Then I started on the quilting and binding for these little Christmas quilts. In the middle of pressing I dumped my coffee and ruined all the binding(it was originally white with red polka dots). I did manage to finish them, though.
I turned this orphan block into a table topper. I thought it might turn out to be a pillow, but the last thing I need around here is another pillow. This will be fun on the kitchen table in the spring. Doesn't it say spring to you?
I have some thank you's today. I won giveaways at Doris's blog, Threads of Conversation and Sherri's blog, A Quilting Life. Doris sent me that lovely stack of blue fabric. That's some fabric goodness! Thanks Doris! Sherri sent me this cute basket and two potholders. The potholders are in use in the kitchen (so much better than my nasty black ones) and I use the basket in my sewing room. Thanks Sherri, they are so great and I use them both every day! Lastly Lisa Boyer of Dorky Homemade quilts sent me this gorgeous Hawaiian fabric as a thank you. She won my little quilty neighborhood. Thanks Lisa, the fabric is fab!
A "fun alert" for all of you. Nanette, of Freda's Hive is celebrating her one year blogging anniversary. She's celebrating all week long. Be sure and check her out. She has the most gorgeous fabric collection and wonderful patterns to buy and her blog is such a happy, inspiration filled place. Head on over and say hi and congratulations.
You are so patient! I don't know if I would be able to go back after quilting. I can't wait to see pictures of the quilt.
Table topper says spring, but also summer all over it. It might be one of those you can leave one longer.
Sorry to hear of your mishaps in quilting. How frustrating.
The Christmas houses are so cute. Can't wait to see the colorwheel finished.
You have been a very good girl look at all Santa's helpers are sending you.
Oh, I would have lost it with that colour-wheel! Good for you and your patience.
I think I would have just burst into tears and given up, well done you for sticking it out. I can't wait to see the colour wheel all finished.
The table topper looks very spring like, and great too.
so...28 trees? THUD!
Oh my gosh, it sounds like stressful quilting, which quilting shouldn't be. I'm glad to hear you survived though. Can't wait to see the completed colorwheel quilt.
I would have put it away to come back to later. It is so frustrating when something goes awry like that. Good for you for finishing it up! Love the table topper too-it does look like spring!
I would have done the smae thing as you, take it all out, cry a little (me, I would) and start over. I just adore your little houses!!
I have done the same thing...taken hours and hours to re-do something that wasn't just right--and it's always been worth it in the end. And the times I haven't...I have regretted. So you did the right thing!!!
I know I wouldn't have been as patient as you must have been this weekend! I cannot wait to see your colorwheel quilt. And I love your Spring table topper - love the colors!
These things can be so trying! But they must be done. LOL Looking forward to seeing the finished colorwheel. Your finished houses are adorable, and those are some great gifts.
Please tell me the Hawaiian fabric has a selvedge and you can tell me who makes it!!
I think the Christmas cottages look fab with the red on white binding so maybe you were MEANT to spill your coffee!
Mishaps! uck - never fun, but your finishes look great! Glad you were able to power through it :)
Thanks Jacquie, what a dear friend you are. I'm so glad Terri introduced me to your blog. It is one of my favs. On the color wheel - arghhhh. I know how you feel. Sometimes the seam ripper is my favorite thing. I hate when that happens. Oh well. You're a perfectionist. And there is nothing wrong with it. Your projects are all lovely.
Hi Jacquie! I just love your blog and wanted to let you know I've nominated you for the Kreative Blogger Awared. You can find the details on my blog :O)
I'm glad you are nearly finished the colour wheel and are happier with it - can't wait to see it!
Wow. It's inspiring to know that people actually take a quilt apart to make it better - not sure I would have the heart (or guts) to do that! Love the table topper, and your little house quilts.
Merry Christmas!
Love the colours in this table topper Jacquie... A good chocolate brown is not easy to come by!! Lx
You absolutely NEVER cease to amaze me with you creativeness..and your generosity of spirit. You are something special, or as we say here: A KEEPER.
Best to you dear person in all that you do and all of who you are.
...oops..I mean..with "your" not "you".
your blog is probably my favorite of all that i read. just letting you know.
So sorry that you had such a time, but I admire your dedication to doing it up right! I am sure it looks just wonderful. The houses are adorable and the table topper is fab!
I can't wait to see your wedge quilt. I probably would have done the same thing. It would have irritated me if I had left it that way. I am loving your little Christmas quilts. Very cute! Great use of the orphan block. I am assuming that you are feeling better with all the sewing going on?
Sorry to hear about your (mis)adventures. We all have them from time-to-time. While frustruating they also remind me to be thankful when everything goes right for a few days in a row :)
Days like that make me want to sit and wonder why I quilt, but we all know the answer to that!!!
Love the little Christmas quilts and the red binding is darling with them.
I am looking forward to seeing the finished color wheeel.
so for Christmas I'm gonna recommend a coffe mug with a lid! :-) and a little table far away from all projects to set it on...all by itself. :-)
sorry about the fabric. able to salvage it at all? sometimes I just have to put everything away and walk off.
You're so welcome, Jacquie! I love my little neighborhood so much. Thanks again.
Sorry to hear about your mishap and your having to unpick and re-do your colourwheel quilt, but that is precisely why your quilts are just so fabulous - your amazing attention to detail :) Love, love your Christmas houses!
WOW - you are good! I don't know if I would have re-done it or not. Okay - probably I would have, I can't abide things I don't think are right -- but I can tell you one thing for certain, I'd be bitter and grumpy about it!
Your mini-quilts look so perfect with THAT binding, I can't imagine anything better. Your straight stitch raw edge applique looks great, I have yet to try it. I keep thinking there must be something I'm missing, I guess it will hold up just like we're seeing it?
Sounds like you're being tested...
oh no! so sorry you had to deal with that! and good for you for working through them. what great goodies you won!
I think your little quilts are my favorite new handmade item of the year. If I had an award, I'd give it to you.
Sorry about the spilled coffee. I've almost spilled on my scrapbooking a number of times. Yet I keep sipping away.
Wow, that last comment is an amazing compliment! But you so deserve it! Glad you liked the fabric, I got your sweet thank you yesterday...
The little Christmas quilts turned out perfect! You are so awesome to forge through all those creative issues. Most people would just give up.
sorry that you had a tough sewing weekend. :(
Glad you were able to straighten out the mishaps. Picking out seems to be a part of the whole stitching experience, doesn't it? Sometimes I think I do more ripping than stiching! ;o)
Congrats on some great giveaway wins!
I love the happy little Christmas quilts!
Hello fellow Lefse lover! Love your blog, am going to share it!!
Well, I like that red binding -- and I'm not sure I would have liked the white as well as the red, so maybe that was a little serendipity.
There are days when I think I should take my seam ripper in for sharpening as I'm sure I've dulled the thing in one fell swoop!
I LOVE your little Christmas quilts! So pretty and happy!!!
I just love those little Christmas houses! Congratulations on your wins!
Have you seen the "elf" house on Candace's blog? It looks like it came off one of your quilts!
oohh Jacquie, I have had the evil coffee mishap happen to me as well.. No more coffee on the sewing table for me! love your little quilts and table topper!
I can't wait to see your color wheel quilt. I love those little Christmas houses, so cute!
I love those red and white mini's.
I love everything! There are so many great things to look at!
I love all of your trees. I have a few, too, but not as many as you.
I love your little fabric basket in the last photo. I've been wanting to make me one. I thought about making them for my sewing group, but instead I made the little trees you saw on my blog. Maybe next year!
Adorable projects! Always such good eye candy on your blog. Have a Merry Christmas!
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