Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day

Welcome! Merry Christmas and happy whatever holiday you celebrate. It's Christmas at my house so let's kick the season off with some giving.

Before I do the giveaway I want to say thanks to the over 50 quilters who responded to my call for help yesterday and no one, (a tribute to how nice you all are) said "what the heck were you thinking putting that layout together?" which was what I was saying to myself. What Regi said about all of us is so true, "I would almost guarantee that each of them would see something a bit different about the quilt and have a different favorite part or a different way to “fix” it."
I appreciate all of you who took the time out of your day to help. Michaela actually drew a plan, scanned it and sent it, Charlie sent a picture and is thinking about it at work today and I had loads of emails back and forth from several of you. Kinda shows how much we all love quilting.

I have tried many options and I'm still working on it, but now I have so many more ideas...many of your suggestions spurred other ideas of my own. I think I may have to put all your names on the label. So, for all of you I'm having our own little private giveaway. I put all your names in a hat and I'll draw a winner on Saturday for something just for you. I would draw right now, but I have to make something!

And now to the real purpose of this post, Giveaway Day! I'm giving away a little Santa's village quilt. The winner will receive their choice of one of these 3 quilts. I hope to have them finished by Saturday, so that's when the giveaway will end. I'll post the winner at noon, central time.

Here's the deal. I love Christmas and I love to decorate. I've gotten the boxes out of the basement and I've started. Your task is to guess how many Christmas trees will I use to decorate my house. The trees have to be 3 dimensional and ornaments don't count. Everything else is fair game. If more than one person guesses the correct number, the first commenter with the correct guess will win their choice. (Who knows, maybe we could have a few more winners, maybe some fabric? So, guess away! Have fun!
EDITED TO ADD: A few have emailed and asked do they have to be live trees...nope...only 3 dimensional and international folks...of course you are welcome! I've put together some (actually 6) 1 yard fabric bundles(2 prints from the Kansas City Star history prints and a coordinating solid) to give away too, so don't give up! Let's keep having holiday fun!!!!


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Sunnymommie said...

gorgeous quilt!!! Umm, I think you have around 6 trees. I m sure you will make so beauiful christmas quilt :)

Sarah said...

What pretty little holiday quilts! Even if I don't win it will be a treat to see them finished.

I think you have 6 trees.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

I guess 3.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Laurie Wisbrun | Scarlet Fig said...

I'm going to guess 7. Come on lucky number 7!!!

Carrie said...

I'm going with 18

shanna said...

i'm guessing 10. i guess it can't hurt to try!

l said...

8 trees.

beagoodmom said...

Well. is this like the Price is Right were the goal is to pick a low number (closest without going over)? No? Ok. Well, then I pick a high number that maybe no one has picked before......I will say 14 and 1/2. the 1/2 being that Wonky miniature tree that you should have thrown out last year since its falling apart, but you could not bear to part with because its the only one thats just the right height for the sideboard.

I nailed it, didn't I? Yeah! I nailed it!

Anonymous said...

I'll guess 10 trees. Your little quilts are adorable, and I would so love to win one.

Jodie said...

I guess 14.


Patty said...

With all the comments you have received I am sure my guess will not count but I am going to guess anyway. Lets say 21.

Ali said...

So they could be really small too? Or outdoors?
I will go crazy and guess 96.

Anonymous said...

I am guessing maybe 26. That number just popped into my head.

annasoc1 at verizon dot net

calicodaisy said...

Drats! I'm too tired to be clever, but I want some of your art! I'll pick 4 trees.
-- Michele

sclangs said...

23 trees.....I know it is probably too many, but that's my favorite number. I love your houses. I have been trying to talk myself into doing dome, but not brave enough yet!

libertythreads said...

I guess  11 trees!

Leslie said...

I'm guessing 12, I'm hoping I win!

Janice said...

12!!! :) Beautiful little quilts, by the way!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

so many guesses! Let me guess 17!

Apryl said...

Great Giveaway! Nice to meet you! You can see my giveaway here:



AM said...

Nine. I think nine would be a nice number.

Sheyb said...

Hmmmm... I am going to say 12. :D
Love those appliqued squares! Hope I guessed right! ha ha!

Be sure to enter in my giveaway too! lots of chances to win!

Meredith said...

I'm feeling 11. Definitely 11.

Erin M said...

I'm guessing 61 !

the goughs said...

I guess 7 trees...

PatchworkPottery said...

My guess is 22!

Lovely quilt that you are working on and I agree the 9 patch is better.

Laurraine - Canada

Melanie O said...

Okay, I'm entering this game really late tonight (busy, busy day!). I'm hoping you have a little village with lots of trees - so let's say 30! Thanks for the great giveaway!

liz said...

i guess. . . 8

zees5 said...

I am guessing a lot. How about 7?

Busy Nothings said...

15 trees

Cathi said...

I'm guessing 7.

Love your little quilts -- they're adorable!

sarah, rsm said...

thinking .....

more thinking ...

still thinking ...

33 trees!


Kathi Thompson said...

Since I'm so late at guessing, I've got to make some oddball guess, so I'm saying 31, is that oddball enough. Yap, that's my final guess, 31.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway. I've had your round houses table runner faved on flickr for a while. I'm going to guess 17 trees.

katie said...

for some reason 26 comes to mind, i think i must be up too late looking at blogs tonight, but who knows, they come in all shapes and sizes.

Glenda said...

I love your gifts! I'm glad I found your blog. My guess is 36 (cause that's how many I put up!)

Anonymous said...

your quilts... so beautiful! and I also love your heading in your blog page, right now. thanks for the chance.


Sharon said...

OMG, I can't believe how many comments you've gotten!
I love your little house quilts - they are SO CUTE! I'd love to win one.
I'm going out on a limb here, and am going to guess 24. You could have a bunch of little ones, maybe?

mub said...

These are beautiful! I'm going to guess 17 trees.

Annie said...

I guess 63 - just a wild guess

Fulvia said...

I am hoping that 5 is the correct answer since I will be turning 50 on the 24th! Merry Christmas to you!

Leanna said...

Ok, interesting question. I'll go with 11! And Merry Christmas!

Ellen said...

18 trees!

Meike The Dutchlady said...

Oh, my so many comments! I say 33 just for fun ;-).

JeanneJ said...

Jacquie: I love those little quilt blocks that are in the photo of the giveaway. How did you do them? Are they painted or quilted. TOOO CUTE. I am guessing 12 Trees!!!!! Thanks for sharing your talents and I am adding your blog to my favorites. LOVE YOUR QUILTS!!!!! Jeanne

Anonymous said...

I love those blocks, and many of your other projects also. I know people who love Christmas and they have a tree in almost every room. My guess is 6.

Stephanie D said...

What the heck--17? One of my favorite numbers and not based on anything but that. lol

Antonella said...

thank you for the chance
I'd say 14 trees
hugs from Italy

Mama Spark said...

I am commenter 250, could there be *that* many trees? I doubt it, but I am going to say 7.5, How's that for a guess??

Di~ said...

OK you will use 17 and I love those little quilts!. I didn't see your post of yesterday, but I love all that redness going on no matter how you finalize it!!

MB said...

My guess is 50...Please enter me in the drawing for the giveaway...thanks.

Katie Yang said...

Maybe 7?

Anonymous said...

I was just talking to a friend the other day, and they said their mom had 12 trees one year. 12! Which seems insane to this one-tree gal (which I still haven't managed to put up...), but I guess if you have the space and the time...

So that's my answer. 12! :u)
Merry Christmas, and thanks for the giveaway!

luke and pamela said...


jodie said...

My guess is 36.

Emily said...

I'm going to go with 17.

adamandem at yahoo dot com

Alison said...

Great give-away! Thanks!o

the mama monster said...

i guess 8!

Anonymous said...

Those quilts will be so cute!
I'm sure you have trees of all sizes and made of various materials that you put everywhere, so between the tiniest and the biggest of your trees, I'd guess there are 24 in total!
kimianak [at] gmail [dot] com

Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said...

17, I think this will include those tiny 3D ones that you can place on the tables and countertops!

Hugs & Blessings!

mary grace said...

since they don't have to be live... if you're anything like me your house is full of snowmen and trees right now... i'm guessing 10? it'd probably be more for me... but that's just me and not everyone's as crazy as i am :)

QuiltedSimple said...

Love the little houses....and I'll guess 12....that sounds about right.

Julia said...

I may be too late, but I want to guess!! I think you will have 5 trees. because my mom does 5 trees

MaryAnne said...

I'm going to guess 27 trees, that's how many my SIL has up!

Char said...

The houses quilt sounds so cute! I'm going to guess 9. I have a feeling the real number might be higher if you're really into decorating, but ... we'll see!

Katie said...

You have 13 trees? That's incredible :). Right now I odn't even have one, but we are remedying that this weekend.

Kimberly said...

Hmmm... I'm gonna be crazy and say 7. One for each of the kid's rooms, the family room, the living room and a few small ones on tabletops and what not. :) I am interested to see the answer!
I love the little houses, very cute! Thanks for your generosity!

Lori said...

Oooh good question. Um, 6. 6 trees. Yes, 6. (??)

You make great stuff. Thanks for sharing :) Happy holidays.

Q said...

48 sounds great.

superstahr said...

I'm going to guess 20!

Alana Jo said...


amylouwhosews said...

i have no idea. But I'm assuming it's A LOT. like maybe 67?

Gari in AL said...

I'll guess 7, a lucky number?

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

10 the quilts.

AnnaVallance said...

I'm going to guess 21 trees. Love your blog!

lesleyandsara said...

i say 23 trees. lesley

Sabagirl said...

7. I think seven and I want to win so much!! How cute those squares are.

DarlingAlana said...

I have no idea how many trees one can even use to decorate their house, so I'm just going with 22 because that's my age LOL.

sandyandcosmo said...

I'm guessing18, I don't know why!

Anonymous said...

Your trees are so cute and wonderful! I'm guesing 31. That's my lucky number.

Trish (

lrmart said...

My guess is 4... The house quilts are cute

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking 8. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

How about 6...if it's more than that just put them back in the box and bring them down to the basement and you can send one of those adorable quilts my way--I live in Canada in the snowbelt and these quilts warm my heart they're so sweet!
Merry Christmas
Kelly O.

Rita said...

My guess will be 48. Love your creativity! Thanks!

Jennimac said...

I think you have 87 trees in your house. I love you blog! I always check it each day.

Lori said...

Those little patches are SO CUTE! I'm going to go all out and guess 25 trees.

Jenn said...

You know, I've been to a house that had at least 20 trees, so... I'm gonna guess 30. You seem like someone who loves the holidays and making your home something special for everyone. Also, I visit your blog almost daily but have never commented. You are very talented and love to see what you come up with.. Love the new quilt that your are doing with your mom.

The Sew Convert said...

7, the perfect number:)

Browndirtcottage said...

hhhhmmmmm...let me see now...h-o-w a-b-o-u-t....7...that's my guess!!

Leah said...

I'm guessing 6.

Anonymous said...

I think I will guess 51! What about that?

Thanks for doing this.

Beth said...

Ok, I know you have two houses so I'm going with 50 since all the other numbers seem small. Love the redwork quilt by the by.

Tonje said...

Oh, I'm so bad at guessing... hmmm... I'll go for 34!

epban said...

I'm guessing 23! Happy decorating!!!

Carolyn J. said...

I'll guess 13 trees.

Leanne said...

I expect I'm tooooo late but what the heck I'll guess something ridiculous.......24.

henny said...

I guess ten, jacquie...Oh, hoping to be one of the winner :)

ILuvBNaMom said...

I really like your quilts, hope I win one! Let's see, trees...I bet you have a big one, and maybe a few cute little ones on a table...I'm going to guess 9.

Shari said...

Well, I'm going to say 38. Seems a bit high, but my other guess was 13, and I think that's a bit low. Being an ex-pat, I know how over-the-top Americans can be, especially about Christmas. My husband has gradually restrained my tendencies since living in Oz, but even I had three trees up one year! Not including table top trees =)

I look forward to some photos!

Merry Christmas!!

Jennifer said...

i always count all the many pumpkin trinkets decorating my aunt's house in the fall. she's got about 45, but that's counting stickers and pumpkins on tea towels, etc.

you seem half as nutty as she is, so i'll guess half that.

23 trees! now gimme that quilt! ;p

Alison said...

I'm guessing 24 trees!

Holly said...

Hmm..I'll say eight.

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