Friday, February 20, 2009

Redwork Transformed

Tuesday I abandoned my redwork quilt in progress and started over. I wanted to love the quilt..I wanted it to say "this was made by Jacquie". About 48 hours later here it is bathed in the morning sun...queen sized, full of whimsy, color and fun. I'm in love.
I was reading the history of redwork quilts and found that traditionally the redwork was sashed in red. There's a reason for makes the redwork pop off the quilt. With the busyness of the rest of the quilt the eye wants to land on those redwork flowers. Yeah! That's where the traditional in this quilt ends. Most of the blocks are improvisationally pieced half log cabin blocks...all of the centers are some kind of polka dot fabric.
I used my mom's beautiful redwork, some of my very favorite fabrics, amy butler, katie jump rope, flea market fancy, swell, farmer's market, confections and even a few olivia dots.
I love the polka dot panels on the sides and the red border grounds the whole quilt.
It has an Alice in Wonderland feeling to me. Wouldn't this make a wonderful tablecover for the Mad Hatter's Tea Party!

I zoomed right past my first year blogiversary in January and also my 200th post. So let's celebrate a bit. Would you help me name this quilt? It's going to be donated to my church for the annual quilt raffle. (I'm buying lots of tickets!!) It should have a fun name. How about I choose a name from your suggestions on Sunday. The lucky winner gets fabric...I don't know what kind...maybe some special vintage fabric...or something fun from my stash. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
I still have to piece the back and get this baby basted and quilted up. Nothing like a deadline to get my butt in gear. Then I have to show it to the ladies of the church. My son warned me in advance...he said, "I like it mom, but those ladies are going to think you do drugs." I'm good with it!


shellysquilts said...

Jacqui, This quilt is fabulous! Your are AWESOME! Well done!

Unknown said...

Jacquie, I love the setting, the fabric, everything about it. It is definitely a break from the traditional redwork layout and blocks. I think that is what makes it unique. Now for a name, I am not so good at naming quilts, so I have to pass on this one. However, if I come up with one, I will post later.

Evelyn said...

Hmmm... I love the cherry fabric in there, so how about "Cherries Jubilee"? Or maybe "Redwork Jubilee"? It really is so fantastic!!

Missy Ann said...

I adore the colors.

My suggestions for a name:

Picnicing in the Tallgrass

Wonderland Picnic

Kangaroo said...

i like missy ann's first choice a LOT. hmmm...don't know if i can top that, but how about 'American Polka'?

Poerava said...

How about "a showcase of flowers"?

I never name anything so...

It's a perfect top. How are you going to quilt it?

Anonymous said...

So. Beautiful!

Nichole said...

jacquie! this is beautiful!

MichelleB said...

OMG This quilt is so spectacular. I was just falling in love, and then you said that you're. giving. it. away. Oh my, Jacquie, you are a better person that I am. I could never do that. BTW, when and where is the raffle at your church? Maybe I should enter. LOL

I'll have to come back with a name. I can never think of these things on the fly. I just had to tell you how wonderful I thought this quilt was.

Kristin said...

I liked Kangaroo's suggestion of Redwork Polka. Another idea would be Redwork in Wonderland, building on your "Alice in Wonderland" thought. Beautiful work!

MelissaS said...

I don't know about a name, but I do know I want to buy a raffle ticket. Can you let me know how? I LOVE it!

Lynn said...

Your mother's redwork? - How about 'Mama and Me' or 'Dot-To-Dot'?

Natalie said...

WOW!! I totally LOVE the way this one came out. It is traditionally modern....does that make sense??? Anyway that is SO my style. I think it turned out fabulous. Can't wait to hear about everyones reaction!

Natalie said...

Ok so I forgot to write about my naming idea... I think of apple and blueberry pie for some reason. Maybe incorporating something to do with those words? Just my two cents :)

Kerri said...

this is absolutely stunning!! i LOVE it!! I think I like KR's "Redwork in Wonderland" That is a great name!

Natalie said...

Ok I know you have had enough of me... just realized I wrote apple pie instead of CHERRY pie... that makes MUCH more sense.

:) I promise this is the last comment.

kathi said...

This is a stunning quilt. I'm not good at naming quilts but I'll give it a go: how about "Momwork"?

craftynana said...

This quilt is gorgeous! In keeping with the Alice in Wonderland theme, how about "Rambling in Wonderland" for a name suggestion?

Alissa said...

1) Congrats on the blog-o-versary!
2) No one on any (serious) drugs could make such a beautiful quilt
3) what about a play on "Red, White & Blue" with "Red work & Blue"?

Who ever ends up with this quilt is one lucky lucky person!!!

mathea said...

This really has that "wow"-factor! I love it! The combination of red and aqua is so beautiful, and the fact that you have been able to incorporate your mother's redwork in it too, makes it extra special. I love the zing the red and white polka dot fabric gives it!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Beautiful, just beautiful, I do not name my quilts but how about " Sassy in Red" Sassy Splendor" "Red Sokendor" "Rocken Red" "The reds have it" "Red goes my Heart" "Rip Roaing red" That's is all I have!!

KC Quilter said...

Wow, what a stunner!!!! I'll have to mull the name over a bit and get back to you!!!

Allison said...

How about "Lady in Red" I love the way the red does make it pop, very very beautiful! Good job, I would just stare at it all day and get nothing else done, and it would be totally worth it. -Allison


Absolutely terrific. Name it "Alice" - that's my vote.

Just gorgeous. If you interested in making a blanket or quilt for a good cause, please stop by my blog at and read about Mountain Baby Blankets. We're sending blankets to teen moms in Appalachian Kentucky.

Kat said...

Ah!!! Quilted bliss! I adore this quilt!!!

As for names, I think the word rhapsody has a good embiance to it. How about "Redwork Rhapsody" or "American Rhapsody" or something like that?

Unknown said...

That's beautiful! I think Flower Festival would be great--because that quilt is totally a riot!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

This quilt is just beautiful. I see the "v's" with the half logs, the red borders definitely make the redwork pop and I can't believe you reworked the whole think - it turned out beautiful. So my name for this beauty is Redwork Vintage Vogue.

Marie' said...

Oh, Jacquie, you are going to have a hard time giving this one up. But, then, it is like you to be so selfless and giving, too. I am not good with words, but I am sure you will come up with a good name. Happy 100 posts!

Hilary said...

LOVE this quilt! Some day I'm going to copy you...haha!

Down the Rabbit Hole
The Red Queen and the White Queen
Painting the Roses Red
Through the Looking Glass

Anna said...

I'm not great at naming things, but boy would I buy a ton of raffle tickets!!! :)

Vicki said...

I don't have any name ideas (yet?) but it's beautiful! Love it.

Amy said...

Candy Kaleidescope?

Sara said...

"Red Works for Me" is may name suggestsion, because I love RED and this quilt sure works for me.
Plus the wordplay on "Redworks".

Kim said...

Your quilt is so gorgeous! The colors remind me of those rocket popsicles we used to have as kids -- remember those? Shaped like a rocket with a red layer, then blue, then white.

All the names suggested are fun. The only thing I came come up with is Red Rocket Dots.

Unknown said...

It is so beautiful! I love that you followed your heart - it is so you! Those ladies are just going to fall over at your talent :)

I didn't read the rest of the comments for names . . . how about "Flora and Fun Quilt"

Have fun deciding :) oh and CONGRATS on the milestones!

KateKwiltz said...

Oh Jacquie, it's beautiful! I'm SO glad you went in this direction!

As I was reading, I was trying to think of a sensible name for it, but after your son's comment, I think you should call it "I'm Not on Crack -- I'm CREATIVE"!!!!

Bridget said...

You have taken redwork, which I have always thought as quaint but a little boring, and stood the concept on its head! This quilt is a stand-out, and I mean it in the best sense of the term.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a cool quilt. The redwork squares really do pop out at you. Well done! I don't have a name idea, but I've sure enjoyed reading everyone else's suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful quilt Jacquie. Hmm names are always hard for me, but here goes: Tallgrass Tea Party, Tallgrass Prairie Tea Party, Mad Hatters Tallgrass Party/Picnic....

The Calico Cat said...

redwork romance

Two Dogs and a Quilt said...

Now this looks like you! It's wonderful and cheery.

Artfulife said...

I love it! Wish I lived closer, I'd buy a ton of raffle tickets. So a name. I think you should name it the Zoe quilt. It represents everything bright and cheerful and whimsical and sweet, all wrapped into one. Just like my little Zoe. No matter what you choose.... I just absolutely adore it.

Unknown said...

Oh, what a beautiful quilt! I like the Alice in Wonderland theme - what about Clean Cup - as like in the movie, everyone's plate was a mixture of things - just like the improvisational piecing on the half log cabin blocks. My other choice is Painting the Roses Red!

Krista said...

This is absolutely GORGEOUS!! Can I buy some tickets? I would love to win this quilt.

sewtakeahike said...

it's just perfect Jacquie, down to the very last detail. Who cares if they think you do drugs when you can create a quilt top like that!

sewtakeahike said...

oooh, a quilt name? how about rick rack on crack!

Katie Jean said...

It is just gorgeous!! I am so in love with it. How much are those raffle tickets ;)???

I don't have a good name for it though. Hmm, "redwork gone wild"???

Michaela said...

This quilt is amazing! It is totally screaming:"I was made by Jacquie!!!"
I absolutely love it and keep looking how was it all put together, turning my head from side to side. :)
For the name, how about: "Redwork Wonderland"
I can't stop looking at it!

alobsiger said...

How beautiful! Here's the name it HAS to be:

I Need This Back

No? Simply Red? Because it's anything but simple.

aSprinkling said...

My first name thought was "Cherry Pie". But then I really wanted to come up with something that referenced the style more. So, I came up with "Fancy Free". "Fancy" for the redwork and "Free" for the whimsy. could get really fun and long and such and combine that with some of the other"Fancy Free Jubilee".

Heather said...

so pretty! the blues really light up the redwork! What an incredibly project.

Holee said...

This is a fantastic quilt! The person who gets it will have a real treasure!

Name: Flowers in my Cabin

LauraJ said...

my choice of names:
A picnic with Alice
A picnic with Jacquie
A picnic of flowers
Redwork picnic delight

Kristin L said...

I want some of those drugs you're on! The polka dots go so well with the redwork in a happy 1940s kinda way. and the aqua makes it so modern. Since the redwork is roses, I like the reference to the Queen of hearts. Did someone already suggest "Wonderland Rose Garden" or "Rose Garden in Wonderland?"

Abby and Stephanie said...

Well I like "Mad Hatter". I think that says it all. LOVE it...It's rewarding to re-make it and love it. How I'd love to buy raffle tickets! I know it will be a big money maker. Don't know how you can give it up.

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I love this quilt but the delicious photography just makes it even better! As someone who has recently been embroidering and quilting (but just a little, in whatever spare time I can squeeze) I just want to stare and stare at this. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing!

Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

I think I need to buy a ticket. ;) Hmmm, name...i'm not good at naming things. I usually call them by their colorway, pattern name or a little of both. I'd probably call it the "charity auction" quilt. Very unique, you see. I like Evelyn's idea: Cherri's Jubalee. How about I just give you my vote. :) Love the son's comment!

Dana said...

Polka dot Path

Diane said...

Redwork Squared - Would love to win the quilt!!

One Shabby Chick said...

Oh Jacquie - it's absolutely beautiful! I love it! Hmm...a name eh? How about "Red Brick Road"? Now you know whay I never name quilts :-)

Ginger said...

I love this quilt! I love ti so much I emailed it to my mom before i finished reading that there was a contest to name it. I was too busy being wowed by the pictures! She write back and asked if I had entered your contest. haha
So I'm back here with the suggestion: "Not Your Momma's Redwork Quilt!", because let's face it, most of our mother's wouldn't have put their redwork into that quilt. But I love it! It totally works! Good luck with the auction.

Anonymous said...

This quilt is gorgeous. ALL of your quilts are truly amazing. Everything about them! I don't know if I'd be able to give this one away...ok, maybe if it was for the Lord...x

Jodie said...

LOL !!! Man you are on some funky drugs for sure.

Just say No

Redwork High

(Sorry can't get over that comment) !!!

jodie said...

Wow, I love what you have done with the quilt. How 'bout "Madhatters Flower Garden" as a name?

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Oh Jacquie, this so YOU. See how much faster you can work on one that comes from yourself instead of just trying to please others? The people who really like it will buy lots of tickets so don't worry about the others. Some people only buy tickets if the quilt matches their bedroom, others because it is so beautiful they can't stop looking at it. I hope your mother loves it as much as the rest of us do.

I'm no good with names but if I did name it it would be "OH, SO Jacquie".

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Amazing quilt - the colours really pop - such a fun and happy quilt! It is bound to raise a heap of money for your Church. I love Jodies suggestion of Redwork High (too funny!). I haven't read all the suggestions so not sure if these have been offered - Redwork Picnic and Wonderland Polka.

Joanna said...

This is TO DIE FOR....I am seriously in love!!! The first thought that came to me was to use the word Redwork in the title, so I'm thinking...

Have fun with the name, there are a ton of good suggestions!

Calico Road said...

This is awesome! I love the randomness of the blocks!
As for a name, how about Cherry on Top?
Did you prewash your red so it wouldn't bleed into the beautiful redwork?

Nikki Schreiner said...

This is amaaaazing. Everything you make just makes me want to get up and start a new quilt :)
There have been so many good names already! What about Redwork Pie?

Levin said...

i'd give anything to win this raffle!
and if this is the result of drugs then lead me to them. it's gorgeous. I really, really, really love your work.

henny said...

What about this : "Sparkling Red"
This quilt is reallty awesome, Jacquie

ellen said...

Oh, my stars!! This is the most wonderful quilt I have ever seen. You are indeed a wonderwoman.
Well, as to names: I am not particularly good at this, but three come to mind.
I love Lewis Carroll's word how about Simply Frabjous.
...or because it is such a beautiful innovation on old themes, We're Not In Kansas Anymore....
...or a play on Red Delicious..Red Dotlicious?

It truly is Frabjously Dotlicious. (OOH, I like that!)

Amanda Jean said...

it's fabulous! and stunning! and oh-so-you!

sorry, i throughly suck at naming quilts, so i'm no help to you.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love the red and blue combination and I agree that the red sashing really makes the redwork pop! How about "A La Mode". With the cherries and the red it kind of reminds me of a pie!

abcgirl said...

a very jacquie quilt indeed! i love how you've taken the very traditional redwork blocks and nestled them into a fun, modern quilt. how about "hopscotch dots"? i'd have a hard time giving this one away!

Bonus Mom said...

Oh my goodness!!! Can I buy a ticket or 20? I need to think about what I would name it. It deserves something... fanciful LOL! I will be back with my contribution. You amaze me for sure ;)

Bonus Mom said...

Okay Gina wanted to try and name your quilt to? She insists we tell you "Cherry Flowers Quilt" Obvious I know, but that is why 5 year olds are great.

Nancy said...

The red/turquoise coloring is lovely and I would have to name it

Retro Redwork....

Dorrie said...

I love this Jacquie! It's beautiful! As far as a name, how 'bout Redwork with a Twist. Or you could go along with your son's thinking. . .Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds...that would raise an eyebrow or two. LOL. Nice job!

Rebekah said...

Wow! This is absolutely gorgeous!

I think you should name it "the Jacquie" because it is so you! :)

jovaliquilts said...

I absolutely love it!! The blue really works with it.

Gari in AL said...

How about Alice's Flower Garden?

Beth said...

I LOVE IT! Now THIS is Jacquie!! How about Sunday, Bloody Sunday. Not appropriate?? The church folks aren't U2 fans? OK, how about Sabbath Snuggle? Crimson Creed?

tisme said...

I love that quilt!! I see two generations of quilting in it. yesterdays redwork with todays artsy look. So my name would be
Joining Generations in the Looking Glass

Patty said...

Very nice; it’s so eye catching, unique and wonderful. I would call it The Rapture.

KG in CA said...

Beautiful!!! Since my first thought, Redwork Jubilee, was suggested, how about Jacquie's Jubilee?

Kieny The Dutchlady said...

It's a beautiful quilt and it's going to make someone very happy! I'm not very good at naming quilts but for this one two names come to mind. My husband came up with the name "Rhapsody in Red" and I thought "Red Revelry" would also be a good one. Good luck with finding the the right name.

Brenda said...

Great quilt! How about "Hopscotch Polka Dots"

AnnaVallance said...

It's a beauty. For a name, how about- Mom's redwork cabin or Cherry dot pie.

Esther Gregory said...

this is an absolutely divine quilt!!!

Rose said...

Wow, you should sell your quilts. How do you go about planning your blocks, since you don't seem to use patterns? how do you make sure you have enough fabric? Or do you just make it up as you go along? I would looove to purchase a quilt "made by Jacquie" lol. I also really liked the fabric choices you made, I also like farmers market and amy butler. For a name..."Polka Dot Pansies" popped into my head, becuase of the polka dotted material and the redwork flowers (obviously. duh. haha, although the flowers do look more like roses than pansies.) Anyways, good luck, and I would love to see how you quilt it too :)

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Hi Jacquie,
OMG, I'm with everyone else, your quilt is beautiful. Since it's going for the Church Raffle and the redwork is from your Mom, maybe, "The Garden of Eden". I also thought about "Fire and Ice". Not to good with names, but I really like your quilt.
Keep Stitchen'

MightyMom said...

very very nice!!

I'd like to see side by side before and after what it was and what it is pics!

looks like a Strawberry Social to me..don't ask me why.

Now, how do I get my hands on some tickets?

Chookyblue...... said...

not sure of a name but I think it looks great......someone will be very happy...........

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful... As always!! Lx

Amy said...

I'm not good at the naming game - I just stopped in to tell you how spectacular it is. I really love the red sashing around the redwork blocks. Can't wait to see what name it gets!

Aussie Jo said...

"viva la revolution"
It is a beautiful, contemporary quilt. Gorgeous!

amylouwhosews said...

I LOVE it! The blue and red is so striking! Because it's that nice blue! I want to buy some raffle tickets!

as for a name....Lost Cabin in the Woods . . .not very good at the naming thing.

QuiltedSimple said...

I love it Jacqie! Wonder if I can justify driving down there to buy some tickets for it?? As for names - how bout "down the rabbit hole" - isn't that the hole Alice in Wonderland went down to have all the fun????

Janis said...

The quilt is beyond amazing and would be so hard to turn loose of!

There are so many wonderful suggestions for names already . . . but when I look at it I think of God sprinkling down blessings of flowers and fruit and all things to make us happy, so my humble idea is

Divine Whimsy

Julie said...

what a great quilt. but then I am in love with all of your work.

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kim in tall cotton said...

This is such a joyful quilt! My suggestion for a quilt name is "Happiness!" Years ago one, my oldest daughter renamed a dessert that she loved "Happiness" because that is how you felt when you bit into it. Wrapping up in this quilt would be the same joy. I love it!

bellsjo said...

I tried to leave a comment earlier but it seems to have disappeared into thin air so sorry if I end up repeating myself!
I love your quilt - it is beautiful and such an amazing combination of colours. I have just started quilting as a hobby and am in the process of making my first quilt - nothing as epic as yours however! There are so many wonderful blogs on quilting that I am discovering (yours included!) and my list of must visit blogs is growing by the day. Your quilt reminds me of a babbling brook with stepping stones leading to the other side so I would call your quilt 'scarlett stepping stones'. Thanks for the inspiration and a lovely blog, Jo

Sherri said...

This quilt is gorgeous...stunning...amazing! And I bet the photos don't even do it justice! Redwork Perfection is what it is!

Lisa said...

Ahahaha! I love the pp's name of Rick Rack on Crack. That had me laughing.

I read this earlier and have been mulling it over. I thought of "Redwork Bluelight", and then was reading someone else's post about the blue lighting up the red. I think we both picked up on that!

This quilt is so pretty and is just chock full of some of my favorite fabrics. I am especially lusting over that aqua with the cherries on it. I'll have to google all the fabric lines you listed to see if I can find it somewhere.

Kristen said...

I haven't read all the comments, so I hope I am not duplicating anyone else, but I vote for calling it "Candy Apple." The quilt just looks so declicious, the name has to be food based.

Carolyn J. said...

How 'bout

"Dot's Delightful"

play on That's Delightful

Beautiful quilt !!!

Khris said...

OMG this is just gorgeous. I would kill for this, love, love about Redwork Polka or Redwork Wonderland...gosh Devine do I get tickets to win it? Hugs Khris in Oz

Anonymous said...

I love the originality of this quilt. I have 12 redwork blocks that are sitting waiting for an idea, maybe you have given me one. This is spectacular. I don't have a name but I'm sure someone here will come up with the perfect one. Thanks for sharing.

Rachel said...

Lovely quilt!

Name suggestion: "Red Sensation"

Anonymous said...

This quilt is so happy and fun! Very inspiring for some blocks that I have sitting around.
How about "Happy Cabin Stitching" for a name? Many other great suggestions as well. And a lovely quilt and lucky winner, no matter the name! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...


You're an inspiration! <3

sewtakeahike said...

Hey Jacquie, the hits just keep coming.... how about "wacky tabacky"?

Allie said...

Your quilt is absolutely beautiful! I love it! I can't believe you are going to part with it.
I'm terrible with naming my first thought was "Sugared Cherries" or maybe "Sugared Wonderland". Good luck with the name.
And one more time--I LOVE it!!!

Jeanette said...

I love this so much! It's fabulous and I am sure the lucky person who gets this quilt is going to love it too!

ayumills said...

Jacquie, your work is always outstanding. Whoever gets this quilt will be the luckiest girl! How about naming it something like "Sakuranbo", meaning cherries in Japanese ;)

Thimbleanna said...

Ho. Lee. Cow!!!! That quilt is AWESOME!!! How 'bout Down the Redwork Hole (aka Down the Rabbit Hole???)

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking:
"Roses are Red, Squares are Blue"

What do you think Jacquie?

Sarah said...

breathtaking! and i think you nailed it right on the head! name it "mad hatter's tea party".

Thriftin and Craftin said...

It is a work of art! Absolutely amazing.

With all the red, I thought of the little red-head cartoon "Strawberry Shortcake" so that's my submission. You have some GREAT name choices to choose from. Have fun!


Regi said...

How absolutely wonderful... I love it! I would buy a ticket for sure if I was anywhere in the neighborhood. As for a name... I would call it something like redwork revisited... or perhaps as others have suggested mad hatter.
Its a beautiful quilt Jacquie!


Anonymous said...

Jacquie, lovely quilt, and what fun! I think abcgirl nailed it with Hopscotch Dots!!!!

May Kristin said...

The quilt is absolutely gorgeous!
A name for the quilt?
How about "Redwork Symphony"?

Cher said...

I would so love to win this quilt-you hit a home run with the choice of fabrics/colors/design and good for you to follow your inner voice to come up with one stunning quilt.
name? it's Sunday so prob too late-
It's a red, red, teacup party!

Anonymous said...

no idea on a name, but that is absolutely gorgeous! love it!

Unknown said...

With so many wonderful suggestions, how are you ever going to choose a name?!?!

Beautiful quilt!

Sara said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary and your 200th post. I think you already named your quilt "Mad Hatter Tea Party", which I like!

Hope you feel better soon!

free indeed said...

in keeping with the drugs remark :) how about Redwork High; but you may want to disguise the 'high' part from church people so maybe Redwork Highlight. ;P

Red Highlights
(only your hairdresser knows for sure).

Anonymous said...

surely i won't say anything original following 131 comments, but this is gorgeous. (and please don't worry about responding to this comment!!!) all the best, molly

Cheryl Arkison said...

I've done the same thing too! Such a relief to do what makes you feel right as an artist as opposed to what we should do. Looks gorgeous! I'm late for the draw, but what about "Tradition REDefined"?

Mary P said...

I am not good at naming, but I like "Cherries Jubilee" or "Luscious Garden".

Anonymous said...

Your quilt is beautiful. I especially love how you incorporated your mom's blocks with your creation. How does the name "A trip around red" sound? It symbolizes your life growing up with your mother, the red border to emphasize the redwork blocks, and the unique blue log cabin blocks (log cabin blocks representing the home we return to after a journey). Your creations are so inspiring. Thank you.

Sheree said...

I love it! Such a fresh mix of old and new! I like the title "Roses are Red". Simple and Sweet. You could also name it Red Wonderland.

I don't know. Just throwing out something.

Have a great time at the raffle!


Kellie said...

This is wonderful! I'd buy at least a half dozen raffle tickets to win it!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this quilt! My favorite colors. And put together so beautifully!

Browndirtcottage said...

This quilt will certainly be a 'hit'!! I vote for 'Just Jacquie'! They will be calling it the 'Jacquie' quilt anyway!!

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful!!!!! What a treasure!

Elizabeth said...

this is gorgeous! i LOVE it! the red borders are perfect.

Ritapizza said...

Simply amazing!! Very colorful and very JACQUIE!! Wow, I would totally love to make something like this!! You're so amazing!!