I was in LA (Palm Desert) last week and returned home to rain, freezing rain, sleet, ice and snow. Talk about a shock to the system. I wasn't prepared. No wood for the fireplace, no plan for power outages, no boots. I've been avoiding the thought of winter and trying my best to prolong fall. I can't put it off any longer.

Sad to say, I haven't made loads of progress on my UFOs. I did finish these pillows last week before I left. They match
this quilt.

I started the quilting on this piece. I chose pebble quilting to make it look like embers in the fire. It's a wall hanging, but it's taking forever. Six jumbo bobbins so far and I'm not even half done. I hope I can stick with it. I'm questioning my decision on this one. Hope you all are making progress!
Ugh. Winter. After 15 years out here in LA I still don't miss it. Maybe the silver lining is that it means lots of indoor hours spent sewing?? If you're ever in the LA area again - let me know!!!
I, too, am ignoring the fact that winter is just around the corner! I have been putting off shopping for a new coat~I will be sorry when the temps here dip below freezing!
Good luck with finishing the quilting :)
are we ever ready for winter to arrive? I don't think I am! At least it has stopped raining today. Pebbling does take lots of time and thread, but the wonderful texture you end up with s worth it. Good luck on finishing!
I'm working on one right now that is using a simliar amount of bobbins... and taking about two hours to quilt per square foot!
I'm enjoying it though. :)
Hi. What does UFOs stand for? Your quilts are gorgeous.
Why does other people pebbling looks great and mine looks, uuum? I wanted to do that for the current baby quilt but my hands were not listening to my brain. Still loving stippling.
No don't question this. I went to start on something new and I thought - no finish it for Jacquie's challange so me and my ufo pile thank you. I may not get them all done, but a few will. So thanks! 6 bobbins! Can't wait to see the quilting on the whole top.
oh i just LOVE!!!!!!! that pebble quilting! it's amazing!! you made the right decision!! :)
Although time consuming your pebbles will be so worth it in the end. I know you have perververence. Palm Desert...very close to my childhood stomping grounds.
I totally understand the pebble quilting - you start all excited and then start wondering what you were thinking! I still need to finish my baby quilt :-)
I must say - some days I do wish for wintery weather here - but we wouldn't last long...
We're having buckets and buckets of rain here in Vancouver, too! Record snowfalls in Whistler, which bodes will for the Olympics in Feb. but makes for very wet life down at sea level!! Lucky I'm off to the sunny island of Barbados in 2 sleeps!! That will mean absolutely NO UFO progress, tho. Love the pebble quilting - it's looking amazing. Stick with it! The pillows are beauty, too!
I hope you had a nice trip. I am working on my UFO's and making some progress. I have begun hand quilting the Western quilt and cut my templets. I also have begun hand quilting the Celtic knot piece. In the meantime I am traveling and decided to start a new project. Hexagons. I am going to bast them when we fly to Dallas this week. Something easy to carry and work on in airports.
Have a great week.
I'm struggling with UFO#3 today, as a matter of fact. It's big and heavy and hard to move around on my machine, no matter how I think I've found shortcuts.
I like those "fill" patterns too, but all that thread and bobbin after bobbin always makes me stop and re-think. *S*
Here in Chicago, about all we've had now is dreary days with some wind.....
My word verification is "bible" - they are everywhere!
These look soooo warm and yummy!!! I wish they were on my couch ;)
XO, heather
That pebble quilting looks so great!
pebble quilting can kill. that is all i'm gonna say.
oh yeah. I forgot you and I were going to be out of town at the same time. Welcome back! I still can't believe I got the tiniest bit of a tan just 4 days ago.
Just went to my quilt shop to get some fabrics for a couple of my UFO's!
I just found your blog ... love it! You had me at 'Bruno'!
Oh I love those pillows. When and if I ever get to making new pillows for our great room I think I will case yours. The quilting on your quilt is amazing. Keep on going!! I have finished 3 of my 10 so far but I'm eying a new pattern for a top. I'm just happy with what I get done. Thanks for giving me that little push. Cynthia
I have a goal to finish my first UFO by Sunday.
Love your pillows.
Cute pillows! Thanks for the UFO challenge, Jacquie. I was reluctant at first but now I am excited because even if I don't make my goal I will be farther along on my UFO list than if I didn't take part in the challenge at all.
Those pillows are awesome! I wish I could sew/quilt like you!
the pillows and pebbles look great. I have one small ufo done and was hoping for great things today but... Maybe tonight! 8^)
The pebble quilting looks great! You'll love it when it's done. Sometimes getting through something is the hardest part.
Winter has hit here makes me wonder what I was thinking when I cut my hair so short.
Love the pebble quilting and having tried it myself I can appreciate how much work is involved. Good luck with finishing it! I'm totally with you on procrastinating about winter coming. I feel like if I don't let winter start so soon I won't be so fed up with it in March :)
I am making absolutely no progress at all...except to carry the dang thing with me everywhere....and never take it out of the bag.
sigh. the christmas gifts are coming along though!! ONE WEEK LEFT aarrrrggghhh!!!
I love the quilting but dang girl, you're going around each tiny circle 2 and 3 times!! no wonder it's taking forever! and aren't you DIZZY???
love the pillows (and I am once again reminded that I need to make some for our living room).
Your pebble quilting is looking great so far
It looks great. I love the red. Stick with it. You can do it. It will be wonderful.
I was planning on doing some pebble quilting myself, hmmmm....maybe I'll start out with a potholder :) I'm getting those selvages in the mail tomorrow!!
Pillows look great!
Hang in there with the quilting! It is so hard to persevere and be patient when we want it DONE!
I think the quilting looks great, and the sense of accomplishment you'll feel when you get it done will feel so good. Love the pillows too. I can only imagine how beautiful your house must be with such lovely quilts and other sewn treasures everywhere.
i'm starting to think that pebble quilting was designed for small areas. i did a cross between a pebble stitch and a swirl on the last quilt i worked on and even that took a long time. and lots of thread. it's fun when it's done, though. and that's what matters.
I posted pix of the tree skirt to this point. I need to get that baby quilted before I leave for Phoenix in 2 days! eek!
I really do not like cold weather! It is beginning here in the South now!
Love the pillows!
iI LOVE the strong graphic images on your pillows.
The quilting looks fantastic. I tried it on a placemat because I love the look so much. It really bunched up in a way that wasn't so great on a placemat that should lay flat. Is that happening to you? I do still love, love the effect. Looks great.
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