Friday, November 20, 2009


It hasn't been my week...
....lost power
....lost the power cord for my mifi (that's my internet)
....lost my tennis shoes
....lost the 'G' for my G whiz quilt (how it unpinned itself and walked away is beyond me)
....lost my mind

In the spirit of tomorrow's another day....Penny is having a fabulous giveaway on the Flea Market Fancy Freaks blog. You won't want to miss it. Just looking at the button cheers me up.


Unknown said...

I hope that you become found again soon!!

Rene' said...

You are so right about the button....too cute. Thanks for your generous contribution to the giveaway. Good luck with your lost items. May they all be found soon.

patty a. said...

Take a deep breath - it will be ok.

Thimbleanna said...

That's VERY weird about your G! I know your week will be better next week -- it has to be, right?

Sequana said...

"G" that's too bad you are so lost. But soon you will be found again.......*S*

I have finished up #3 of my UFO's! If you'd like to check, here they are:

Here's wishing you a great weekend.

leigh said...

I'm sorry you had a bad week. That only means it can get better - right? Thanks for telling us about the giveaway. I cannot figure out how to get the button code. Could you help me out?

SewLindaAnn said...

Breathe in thru your nose to the count of 4 and breathe out thru your mouth to the count of 6-8. Take the time to be in the moment, it really works! Hope you have a wonderful afternoon. And thank you for your contribution to the giveaway.

Brenda said...

I know what you mean -- I've lost my expensive sunglass clip, a favourite pair of earrings, and a necklace I wear every day. I did find the necklace but the rest is gone. The G will be somewhere. do you still have white stuff on the ground? We're having a beautiful November here in Winnipeg -- no snow and above freezing every day.

em's scrapbag said...

Here's to hoping your next post is titled found. Cheer up my friend. I hope you win big prizes, but I'm entering too.

Di~ said...

that's no good, on all counts...hey! I bet I know what your G stands for!:)

Needled Mom said...

What a frustrating week for you!!!! Hope things start looking up soon.

Anina said...

Oh wow!
I hope you find everything. Especially your mind. :o)

Meg said...

Good luck--tell the gremlins to give you back your stuff, and if they're still holding out, well, my great-grandmother would tell you to leave a saucer of milk at the back door tonite. Don't ask--she swore by it.

I am racing like a chicken (turkey?) with my head cut off until Thanksgiving is over, then I can set down and actually take care of some UFOs--the one that was nearing completion has become a problem child, and has been stuffed back in the UFO bin until it can behave!

Vicki said...

Oh man. I am always losing stuff, I hate that. I hope you find your G soon. And the rest of the lost things too.

Cheryl Arkison said...

That is quite the week!

Unknown said...

Hugs to you - you will find your way.

Amber said...

Oh - hope today and the weekend improves the week! And you find all your missing things - I hate searching and searching for things like that - thanks for the link :-)

Rebekah said...

oh no! I hope everything turns around for you and that you find your "G"

Twisted Quilts said...

I hate losing stuff! My stuff walks away too. It is amazing with only two people living in the house and things still disappear. Hang in there.

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

uh oh.. well here is to hoping next week is better!!

Kathleen said...

am pleased though that you found something to add to that fabulous giveaway jacquie!

and at least you did not do what a friend on facebook did yesterday...she lost the top of her index finger while rotary cutting!!!

Victoria said...

Hope today is a day of "found" ;0)

Lara said...

I lost my mind this week too amongst a string of other things. Including the car keys which I spent half an hour looking for and accusing Master Two of taking... only to find that I, in a moment of share brilliance it would seem had put them in the baby bag so we were all ready to go. Perhpas our minds are off partying somewhere else. Here's to a better week :) Have a wine. It helps take the edge off.

CitricSugar said...

I think we drew the same week's numbers in the luck and frustration lottery. :-)

Hang in there. If I find your mind, I'll let you know. I'm trying to decide how much I really need mine, but if you see, give me a shout. :-)

Anonymous said...

So sorry you had such a rough week! I'm sure the lost items will turn up eventually - for me, it is usually as soon as I give up and make/buy another one.

Laura said...

I hope you find everything your missing!!

carol said...

You're not the only one who had a bad week. My DH lost his job...not a good thing when he has a wife who is a fanatic quilter. Now what will I do??

M. Mann said...

Just wanted to say thank you. For your site, your donation and the beautiful artist you are. Your work makes me drool lol. Thank you for sharing you dog, your thoughts and your work. You are truly a gift!

MightyMom said...

oh gee.

G whiz!!

sorry your week's gone to pot. that just sucks.