Then come back here on April 30 and leave a comment telling how many finishes you achieved from today thru the 30th. You keep track...it's the honor system. I know you are honorable. Then on April 30th we'll celebrate. I'll be putting together a slam bang package of goodies...fabric of course and maybe some surprises. I'll preview the prize later for some more motivation. The more finishes, the more entries you receive. Simple enough. So, let's get sewing.
Isn't the button cute? Made it myself. (insert picture of me beaming and patting myself on the back!)
Project Improv arrivals:
Staci NY - 1 block
Sheree TX - 3 blocks and fabric...thanks sheree! the stripes are sweeet! (i need to think of something special for those!)
Someone from Midland MI - 2 red/aqua blocks...who are you????
Jenifer TX - 1 block
Amy UT - 1 block
Kristin WA - 2 blocks
Jenn TN - 1 block
Ralitza Bulgaria - 2 blocks
aaahhh, I want to play! I so need to get some things finished up. BUT, my puppy chewed up my foot pedal and I won't get my replacement for at least another week. Hmmm, maybe I can borrow my friend's. Her embroidery machine is a pfaff and I think her pedal fits mine....I'll get back to ya!
I SOOOO need to do this, but I'm having knee surgery in the middle of the month. Though, I am dedicating this year to finishing more than I start! I'll cheer you on to finishing those UFO's.
That gives me 24 days - and I desperately must finish some projects - thanks for the motivation - it leaves a little time up my sleeve after that for two of them, but should be a help, thanks!
Hugs - Lurline♥
What a great idea. I am definitely in. it will be a challenge since school projects will be due, but I can do it. I will need some motivation to work on school stuff, so I could sew. :)
I can't wait to see everyone's finished projects.
I'm in! I just finished a top today, and as I added it to my pile of various quilt-to-be's in various states - I decided I wanted to get as many of them done as possible. So, I'll play.
thank you jacquie, this is just what i need. i'm in!
The spring quarter starts tomorrow and I'm taking three online classes, but I have two quilts in progress that I would love to have done by the end of the month. I'll play too!
Ha! Awesome. Another blogger and I just emailed each other about our UFO's. I'm in! ooxx`jod (and are you nuts for starting another "blogging" project?!)
I'm glad my block made it safely to you :) I always worry now.
I would love to pat you on the back too! Great little button :) I have some little finishes to take care of this month, and one I haven't started but would like to. . . I'm in!
Are you quilting on your mom's machine still?
The button looks great!
I might join the happy bunch! Definitely need some encouragement to finish projects!
You’re so brave for starting another project on your blog!!
oooooo I want that code!!!! gimme gimme gimme!!!!
here I sit...6 days from needing to wear my dress...no wait, it's 5 days ....to Easter Vigil service Saturday night and instead of sewing I'M BLOGGING!!!! Still have waist, zipper and hem to sew...but what am I doing???
talk about lack of motivation!!!
I'm soo with you here.
Yep, I need motivation. I'm in.
Button's up and I'm ready to get finishing...next week;) Kids arrived from MN tonight and they will be here for the week. Great job on the button...I'm very impressed.
Hi Jacquie, I think I can handle this one! I am in! Like you I have multiple projects in various stages of completion. This will motivate me to finish at least one! Thanks! Love the button... can you feel the "virtual" pat on the back from me?
My blooming nine patch was done on April 1st so I'm off to a good start. Let's keep this roll going. Thanks for the challenge. Love the button and the orange.
Count me in!!!
I need that code - count me in!
Well...beaming and patting yourself on the back is JUST what you should be doing! Both for the design and the idea behind it! I dare not join...but I'll sure be watching! ;-)
What great motivation to finish half-done projects...I'm so in!!!
Alright, count me in as well! I have a lot of WIPs right now that need to get done! so here we go!
oh, and THANKS for the extra burst of motivation!
Count me in, too! I need the motivation and I desperately need to finish up several projects! Thanks for the impetus to get started.:)
What a great idea and it's ever so helpful. I read about your project on Dutch Comfort. Like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, I'm so behind in time with some projects, but am going to use your inspiration to get things done. Thank you!
this sounds fun. count me in to play. I have a few projects that need to be finished.
thanks julie
Since I REALLY NEED TO DO THIS, I added your button to my sidebar!!! Thanks for the nudge.
Great idea! Since I work so small, I tend to finish what I start, but I could apply the idea to getting my house more organized, those are the projects I tend to start, but forget to follow through with!
What I really need is for you to take all my UFO's away and finish them up for me!
Don't worry, I'd do the same for you -- I think it'd be more fun that way!
Count me in. What a wonderful idea. In fact I have been putting off making a sun dress that my niece asked me to make so I will work on it today. THANKS!!!! I needed this.
This sounds so great! I just counted, I have 24 UFOs. So definitely, COUNT ME IN! :)
Love the new button -- oh so cute! And could you please pass out some of whatever you're taking to have all these projects going on??? I'll be happy if I can get one particular quilt top done this month!
Maybe after my taxes are done....
Glad the box arrived safely! Enjoy the fabrics! If you need more backing fabrics, don't hesitate to get in touch. I'd be happy to send off more.
Have fun with your new project! Love the button!!
I love it! I have too many unfinished quilts just hanging out on our guest room bed... a little motivation to finish might be just the ticket!
Love your button, too!
I'm in... I have a quilt (queen sized) and a couple of bags to finish. :)
Count me in! I have so many things that I want to create and finish. Seeing your button on my blog will help motivate me!
Count me in! I'm still working on those UFOs I blogged about last year (5 out of 20 finished to date) and I could use the extra motivation to keep going!
I'm in! Thanks for the motivation.
Yes I'm in - I definitely need to stop starting new projects and work on some UFO's. And that button is fantastic...you can pat yourself on the back from me too :-)
I am so ready to Spring to Finish. Starting with the Easter dress that I have had no more motivation to keep going. Then three twin-size quilts to quilt and bind. Thank you for the motivation. You are magical.
I'm in! I've got 5-6 projects that I'd like to finish by the end of April...it will feel good to have a clear head around here :)
I want to play. I have two children's aprons, a gardening apron, mom and me apron, and some burp cloths.
I definitely want (and need) to play along on this one...my projects in progress number over 20!!! But you've made me feel a whole lot better since you're at 17!
I have so many projects I could work on for this challenge! Could you please email me the code? Thanks for all the inspiration!
oh man. i could totally do this. if not for my own sanity, for my husband's! i think it makes him crazy seeing all of my unfinished projects sitting around while i'm starting new ones!
Ah Jacquie,
you seems always have a huge energy for sewing. Thanks for always motivated friends...
What a great idea, I'm in.
OK, I'll give it a shot. I have a few that are sooooo close. Thanks for the push.
Very inspirational. I have a retreat coming up so might actually finish something...
Hugs - Shari
being a die hard finisher, i'm in. i wonder if i could knock out all 4 quilt tops that i have started by the end of the month. (but that means i would have to buy some backing fabric! darn. LOL.)
I have to finish my son's quilt. It's almost there! It's my first full quilt free-motion quilt, and it's for my son's big boy bed that he recently went into. I wanted it done before he went into the bed but that didn't happen! I also have three pairs of pants to hem, and two shirts that need snaps! Hahah, we'll see!
I'm in too :-), but I'm going to have to modify it for myself and say that I need to start AND finish a couple projects that have been hanging around the back of my head for awhile. Is it possible to email me the code? I am remarkably inept when it comes to technology!
I will go on the record and say that I will finish a quilt top I dragged to Boston with me when I started grad school ... and haven't touched since.
Count me in!
hmmmm.....I feel lazy this month. Don't know if I could do it but I am going to try!
Think I need to join the finishing merry-go-round! anything to get me off the computer!
I really only have one work in progress and I'm not sure that I can get it done by the end of April. I'm not a very fast sewer. But this might provide just the motivation I need to finish. Thanks Jacquie! You are wonderful!
I put the 'spring to finish' on my blog. Now we'll see what I can do.
OK OK OK, since reading this post I finished something last night! I'm excited about this, secretly hoping I don't get called to work much these next few weeks! oops I need to $ for fabric tho'. I have 12 projects sitting on deck. Love the button, my dd is putting it on my blog,'cause I don't know how!
the button is uber-cute and I'm definitely in! Woohoo! I have 6 baby quilt tops and 3 lap top-size tops that I'm trying to quilt & bind before my vacation next week. Plus 4 advent calendars that need buttons sewn on to finish--ack 96 buttons! Faint. Just the incentive I needed. thanks Jacquie! :)
Thank you, I really need this! I'm in.
Wonderful idea! I'm in, too!
great idea. count me in too!
Ohhh! Count me in. Does artwork & sewing count?
Oh I wanna play!!!!
Coming over from Threads of Conversation.
I have 19 projects! Yikes!!! I shouldn't have counted!
I better get busy!
I can't find your email, but will you send me the button code?? Thanks
Well i don't have a blog.....but i'll play too!!
I have a few projects that i have been wanting to get done so here's the incentive!
Great idea! I probably have about 17 projects also. It's kind of like spring cleaning, only more fun. count me in!
Yes, I DO need a little motivation. I this is it. Thanks!
I was just thinking the exact same thing! I got out all my WIP and was overwhelmed...so I'm definitely in! I don't know how much I'll get accomplished but I will try my hardest.
I just found your blog and would love to play along! Such a great idea!
Sure, I am happy to play along since I am just about finished with 4 or 5 things that now need quilting!
I'm in & my blinkie is up on my blog! I just finished 2 very special custom wallets on Saturday and felt GREAT afterwards!
I've got countless projects that are in the works, but I'm going to finish 2 dresses for my girls by Easter (already cut and ready to sew) to start, then more wallets, headbands and other goodies!
You're on! I have a bit of spare time, and just finished organizing a stack of wips. This is the kick I needed!
I've added my todo list to my blog, but I may give myself an extra month. there's quite a bit on the list!
I've grabbed your very cute button and added it to my blog and am working on the list that's so long.
Jacquie, this is just what I need, a little push. I'm grabbing your button so it will look at me everday. My age we need a little something to remind us what to do. LOL.
Thank you for the tutorial. I always enjoy your work.
Keep Stitchen'
I've been making little stroller sized quilts lately, so finishing is within my grasp! Count me in. I don't know how to put the icon on my blog, however, help?
I'm excited! I have several projects I need to finish including a log Cabin Sew Along I'm just starting! I don't have quite as many as some but they are in all ranges of progress from just needing binding to piles of fabric and an idea! Here's to a good finish!
Oh yay! I'd love to play too! Now that I see that star next to my name over on your sidebar I feel so much better! :)
Plenty of projects in the works and some that still need to begin...count me in please.
Oh, I so need to do this! I really need to get my rear in gear too because my goal is 3 quilts this month and so far I have NONE! [cue Rocky Music]... I'm doing this. I AM DOIN' IT!
Woo Hoo, baby, my little Pfaff won't know what hit her!
PS - I really am a normal person, really.
Yes, please count me in. I have 3-4 projects to finish and get off this month. Two ready to quilt and two with only the fabric pulled. Thanks for the motivation. I don't know how you keep doing this!
Sounds like fun...I'm working on a heap of goodies right now!
i blogged about joining you just now! what a great idea! thanks for sharing!
oh i need to join in!
i have two tops that are finished that just need the backings sewn and dropped off at the quilters!! then a couple of others i need to dig up...oh, wish me luck!!
great idea jacquie!
I'll join you because that is exactly what I have been doing lately! Yikes! I even have a deadline to meet by April 22 for a swap I signed up for and have not sewn one stitch for yet. And do events count too? I'm coordinating a spring formal dance "prom" for 120 teens happening April 24. The to-do list for that seems to be getting longer rather than shorter as the date draws near! - just two weeks away! But yet, here I am blogging! LOL I needed a break!
Oh I am in so nmuch need of getting my WIP done, I have se=veral bags, and aprons, and a notebook, and working on finishing my sewing book now...I'm in...
I want to join your challenge too. I'll put your cute fabric button thing on my blog and work like crazy to get things done.
Thanks for helping to motivate me! I'm going to join in!
I'm in.....I've been working hard to finish a few projects. I'm hoping to get everything under control by April 30th. I'll keep you informed. -Autumn
I'm in. I have 3 quilts that just need to have the binding finished. I can at least do that. I have bags to make for gifts before May 1st too. This is the kick in the pants that I need.
OK Kiddo, I am going to try!! Note the word "try" Happy Easter!
Oh, I am not the only one that is better in starting a project than finishing one (or two, or three....). I started my own FYWS (Finish What You've Started) in combination with UWYH on my blog just recently to get rid of some of my stashes. I will follow this action as well for my own motivation! Jos
You are such an encourager Jacquie! This is a great idea. Great job on the button too, I LOVE orange right now so it just jumped right out at me!
I've been whittling away at mine since midwinter. Only two quilt tops to quilt and a bag...but I'm always starting something new! I can't help it.
That's funny...I'm from Midland MI originally.
I'm in for this one!!
Just came across your blog today from "Craft Gossip". I too need this challenge -- I haven't even updated my new blog because I was trying to wait until I had finished a few tops to do so!
But I've also been feeling like I need a finish to stay motivated so I accept your challenge since it also means I've got to get back to the blog to add your button!
Hi, Jacquie! How did I miss this? I would love to join in on the fun. I do need some inspiration to finish something other than my spring cleaning.
I would love to have the button on my blog. You did a great job creating it!
Thanks for the challenge. I finished the binding on 2 quilts, finished 2 tops that are now ready to go to my longarm quilter and I made 3 bags. Not bad for April. Now If I can keep the momentum for May.
Hooray! I managed to wrap up 7 projects, and that's not even counting the two quilt tops that finally came together. Thank you again for the great inspiration! It's made for a very productive and satisfying month. :)
Just one completed project here. Thanks for the challenge, even though I only did one, it did help :)
Hey Jacquie, thanks for the jump start! I loved it. Didn't get done as much as I wished, but I have at least 14 finishes, 15 if you allow it. 4 advent calendars; 6 baby quilts & 3 lap quilts completely quilted & bound; 20 pillowcases for a friend's charity project (counted as 1 finish); and completed 6 more baby quilt tops with backings sewn & bindings sewn & pressed in a roll ready to go (not basted/quilted/bound yet, so I'm counting the 6 additional tops as 1 finish).
Wow. Some of you are seriously productive! I finished 2 projects. One baby quilt and one doll quilt. Thanks for the motivation and inspiration.
Well, I guess I have a few more hours to finish up another item on my list, but... I'm ready for bed!
This has been such a great challenge. I finished 8 items and listed them nicely on my blog! thank you for hosting this challenge!
Hi Jacquie,
I finished three quilts - a baby and a lap which were WIPs, and a queen that I started piecing on Saturday and fnished quilting and binding last night.
Given that I work full time and have a family and a part time job, I'm really, really, pleased!
Thanks so much for hosting this - it was great fun and a great motivator.
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