I had two of my virtual
quilting bees make cross blocks for me, and then I made some more. I have crosses coming out of my ears, so before they take over the place I thought I'd better get started with them. I started with this amazing embroidery and teeny, tiny cross and made them a focal point for the quilt.

I changed the layout loads of times and came up with this. I love the idea of crosses forming crosses.

Pretty fun looking at the differences in the individual crosses...there are some stunners in here. I think I'm going to like it!

And guess what? The American Red Cross featured this quilt on their
facebook page. How fun is that!!
I actually posted on Friday...aren't you impressed! We have some new members to the team this week. Welcome! I'm still working on getting you added in. The winner of the scrap prize is SARA! Sara, send me your address and I'll get it out to you. For the next prize....everyone is in...you just have to move! Sounds like most of you are doing pretty well. I actually made my goal this week....Yeah! Hope your butt is still in motion!
Have a great weekend!
I love the way you have put it together. I am getting my quiling bee to do crosses for me - I hope I can do something even half as stunning with them
I have met my goal for the week and even chosen fabrics for my first quilt! Woo Hoo!
Jacquie, you have received some stunning crosses!!! Love the embroidery block. I really think your layout is cool....especially the cross blocks forming crosses.
Wow, I love this quilt and how asymetrical it is and the contrast of that red with the oatmeal colored fabric. Gorgeous.
unbelievable! Once again you have stunned me. I love it.
glen in Louisiana - off to the boxing gym to work out and still trying to figure out how to log an hour of boxing into the "miles"
That's really beautiful!
I am sitting at the dealership As I Type waiting while they fix the stinkin headlights!! My goal is 7 miles and I hope to make it TONIGHT!!
This quilt is going to be fabulous!
i love your quilt - i think it's fabulous! it's so unique it will really make a statement 50 years down the road!
omg!!! can't believe i won the scrap pack - i'm SO excited!! maybe this will start my improv quilt as I've been wondering what to do! yeah!
Love it! Hmm...may have to change my screen saver;)
Your cross quilt is amazing. With all of the shades of linen/neutrals it has such a lovely vintage appearance but with a totally mod layout. I can imagine it comforting a WWII soldier on a canvas cot, over your living room couch, or hanging on an expansive white gallery wall. The perfect marriage!
Great setting idea. And I love the neutrals...thanks.
Jacquie, you do the most amazing work. What a thrill it is to see your art work. I'd love to see them hanging in a gallery....any shows coming up? trace
It is so inspiring to see others' creativity. I always enjoy how imaginative your works are.
Although my goal the past two weeks was short by a total of 5 miles, this week I am well on my way to achieving (and maybe even surpassing) my 15 mile goal. Got today and tomorrow to 'git 'er done.' Currently have a total of 55 miles.
You're amazing and I love it! Need to post my time also....moving but not enough!
the quilt looks awesome...congrats!
Congratulations Sarah! I made my target this week a day early. I have traveled 60 miles in total so far!
Love your quilt! There is an amazing variety of fabrics and crosses.
I agree with everyone your cross quilt is amazing! Actually all your quilts are wonderful, I need to make more time to finish all my unfinished quilts.
The first day my daughter called a lot, second day a few times, now she's down to once a day. It's hard to believe how fast time flies.
Ooooo! I love this! Good job
Wow, that colour combination is just beautiful. What a stunning quilt.
I adore this Quilt! Can't wait to see it completed. Hope you have a great weekend.
Hi! I'm a new follower. I'm currently in the process of sewing my first quilt (by myself...first one ever was with my grandma when I was 12 years old!)
I hope you follow me back, I would LOVE some feedback on my progress!
Oh yes, this is a lovely quilt. It is undoubtedly of the 21st century, but hearkens back to it's WWII roots.
Lovely colors, lovely layout, and lots of great blocks, Jacquie! I can see why it was featured! Lots of strong symbolism...
What a beautiful and touching quilt! Love the fabrics.
Just plain knocked my socks off. I adore this
This is so gorgeous! Love, love, love.
Congrats on the awesome feature!!
I am digging all of the directions you are going in these days! Everything from your dimensional quilt block to your slow transformation of your home to more mid-century modern to moving your butt! And as always I find oodles of quilting inspiration here. Thanks for the well wishes on my jumping back into the game!
Oh, you make me want to become a quilter..... Every thing you do just blows me off the keyboard. This is a heart-stopper.
Simply stunning Jacquie!! You keep raising the bar. Your style is wonderful.
I really like the cross quilt, Jacquie!
now that the boys are in school I'm going to start walking a few days a week, maybe I'll even get to running. And I'm doing the 100 pushup and 200 situp challenges. I'm going to find your fitness post and join up if that's still allowed ;).
I made it 10.3 miles!!!! woot woot!
Beautiful crosses!
I'll be walking to school with the kids next week in the mornings. How do I convert Pilates? Does that count?
Wow! That's another amazing quilt!
It seems like forever since I blog hopped and was here to visit. I miss keeping up with you. It just seems like I never get time anymore. I love your new look to the blog. It is fun to see what you are up to. You always inspire me.
OH How absolutely GORGEOUS! Love this so much!!
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