Friday, March 19, 2010

i think i might have found it

Ikea puts the LARGE in large scale print. This puffball is about 2 feet by 3 feet. My son gave me the fabric for Christmas...It's already sewn into a top, but it's not right.
I found this fabric, Andrea Victoria by Riley Blake, the other day. I think it might be just right to put with this big puffball fabric. The mini puffballs in grey and blue are eerily similar in design. I'm going to see what I can come up with.

Did you know tomorrow is National Quilting Day? Who knew we had our own holiday. I'm going to spend it quilting. What will you do to celebrate?


Unknown said...

I think that is just perfect for the puffball. Can't wait to see your gorgeous creation!! Come over to my blog post today to see what I am doing for National Quilting Day!

Needled Mom said...

I love that fabric. It will be gorgeous.

I had heard that it is National Quilting Day, but I will have five grandchildren for the weekend. I doubt that I will be sewing.

silversmith said...

i love the puffball. but then, i love ikea in all it's wonderful goodness.

i'm celebrating national quilt day with a sew-in meeting of the houston modern quilt guild! and hoping to teach my hubby a little more on how to sew and quilt during the sew-in. he's had the fabrics in a bag with a pattern picked out for more than a year and a half. it's about time! ;)

Abby and Stephanie said...

I'm so excited to see what you come up with. Yes, IKEA does BIG very well.

Live a Colorful Life said...

I saw the line of Andrea Victoria and it has been in my head all week. In all three colorways. I'm pretty sure the only way to stop is obsessing is just to place my order....

Unknown said...

What a great combination of fabrics!!! Love the one you got from your son, what a good son!!!!

Anna said...

cool fabrics. I just bought the one by riley blake, it's so pretty!

Julie said...

Those fabrics are so beautiful and I love the giant puffball!

grendelskin said...

I've been drooling over those fabrics myself - they're perfect for your gigantic puffball! I'll probably do some hand work on National Quilting Day - my GFG is plodding, plodding along but it *is* growing!

connie said...

I love the combination of fabrics. The puffball is incredible. I purchased some upholstery fabric from ikea which has giant daisies for a bag of sometime.

Our quilt guild is having what we call a Sew Sew day where we get together and make quilts for the needy and quilts for new babies. Should be a fun day.

calicodaisy said...

Pretty! No places to be and no deadlines this weekend, so the sewing room might be occupied with me sewing up quilt blocks, especially one particular Hawaiian style one due quite soon, if you know what I mean!

Judy said...

Love the IKEA fabric. I'm looking forward to seeing how you handle it.
Tomorrow I'll be celebrating NQD by going to the Glendale Quilt Show with some quilting buddies.

Your quilts are inspiring.

Diane said...

love those fabrics! The grey and blues look fab.

Amber said...

That Ikea fabric is so pretty...and I saw that - I have to go to my son's last soccer game so I can't spend the day quilting - maybe I'll try and get some done in the morning...

Valerie said...

Wow what a great excuse to ignore the family and spend the day sewing! Hehehe, well, maybe an hour or two anyway :)

Can't wait to see what you make with the puffball...

2ndAvenueStudio-Rachel said...

Cute puff ball! A friend just did a grey and aqua log cabin that floored me so I knw thats a great match up of fabrics.
National quilting day plus allergy season equals sewing for me as well... :)
and a bit of stash petting and reorg.

courtney.janelle.sews said...

your son is so sweet. those fabrics are going to look great together.

also thanks for the heads up on our holiday, had no idea! I'm taking the mastery class for my new Bernina tomorrow but I will be SURE to spend the rest of the day quilting, yayy!

G'G'ma said...

Yes, I will be at my sewing machine also.
Love the puffball fabric.

Pamela said...

Great fabric - I can't wait to see what new design you come up with this time!
I'm celebrating National Quilting Day by taking a quilting class. It wasn't planned that way but it's cool that it worked out that way.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh That is so neat! I can't wait to see what you do with it!

Anonymous said...

Love the Ikea fabric and the Riley Blake! They will look great together. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Our local quilt guild meeting is this morning - a great start to Nat'l Quilting Day.

Amanda H. said...

I love the fabric from Ikea too!! I actually used it to make a piece of wall art for my baby's nursery. You can see it here.

Jenny @ Anything Pretty said...

I love all the fabric! And with the snow it is even more reason to spend the day quilting....that is what I am hoping at least!

MightyMom said...

that's one big puffball!

sewtakeahike said...

ooohhh, those are going to look great together Jacquie! Happy national quilting day to you!

Suzanne said...

That's going to be a pretty combination. If it's one thing you have taught me over the time that I've been reading your blog, it's that you have a seam ripper and you're not afraid to use it. I admire that about you. It's such a good lesson for me!

KateKwiltz said...

I'm going to buy fabric!

Love the coordinating prints! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

sew katie did said...

We spent it quilting with the Guild!

Levin said...

wouldn't it be nice if they gave all quilters the day off for national quilting day!
i love the fabrics. i love ikea too :)