
Oh my! How I needed to hear that! I am putting 2 copies in my Amazon cart as soon as I post this. I think I'll ask my husband to read it with me.
I see procrastination as my way of balancing my life. The dishes will still be there tomorrow. Take time for the important things now. In the long run, will it matter if I had great abs? I sure would love a fabric bundle, though! Now, that I would play with immediately!:)
I think that procrastination and perfectionism are deeply related--if I don't start until the last minute, then no one can blame me for not doing my absolute best.
Wow, I've never even heard of this book,but the quotes that you've shared really resonated with me. Thanks.
I think we could all benefit from a kick in the pants like that now and again! Ok...now I'm getting off the computer, cleaning the bathroom and then I'm getting to work on that project that I have been putting off! Thanks!
wow, that is some amazing advice. I especially like the bit on procrastination. I needed that, thanks!!
Sadly, my butt needs kicking, too. This book is going on my list of things I need.
my but always needs a kickin.
That kind of makes me think of Stop the Insanity (Susan Powter). I remember being all fired up after I read it and then... a few days later... well... I was back to being lazy. I would much rather sit and read about doing something than actually do it.
Fear and procrastination are the two enemies that dog me. I'm getting better at facing both of them square in the face.
Thanks for those words. I'm pretty sure I need to hear them
Thank you, I needed that today!
hmm, maybe I need the book more than some more fabric. ;) But I'm writing down the title and author and I'll welcome more fabric.
I stumbled upon your blog and read this...Oh my its just what I needed to hear. I often find myself putting things off and just saying its because I'm a procrastinator. Guess I just need to change my vocab and start saying I can/will get this done. Thanks!!!
P.S. I always love more fabric though!!
I'm putting this book on my shopping list today. Procrastination is my middle name!
I think this is a common problem among women who are really doing a lot, family, job, creating things, but we see others getting more done, or so we think. We want to do it all and there's nothing wrong with that so any thing that can help me get more done in a more efficient way, I'm glad to read about it.
those are some POWERFUL words! i am currently shaming myself from finishing a dissertation and creating in any form available (READ: sewing!) instead.
hmmm ... guess i'll get back to writing?! :)
Very timely post for me. I'm struggling through some inner resistance to get work done for school. Despite a locked in stone deadline that I *have* to meet I'm finding really difficult to get what I need to get done done.
I like the procrastination quote. I find myself getting derailed by perfectionism . . . I make a mistake and it often causes me to abandon a project. I'm learning to say, "that mistake is okay . . . how can I work around it?" or "Will that mistake really matter?" Looks like a great book.
Thanks for the motivation! Tomorrow I am going to work out AND quilt. (Not saying that to procrastinate doing it today, just because I wont be home today so I have to start tomorrow :))
We all need that push now and then. My husband was always saying- I don't have time to which I would answer- make time. It's easy to tell someone else that but hard when it comes back to you. Just remember- we all have the same 24 hours each day.
Tears of joy. Thanks you so much for sharing this. The parts that you have posted will be copied and placed around my house as a constant reminder. I think it is something that all of us need to be frequently reminded. No guilt. Just go do it because you ARE worth it.
I think the real problem behind procrastination is that our true priorities aren't what we tell ourselves they are. If something was genuinely important to us, we'd make the time. I'll admit it, relaxing is a higher priority to me than cleaning most of the time, and as such the latter often falls to the wayside. :P Sewing, on the other hand, is nice and relaxing. :P It's all about relative priorities...
My crutch now is "productive procrastination". I do get lots done, just not what is the most important. Thanks for the motivation to start again!
Boy do I need to read that! Procrastination is my middle name...I think most of my problems are I can't make decisions and waste so much time trying to decide the same things over and over! Being ADD doesn't help either. I do have the power to change...will make that my mantra.
Thanks for sharing.
Love this! Thanks for always having such interesting and inspiring things of not on your blog.
I love the first 2 quotes. Yeah, we're usually our own worst enemy.
I woke up this morning, and was thinking of excuses to justify missing the morning class at the gym. Then read your post, and made myself go. And am glad that I did. Thank you!
I need that book...I want that book..I think I will find it on Amazon...thanks for the post...and yes, I too can find a million reasons why I don't have time to exercise. I love your blog and work, you are so talented! Lisa in Texas
YOu're killing me here--I'm taking an unscheduled break from compiling reading assessment results (and feeling oh, so terribly guilty)and wha-la, a post about procrastination! Okay, I'm going back to work...sheesh!!
p.s. maybe this means I need to buy the book... :O)
Guilty as charged! But, maybe I'll wait till tomorrow to think about it!! (Seriously, good advice!)
I'm glad you found this book and that it's been so helpful. I use a book called "Art and Fear" much the same way - I have portions highlighted that help me realize/remember what is really going on when I procrastinate on a project, or avoid starting one, or engage in any of the numerous other behaviors that keep me from pursuing what I KNOW will make me happy - creating something. Thanks for sharing!
Never leave for tomorrow what you could do today. I love getting things done!
Love the title, I thought at first it was The Art of War by Sun Tzu and then realized the play on words, very different book indeed. I am a half-you know what person. For instance I am faithful to excercise, but I can't seem to log it in. I did finish a 2 year old (okay 3 year old ufo last night). And started finishing another one. Procrastination - it ebbs and flows.
My back has been letting me know lately that I need a kick in the butt exercise more. My mom also had a heart attack last week and it really hit me hard and got to thinking about MY health. Thanks for kicking me in the butt AGAIN!!!
Wow! Procrastination and rationalization -- two of my best friends. Oops! Worst enemies! Also -- self sabotage! We are all busy and all have the same number of hours in a day. Saying we are too busy to do something just means we are choosing something else as more important.
God, do I need that book! Also would really enjoy the fabis you are giving away
I need to buy this book and read it cover to cover today, not tomorrow!
What are you? A mind reader??? LOL
Seriously. This is where I've been at over that past several weeks. Trying to kick my a** into gear. Must get this book. Thanks, Jacquie.
One of the things my daughter's guidance counselor said something that stuck with me. She told my daughter it was great to dream, but set a schedule and live by it to do. She said that it wasn't enough to plan in your mind, but write it on a ca;endar and know that excuses not to meet the schedule were excuses. She told my second grade daughter that the only reasons not to meet a deadline were bloody injuries, sickness so bad you couldn't leave the bed or death. My daughyter doesn't miss deadlines and she still plans to this day.
Over the years I have gotten better about setting a mental schedule and then *doing* it. I live alone now, and if I just sat around, my life would really be nothing.
So as I go to sleep at night, I'm thinking of what I want to happen the next day; most days it does.
For instance, today was the day I planned to finish up City Shops, and by golly it's DONE! Yea!!!
I’m very grateful that you’ve shared this book. I’ve been implementing (positive) changes in my life in the last year however, the BIG pink elephant (a.k.a. procrastination) still has a gnawing presence in my life, and I’m all too adept at rationalizing. Thank you! I’m getting a copy ASAP.
Procrastination seems to be one of my biggest self-issues. Not too sure why but I can out-procrastinate anyone.
Hugs - Marie
It's good to see ourselves in the glare of truth sometimes! One of my self-deceptions is the "need" to do something completely and perfectly, or not do it at all.
sometimes truth is hard to bear, but it is still truth .... i'm the world's worst procrastinator and rationalizer ... i'm aiming to do better daily at getting over this proclivity of not doing it because it *might not be perfect* .... hmmmmmm ..... thanks for the lift!
I wonder how often we ignore the good messages we should pay attention to b/c we are bogged down with the useless. Today I was dreading a work related project that was going to involve hours on the computer. About noon I felt the need to go take a walk, even though it was cold and I wasn't finished with work. I ended up at the LQS (1 mile away) and ran into 2 friends I haven't seen in ages. I returned re-energized. I nearly missed an opportunity for exercise, smiles, energy and ideas by being too bogged down in "I have to do this now or else".
Just today I was feeling sorry for myself. I was in a bad accident and now I have to do some hard work to get my memory etc back. I just want to be "normal" again (whatever that is!). I know if I work hard it will come back but thinking of it is overwhelming at times. I think I may check out this book!
Wow! did I need that or what?! Perfect timing! Off to Amazon to search for that book! I could use a good kick in the tush!
I'm really good at doing what the 3rd quote says. My waistline is evidence. :)
I really need this book. I have made an art out of procrastination and rationalization. So since I'm going away this weekend without my laptop (eeeek!!!!), I'm going to put your blog as a link on my iPhone because I want to read all these comments.
How many times have I heard a little voice in my mind telling me to "Just do it now!", when I am procrastinating and rationalizing? I have to remind myself of the good feelings I will have when a job, no matter how small, is done.
You've found a thoughtful author who has written an important book with information for all of us.
Well I actually feel pretty good about myself. I had major surgery four months ago and it required 3 months of recuperation time if not more. I finally told myself on Monday that I can't keep finding reasons not to work out, and showed up. I went all week. I'm sore, but proud I didn't let myself get discouraged from the sore muscles. I am not a procrastinator- I just always have more on my to-do list then is necessary. I find if I make a monthly list and write down what I NEED to get done that day, that I'm able to accomplish it much easier and feel better about it instead of seeing a mile long list that I only crossed 2 items off for that day. Keep motivated Jacquie! Thanks for the give away too! I can't log in to my google acct for some reason so my contact info is texastdy08@hotmail.com
This is so good and so so very true! We can think of a hundred excuses why we can not do things, we always talk about it but never gets done! I know someone like this and I think we all have done it one time or another. Thanks for the riminder!!!♥
It is so easy to fall into the “I don’t feel like it mood” and not get much done. When I “want to do it” I accomplish a lot in an amazing amount of time. Sadly, being lazy it just too easy.
My nordic track mocks me daily as I go about my daily "work"...to tired and busy (rationalization) to use it.
I found myself nodding throughout your post. Yep, yep, yep. I can relate. I should print out these quotes and post them in a prominent location to constantly remind myself.
I'm great at saying I will read the next post on the blog then get to work... :-)
I need to read something like this EVERY day! I think I know these things in my head but it's so easy to stay in the rut of old habits. I've been asking myself lately if my priorities, values, and desires on the inside are reflected in the way I'm actually living.
Thanks for sharing this book. I lived reading the comments too!
We must balance doing and being, though. It all boils down to what you want to do. If there's something you want to do but it has never seemed to happen, use this book. Life is not entirely about doing, tho.
excellent advice. I hope I can take it.
I haven't seen this book, but it looks good...I going to write it down on my list of books to look into the next time I go to the book store.
Thanks for the giveaway too!
Seems like a neat book, thanks for sharing! You make me want to buy a treadmill...
These words are so true. Many times I say to myself, if only I had the time when I should be thinking I will make the time.
You may be sending this book to the best sellers list! I'll be picking up a copy too!
Thanks so much for posting this. I'm definitely going to check it out and rec to other friends as well.
Thanks for sharing I will have to see if I can download that on my kindle. I often find that I procrastinate because I am a perfectionist. I have been able to convince myself if I wait until the last minute it doesn't have to be perfect. I know that isn't the right way of going about it and I should just take the time to make it perfect or except that I am not perfect, but I have trouble stopping myself. I also find that I am easily distracted or put things off until tomorrow, which by the way never comes. As there is always another tomorrow. Thanks for putting this out there and reminding us to just get it done. Now I will spend some time looking for this book instead of cleaning/sewing/walking the dog/exercising/writing report cards/making dinner :) Have a great night!
Very deep words. I know that man is mans own best enemy. I know I am mine. Thank you for this post. I wish all people everywhere could truely see our abilities. Oh the things we could do. And I love fabric, LOL, so thank you for the chance to win some of yours.
Uhg, but it's so EASY and seems so OPTIMISTIC to say, "Oh, I'll start tomorrow!" I said that for 8 months as I watched my waistline grow during my first year of teaching last year. I'm kept saying, "I'll go to the gym tomorrow...." Right now I'm on day 26 of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. But, now my grading and crafting and (worst of all) cleaning is on my "get to it tomorrow" list. Does the book mention how to balance?!
Steven Pressman is going to wonder what caused the sudden uptick in sales of his book.
One time I wrote "I am the procrastinating queen of the world" as my Facebook status update, and a friend commented, "Is that the (procrastinating queen) (of the world) or the (procrastinating) (queen of the world)? I replied that it was the former, of course.
Whoops, I meant Steven Pressfield, not Steven Pressman.
We had a chat just like this in our yoga class the other day. Worth having it in writing. I am going to save this one.
Thanks, I can always use motivation!!!
I'm putting that book on my reading list. Thanks.
Interesting food for thought - I think I want to mull that over for a while but I agree that we are our own worst enemies when it comes to being creative. Thanks for the thoughtful post!
I needed to hear that today. And will probably need to hear it tomorrow, too! ;o)
I am putting a note on my fridge that will remind me that I'm the only one standing in the way of my creations. Nice post. We can all use a bit of a kick in the butt sometimes.
I am absolutely my own worst enemy when it comes to getting things done. Thanks for the reminder to get up and get moving.
i was going to procrastinate and comment tomorrow 'cause it's getting so late and i can hardly keep my eyes open. plus, tomorrow, i'm sure i'll think of something much more enlightening, BUT then again.......
What a timely posting!! I sometimes think I am the queen of procrastinators: "I'm going to cut that beautiful fabric later, because if I use it now I might wish later that I hadn't." Not sure where this comes from because never once have I had that thought later. Thanks for the kick in the ass :) I'm off to cut without reservation!!
I have to go get this book! This has been my theme for the last year. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about this very topic. I have started on a path to do the very thing I have been dreaming about for over two decades. And I am finally doing it because of people like Steven Pressfield who take the time to document their journeys and share them with all of us!
Sounds like this is a book that I need to read...........soon!
Yup! I need to spend less time dreading, and more time doing!!!
I can't decide if this book is a total contradiction of what I'm trying to learn over at Ordinary Courage, or if they complement each other. Yes, I procrastinate and rationalize, and that prevents me from accomplishing the things I want to accomplish. On the other hand, if I stop rationalizing and accept that I'm not doing something I'm capable of, do I have to also accept the feeling of shame? Because I have enough shame in my life. I'm trying to go another direction, one that helps me say, "Yeah, sometimes I could do better at X. But I'm a good person, deserving of love and respect, whether I do X or not." If I am avoiding things because of fear of failure, then accepting that failure is okay is the first step.
Did any of that make sense?!
Wise words. Although, I am finding myself in a situation where I've been procrastinating on a project, yet rather than getting motivated and just doing the project, I'm realizing that the avoidance is telling me that, in this case, I really just need to say no. This is not the project for me and my time is better spent on other things. I guess teh key is knowing when you're procrastination needs to be broken through for growth to happen, or when the procrastination is your subconscious saying walk away.
I just can't think that hard about my art. I'd rather just enjoy it for what it is.
I procrastinate in areas that intimidate me. Trying to make dinner for a good cook or make a bee block for a quilter you admire is easy to put off until the last minute. The allows roadblocks and excuses to build rather then just doing it.
Well, it sounds like it is written just for me, I have been procrastinating some sewing projects that needs to be done soon, hope I can finish it today! - Thanks for the timely post!
You are right on with this post!!! At least I'm in good company;) You just convinced me to do a week with no internet - my bathrooms really need a good sparkling clean! So if I win please don't redraw on me;)
Every morning we wake up and make choices. Usually if I've worked out AND the house is clean I'm procrastinating. Today was a perfect example.
So...do I need to buy the book on Amazon and spend more time reading it...or should I just get quilting?! It's not everyone's curse...take Victoria of Bumblebeans, for instance, who turns out more (fabulous!)quilts in a week than I make in a year. Yes - I have the power to change my life...a good mantra!
I'll try to post again...I posted, then deleted it because it wasn't what I wanted to say, then I posted again, and it's not there. I'll add "do better at technology" to my list!
Procrastination and distraction can be fun, or it can hold me back, depending on my mindset and goals. I found a link to a print on etsy that I just might need to buy.
Thanks for posting. This topic hits home for me!
Sometimes when I take on too much I become sort of frozen. Like I don't know where to begin tackling my mountain. I have always called it "Paralyzed Perfectionism". This post and the quotes are making me think about what I am really doing when I feel like I can't begin. I am resisting?? I is interesting to think about over-achievers using resistance...
I love the quotes and like many of the others who have commented I too procrastinate, but I find it is out of fear. Fear because I don't really know how to do something, fear because I don't know what the outcome will be -- happy, sad, etc. Sounds like a great book -- thanks for sharing!
It is definitely the right time of year for a kick in the ass. Thank you!
I think that book is one I should be reading, especially with Christmas so close! So much to do and I'm not ready to start!
I'm a master procrastinator! And it seems to get worse as I get older. Thanks for the reminder to get going:)
Interesting take on procrastination. I will need to start thinking about it that way, because it definitely keeps me from doing what I want to do AND what I need to do. Perhaps I should read the whole book. Thanks for bringing to to my attention.
I'm definitely guilty of procrastination. I usually blame my kids for not letting me get a moment to myself to do anything productive. Of course this expands beyond just sewing/quilting. This also covers general household duties such as laundry or cleaning of any kind... If I don't have time to do the un-fun stuff, I definitely don't have time to do the fun stuff...
The book looks interesting!
WOW! Just what I needed to read! While I do get things done, it sometimes takes forever to get mySELF to do them and, way too many times, I think I don't have the ability to do them. There are so many things I waited to do, learned to do them and I'm REALLY good at them!
thanks so much for this post ... going out with my d-i-l today to a craft fair and then on to the book store to get this book!
Oh geez! You mean I really do have time to workout today?!? Okay, I'm on my way to the gym. (Looks like a good book.)
Can you throw in a copy of the book, too? ;-)
This is soooo what I need to hear. The things I don't do b/c I put them off!!
thanks, christina
I just got back from an ice-cold run. I used to work out all the time, and now I get home from work an am "too busy". Gotta get back in the routine. Thanks for the kick in the butt! :)
Procrastination sometimes takes courage to overcome. I know I put things off because I don't want to know I can't do something. If I procrastinate, then that remains unknown - which equals hope. What a chicken, huh? Thanks for the kick...time to muster some courage!
Man, that is quite the kick in the pants! But excellent advice.
Oh so very true! I need that kick a lot lately! I love all the advice too.
I just read this quote the other day "Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task." ~William James
When I do put something of it really does fatigue me, so lately I have been thinking of that.
Thanks and hope you have a great day!
Yes, I do find myself rationalizing quite a bit about why I can't do/finish things. It's so easy with 2 little kids who demand so much time. But when I actually 'force' myself to put in some creative time, it feels sooo good and I think that's the feeling I really need to remember. Thanks for the reminder!
Thanks, I needed to hear that! i'd love to win your giveaway.
The comments from the book that you chose makes me agree rationalization is a great way to avoid shame, guilt etc that we need to change our ways. I think as a society as a whole we try to avoid shame in general. Not that we should wallow in it, just use it as incentive to accomplish our dreams.
I need to get on the treadmill, but it's late, so I will do it tomorrow. Sorry.
Sounds like an interesting book, I'll have to add it to my "to be read" list.
Powerful words -- and so true for me. I'm going to take your lead . .
I'm doing a 40 day yoga challenge right now (I'm on day 15!). Last time my yoga studio had a 40 day challenge, I didn't sign up because I convinced myself I didn't have time to go every day. But you know what? I do! I stopped rationalizing it to myself, and instead have gifted myself with making time for yoga every day. It's bliss!
This post brings tears to my eyes.
Great advice. I would like to enter your giveaway.
So awesome. Procrastination just kicks me in the butt every time. The quotes will be copied down, and stuck to the fridge tonight (I promise)! Thanks so much.
My anti-creative lie is often more along the lines of "since my symphony will never be perfect there is no point in bothering to write it"
It is a killer. But then most lies are.
ike the passages you have selected - very insightful. With procrastination, a lot of it is fear on some level, fear to make the change, fear of what happens when you make the change, fear of failing at the change ... if the change is made "tomorrow", that's keeping the change at bay another day. It is hard to get past the fear, and make the change ... but not nearly as scarey as thought when it is finally made.
A "Good Friend" recommended this book for my daughter, Kelsey, and she loved it!
I'm putting this book on my must read list.
I really need to read this book! It's been said that procrastination permits us to lead "second best" lives--as we learn to settle for less than desired for results. So true--it is about the fear. This book sounds inspiring.
A friend of mine is opening her own business after a lot of time thinking about it. It's definitely inspiring to see how much energy she's putting into it instead of just sitting around waiting to do it tomorrow.
I need to get to clearing my paper piles, on the exercise bike and then to my art today......thank-you for sharing pieces of great inspiration.
When it comes to things I don't want to do, my motto has been: Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow. Unfortunately, that seems to also get what I do with a lot of things. My problem is that there are so many things I want to do I don't know where to start.
Thanks for the inspiration to get started on something.
Several years ago, when I was complaining about the lack of time to quilt, someone said, gently, to stop complaining, If I was not ready to make the commitment, just look at my life, decide what I really want to commit to and do it. If it's not time for something yet (family responsibilities, health...), accept it. I would know when it was time for the commitment to art.
I think it's time. i need this book.
Boy, did I need to hear that.
Thank you.
I'm going to be reading that book.
OOoh what a great sounding book that I should have to read myself. Of cours, given I AM the Queen of Prcrastination I would probably get it and have it next to my computer, moving it daily before I would actuall pick it up and read. HA. Nah, that sounds like one I NEED to read even if I tell hubby to hide my laptop until I did.
When my kids were younger and still at home I was super mom. Nothing out of place. Nevr late for anything. House obsessively cleaned daily to the point of even making sure to bleach clean toys etc. to avoid germy bugs from spreading any colds etc. AND THEN... the kids moved out one after one,and BAM! Queen of Procrastination was born. No more getting kids anywhere onb time, no deadlines. Ahhhhh what a life and I hate myself for it because now we have to rush around picking stuff up and cleaning if we know anyone is coming. I really miss my old self. I think maybe I'll find her again. Tomorrow. HA
very encouraging and motivating. thank you for sharing!
Procrastination is definitly my worst enemy, sounds like I need to read that book.
Sounds like a great motivational book. Need to put it on my list.
I think I am reading blogs right now instead of getting my studio in order which I think must be done before I can do any sewing. Ha! I've been busted! Nancy (dot) Gasparotti (at) cox (dot) net
That was very motivating thank you!!
That is great advice for anyone, for life and work.
Thanks for posting. The last quote is definitely going above my desk at work and above my sewing machine at home.
Oh, how I can relate! Are we ALL procrastinators? Or are we just afraid to fail, period? We let so many things get in our way of doing what we should at least try to do. I know! That includes taking care of ourselves. And it isn't just art . . . I saw my doc and he said I am pre-diabetic. Told me to lose 20 lbs. in 4 months and come back for re-testing. Scared me to death! I DID something, IMMEDIATELY, for once in my life. I cleaned out my refrig, my pantry and freezer and went into the "I'm gonna beat this" mode that same day. 2 1/2 months later, blood levels (glucose, etc.) are normal and I've lost 21 lbs. And I'm going to maintain this healthy way of life always now. My new motto is something you've all heard before: Just DO it! We CAN overcome procrastination!
glad to know im not alone in this situation!
How's this for rationalization: mother of crazy-high-energy 5 year old twin boys, knee-deep in stresses, worries, agendas, projects, relational issues, sleep deprivation, etc., etc. I won't even mention the last time I worked out! Sounds like I need to pick up a copy of this book!
Interesting Post. I am going to order the book. I NEVER order boks, but I am intrigued! Good stuff.
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