Monday, August 23, 2010


Randomness...that seems to be how my mind works...ideas pop in and sometimes they have to come out.

So many times I'm inspired by fabric and with Finlandia and Lauren's fabulous birds that is definitely the case. I'm still in the playing stage with this one, but I'm imagining birds in the Finlandia forest. Kate, thanks for the Finlandia fabric. I'm in love with it and wish I could get bolts of it! And it's purple...I'm working with purple again.
Here's something totally different! I'm not sure how this one started except I was reading one of my modern art books this weekend and reawakened my love for simplicity, clean lines and geometry. No idea where this might go, but for now it's staying on the design wall.

Stay tuned till tomorrow to find out how to get your hands on that Flea Market Fancy bundle!
Have a great week everyone!


Lindsay said...

I love that bird fabric and the color combo is to die for.

Rebecca Merry said...

Love that purple! And I love that very mod design on your wall!

Patty said...

I'm enjoying the clean modern feel of your randomness! It's inspiring.

KateKwiltz said...

eeep! Glad you're using it! It looks fantastic with the other fabrics, too!

Sarah Craig said...

I love those colors, and the modern art piece is very cool! I was just looking at some mid-century architecture with the same view in mind - Corbusier was a genius! And I can so see his designs in quilts...

VickiT said...

Oh my gosh those are the best colors. LOVE all that fabric.

Suzanne said...

You make colors that I would typically shy away from look fabulous together. Happy Monday to you!

Alissa said...

Oh I cannot wait to see what those wonderful fabrics become!! And the start on the one with solids?? Amazing!

Paige said...

Ahhh, I'm on a major orange kick right now. Love that orange and purple!

Vicki said...

Go purple! The purple and orange look great together!

Walden said...

Love the oranges and purples!

henny said...

Oh, Jacquie..I fall in love with those purples, gorgeous!!

MightyMom said...



watch's gonna grow on you!

Anonymous said...

I love the beginning of your modern art piece - simple shapes and stunning colors are my favorites!

Tonya Ricucci said...

oh oh oh, I love it. big bold fabrics and colors.