Where did Virginia and Kentucky go? Did you enjoy the views? We've hit Illinois as a team and we are almost flying across the country. We are 74 quilters strong and as a team we have over 1000 miles and some of us haven't even entered our mileage yet. Dang, we're good! Where are you individually? Are you moving?
Next week is an important one for the "Improv(E) your Butt Challenge. Our first reward week. Next week you will want to make your goal. (Hint, Hint!!) If you haven't set a weekly goal, yet, now is the time.
I've finally got everyone added to the team and the sidebar and I've figured out a way to get everyone access to team stats. I converted my individual site to the team site. If you'll drop me an email I'll send you the login and password so that you can see team progress. (That will save me the time of entering all 74 email addresses!)
Let me know how you're doing. How many pieces of fabric have you earned?
Hi Jacquie, Your challenge has certainly helped me be more diligent on my walking routine. This week has been harder with the fun complication of a new grandbaby to help with. Maybe I should be adding miles for chasing after a toddler too! So far I have added 16 pieces of fabric. Hope to see you next week at KCMG.
Yay! I did my 15 miles this week!
Thank you for all your efforts in encouraging us!!! :)
I started my new exercise plan on July 5 and have made my 26 mile/week goal every week except for one (I was traveling in Portland and managed to do enough walking to hit 25.9!). So, I've earned 122 pieces of fabric! I'm starting to think I'll have more trouble keeping up with the improv part of this challenge than the exercise part! FYI -- I'm in Louisa County Virginia at mile 148.4.
Hey - this week has been bad. Work has just overwhelmed life. BUT week one was good, & I'm ready to get back at it!
Sadly, I've only earned 9 pcs of fabric so far! But still headed forward! Anxious to see how the team is doing!
This week hasn't been as good for me...it's been raining so bike riding and walking are only if necessary. I still got in 26 miles-ish, thanks mostly to today (yay for the sun!). Thanks to last week, I'm about to hit the "downhill" in Virginia (the southwestern portion of the trail) so hopefully I'll be in Kentucky soon!
As for how much fabric I've earned, I technically have earned 151 pieces of fabric. I'm in the middle of a move with no fabric here yet (moving into the new house on the 23rd and hopefully the fabric and furniture will get in soon after that. I've designed two quilts for Christmas presents (mom and mother-in-law) so I want to get started on those ASAP! I shouldn't have to buy much fabric for the one, but the other will need some new stuff. :-D
Go team!
63 pieces so far. the biking helps rack up the miles! thanks for pushing us!
Nada yet. But my goal is 10 miles for next week! So where's that info?? ;-)
This is great motivation to start making all the baby quilts that I need to get moving on! I'm training for a marathon and I'm SOOOOO on the look out for any motivation. Thanks girls for motivating me both in quilting and in keeping moving ;)
Last week I was 3 miles over my goal, and this week I'm 3 miles short. Had hubs and I not gone out and played golf today (walking and carrying clubs for 18 holes -- in the sweltering heat no less)my goal would have been seriously lacking.
(Can I have extra fabric for being out in this HEAT? Will summer never end!?!?!)
Okay, enough whining! So far 30 miles has earned me 30 pieces of fabric for my project...yet to be determined.
Thanks gals for the motivation. I really needed that!!
I logged 11 miles last week... Need to get out today after work.
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