Sunday, May 13, 2012

Going Old School

I guess I'm an old school girl. I love to be surrounded by the things that inspire me and so I made another inspiration board for the studio. Pretty soon every bit of wall space will be covered with something.
I pieced together some of my last bits of this Jessica Jones fabric and covered a couple of foam core boards that I taped together.  It's the same fabric that I used for my sewing machine cover, my stool and my ironing station.
And then I started to "pin".   Definitely "old school", but it works for me.  Isn't this yellow amazing!  I'm sort of obsessed with yellow and gray right now.  Orange and gray always works for me too.


Elsa said...

Such a great idea! I've got some wall space that I've been taping bits and pieces of paper, blocks (I have a design wall too, but you can only put so much on it) and whatnot to. This looks like a much better way. Thanks for the inspiration!

Sharon said...

The yellow came from a Crate and Barrel catalog, right? I admired that same page and showed it to my daughter. The board is a great idea.

Caitlin said...

I LOVE yellow and gray! I just finished Shea's Crosshatch pattern in those colors :)
Oh, and I've been reading your book. It's awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

Love that Jessica Jones fabric! I'm right with you on yellow and grey and orange and grey :)

Paula said...

I have not graduated to yellow yet...just getting in step with orange and gray ;)

Heather said...

I love Old School! Your fabric choice is lovely and the yellow does really pop. I have not explored yellow, but I'm seeing it more and more. Thanks for sharing.

Emily said...

Oh this is so cute! I just re-faced my sewing room... It's so hard to not cover every inch of the walls with pretty things!

cinzia said...

Yes, yellow has aways been my favorite color and I'm obsessing with it right now! I plan to finish a yellow quilt this week! And I just 'pinned' some beautiful yellow paintings on my pinterest board. Love the pic on your board.

Elisa said...

I am old school as well Jacquie. I have thought about sharing my "board" too. I work, sans Pintrest, and find that I do just fine. Of course, I am still addicted to print magazines (design and fashion in particular) where there is lots of quilt color inspiration to be found. I was glad to learn recently that Yves Saint Laurent was "old school" as well, but the didn't have a choice. Love being surrounded "physically" by inspiring things.

Erika Mulvenna said...

Lovely! I made a reproduction 1960's apron out of that fabric, and I love it, the fabric wears well. Hey, there's nothing wrong with a little "old school" pinning!

MightyMom said...

I long for the day I have wall space to cover like that!