Monday, August 9, 2010

Presto Chango!

I've been meaning to do this for years. I decided to fly by the seat of my pants and give it a go. I have a lot to learn about sewing gussets, but the good thing is lots of sins are hidden by the window seat. There's a zipper in the back so I can remove it for an occasional washing. I chose to go without piping...maybe next time. I used inexpensive IKEA fabric since I didn't know if this project would be a success. Have to grit my teeth and tackle the second one....I hope it's better than the first!


Patty said...

Wow, I love the fabric! The window seat looks brighter now.

Cyn said...

OMGosh, I love this! So colorful and pretty. The white b/g of the print is so perfect with the white woodwork of your window seat. Congratulations on a terrific job!
/ ; -)

Live a Colorful Life said...

that is fabulous! and the the print is really cool. I just found an IKEA chair at Goodwill that I want to get (under $50) and attempt to recover myself. Yikes. I'm not sure I'm up to it but I'm going to give it a go...

Poppyprint said...

It looks so great! What a fun update, Jacquie. I've got a chair awaiting a've inspired me to get going on that!

Just JaiCi's Crafts said...


Selina said...

It looks brilliant!

Unknown said...

It looks fantastic! Kudos!

Tracey Jacobsen said...

I dunno Jacquie -- I kinda miss the foxes... ;)


Great recover. :) Much better. :)

Beth said...

WOW! So much better than those foxes staring at you all the time!

Trisha said...

Much better! Way to just jump in and do it.

Unknown said...

Just love it!!! Perfect! In with the new out with the old.

GerryART said...

it's a new fresh look.


paulette said...

So clean and it!! Brilliant!

sew katie did said...


Rhonda said...

Love the fabric, it perfect. You did a great job!

Char said...

Love it! Great job!

Kimberly Whispell said...

I love the fabric, very pretty!

Lynn Koeppen said...

Great change! Good for you!

Unknown said...

Looks perfect from here! Love that fabric.

Needled Mom said...

What a difference! I love it.

Paige said...

Great job! The cushion and fabric are so fun!

Audrie said...

Great choice of fabric! It totally changes the space. I really need to get fabric from Ikea to make cushion covers... my sofa cushions look soooo shabby.

Carla said...

I, too, have window seat cushions I've been meaning to make for 3 years now! Thanks for sharing...maybe it will motivate me!!

Sharon said...

Fabulous, what a great update to your decor.

Bec said...

Love it...well done!! xx

Anonymous said...

Wow! This looks amazing. A perfect use of those large scale Ikea fabrics.

Lisa said...

it looks wonderful! I wish we had an IKEA near us! even the one back home is without fabrics, at least for now. They are supposed to be rebuilding across the parking lot... touted to be the largest store in Canada, maybe north america (?)

KateKwiltz said...

Great job! If you decide to do piping next time, it's definitely worth it to invest in a piping foot -- it makes it SOOOO much easier, and gives you a good, clean look.

Darcie said...

Love it! It's much more *Jacquie!* ;-)

Anna said...

love it! and thank you for admitting that doing gussets isn't as easy as it appears! :)

Laura said...

That looks amazing! What a dramatic change. I really like it.

carol said...

I think it looks marvelous! So much better than before! Bravo!

MightyMom said...

I likey likey

Course im a sucker for a window seat.

Caroline ~ TrilliumDesign said...

It looks fabulous!! Much better than the old cushion.

beachiesews said...

Looks so much more modern and vibrant! No one will see your oops!

Katherine said...

What a transformation! Now I bet you're thinking you should've tackled this ages ago because it looks so good. ;o) Way to go Jacquie!

Lynn said...

I have some vintage bark cloth and two chairs and a foot stool from the 1950s that need new cushions. They, too, have been waiting for years. You just may have inspired me. I want to do piping but I don't know if I have enough fabric.
I have been wanting to pay someone else to make them but that just seems silly to me.

Jessica Christensen said...

Great facelift!

Andi said...

Muuuuuuch better!!!!

Liz said...

I love it!

Shelly said...

It's great! Why did you wait so long? I love the change -- wonderful fabric.

Barb said...

Your new cushion is fresh and pretty great job!