Friday, September 10, 2010

B is for...

BIRTHDAY: Yesterday was my birthday. Another year older, wiser, and definitely more hip.
BUDDIES: I spoke at my guild last night, the fabulous Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild and they celebrated with me, cupcakes, singing and quilty friends. It doesn't get much better than that. I got handmade's funny how much I love the handmade and I never get anything like that. It's great to have friends who sew!

BLOG: I was thinking last night how this blog has been such a wonderful addition to my life. I appreciate all of you who come to visit and are a part of it with me.

BOYS: The three guys in my life, my two sons and my wonderful hubby. Life is rich because of all of you.

BLESSINGS: These are too many to list or to count. Each day is a blessing.

and finally B is for BINDINGS: of which I still need to do.


Di~ said...

:) Great post, Jacquie! My bithday was last week! Hope you had a good one!

Amber said...

Happy belated birthday - what a fun way to spend it! Wish I could have been there :-)
And I can't wait to see all the quilts you've been working on!

Sandy said...

awwwww....happy bday!!!!! give it a bday go all weekend!

RosaMarĂ­a said...

Happy happy birthday!
I love and admire your quilts and love very much your blog ;)
thanks for sharing Jacquie!

Kelly said...

I know what you mean. After a summer of great loss and pain I am happy to be alive.....and quilting again soon.
Happy Birthday I alway look forward to reading your blog.

Natalie said...

Happy Birthday!

NorahS said...

Glad you had a happy birthday! Best wishes for a wonderful year.

paulette said...

And for BELATED which is what I am wishing for you!! Happy BELATED Birthday!!

Unknown said...

Belated Happy Birthday Jacquie - hope the talk went well (even if you didn't get ALL the bindings done) - you had a great day yesterday - you deserve it (I'm just glad someone had a good day yesterday ;-/)

Meg said...

Happy birthday, Jacquie! May there be many more, each better than the last!

Katherine said...

A belated, but very Happy Birthday to you, Jacquie! Glad to hear that your special day was shared and celebrated with love.

dutchcomfort said...

Happy belated Birthday Jacquie!

Elizabeth said...

Happy Happy Birthday!! Sounds like you had a great day.

Angela Nash said...

Happy Birthday! Chocolate cupcake - YUM!!!

Tong said...

Happy birthday!! Hope you had a great one!!!

Molly said...

Sounds like you had a perfect birthday. I'm glad for ya!!

mascanlon said...

Glad you had a good birthday Jacquie....9/9/is a great day for a birthday....mine too!And since our daughter and her family live in KC we are often there too, but not last night so I couldn't go hear you speak, bet it was great!

Rachel at Stitched in Color said...

Hey, birthday sister, mine too! Good luck with the binding....

Carla said...

Jacquie, Your program last night was wonderful....I was so inspired to get outside the lines a little more. The KCMQG is a lot of fun to belong to and you are to be congratulated for all that you do. Happy birthday, my online/real life friend!

Beth said...

Congrats on the birthday and being more hip! I am just more hippy year after year!

Unknown said...

god luv ya jacquie!! happy birthday my friend!! ;)


Anina said...

Happy Birthday Jacquie!
Now go sew on those bindings...

Abby and Stephanie said...

Happy "B"elated Birthday!!! Beautiful stack of fabrics with your cupcake.

Sherri said...

Happy Birthday...and hey, that's a pretty good "b" list...even the binding part!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!! Enjoy it, enjoy it!!!

Paige said...

Happy Birthday!

Andi said...

Happy Birthday!!

Caroline ~ TrilliumDesign said...

a B-elated happy birthday to you! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy B day, I just found your blog and LOVE IT! I am from MN so winter is just a great time to "turn" On the fire Place and Quilt. So happy i found your blog
Happy B day, Kris

Live a Colorful Life said...

Happy, happy birthday, Jacquie. You have definitely enriched my life in the past year. Thank you so much and I'm looking forward to much inspiration in the year to come.

Sharon said...

birthdays are fabulous, the alternative isn't! Now enough celebrating, get to your bindings!
Glad you had a great day with friends, hand made goodies, and family.

Kim Eichler-Messmer said...

Thanks again for sharing your wonderful quilts last night. It was inspiring to see them and hear about your journey. And Happy Birthday!

Miriam said...

Happy Birthday Jacquie!!!

Many happy returns.

Mary C said...

Happy Birthday - thanks for your wonderful blog

Mary C said...

Happy Birthday - thanks for your wonderful blog

Annie said...

Happy belated Birthday, lvoe your quilts and your blog. Sounds like a good day was had by all.

Cheryl Arkison said...

A Happy, Happy Birthday indeed. Take care.

carol said...

Hope you had a great Birthday!!!!

arajane said...

happy birthday, jacquie! glad to hear you had such a wonderful day!

Unknown said...

So glad you had a wonderful birthday!! Great to celebrate all your b's! Here is to many more!

Katie Jean said...

Happy Birthday Jacquie!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!

Rebecca Merry said...

Happy Bday! Hope it was fab! There must be something about us virgos and quilting! (mine's 9-11)

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Happy belated birthday Jacquie!

Thimbleanna said...

Happy Belated Birthday Jacquie - B is also for Beautiful -- you and your quilts!

Sarah Craig said...

Happy birthday, Jacquie!!! Celebrate all weekend!!

CitricSugar said...

Happy Birthday!

Virgos are awesome people. :-)

Cascade Quilts said...

yesterday was my birthday too! 42 years young!

Shari said...

Happy Birthday! Hope it was great for you!

angie said...

Happy Birthday Miss Jacquie!! Thank you for providing so much inspiration to newbies like me.

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed your talk last night, Jacquie. Was great fun to be able to see and touch all of your fun quilts! Thanks for sharing!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Best Wishes to your Jacquie...hope you had an awesome day.

henny said...

Lovely post, Jackie. Happy birthday to you!!

Amiechan said...

Mmm, cupcakes!

Congrats! :-D

Karen said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Suzanne said...

B is for the BEST. That's what you are. Happy Birthday,Jacquie.

Tammy Vasser said...

Happy Birthday!! You should know that your blog has changed my life, too. I found your blog in April and I've been reading (and re-reading ever since). It was your tutorial that guided me through my first wonky quilt for my son and sparked in me a real passion for quilting. I had never heard of modern quilting but knew that I didn't want to quilt calico stars forever. Now, just 5 months later, I have completed 4 lap size quilts and I'm starting my first queen size improv one. This one is taking a little longer than using a pattern but I really enjoy creating as I go. Last month, I gave away my basic machine and bought a new Bernina and now (since my career of 19 years is in jeopardy with this economy) I've decided to open an online quilt shop. There seems to be more and more pop up so maybe I'm late to the party. Anyway, I'm following my passion. I truly have never been so inspired or fulfilled by any other hobby than modern quilting! My question is this: If you were to shop online, what kind of fabrics would you like to see available? Also, since you can shop at so many places, what would make you want to shop at one place over another? Price? Shipping? Generous cuts? Quick response? Service? I ask because I'm trying to decide how my store can stand out with so many other great shops out there. Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm a KC girl and I'll see you at the October MQG meeting as I've finally freed up my Thursday nights to attend the meetings! I can't wait!! I would so appreciate your input as I really respect your opinion. I also understand if you would rather not comment. Either way, I'm a huge fan and can't wait to learn more about quilting from you blog and the guild. THANKS!

MichelleB said...

Happy, happy birthday! Thank YOU for having your blog.

Lisa said...

Happy belated birthday! You share it with---------- me! hope yours was great!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! You were one my very first quilting inspirations. :)

KateKwiltz said...

HBTY...and many more!
Hope this year is filled with creating and more great b's!

Bethany Smith said...

I love that we share the same birthday 9/9 ! Have an excellent year fellow Virgo. :)

Amanda Jean said...

happy belated birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

We were the lucky ones to attend your presentation at the meeting the other night. It was truly inspiring. Your heart is inside of your quilts and that makes them so special. Thanks Jacquie for all that you do.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Best wishes for a wonderful year!

Victoria said...

Happy Birthday, Jacquie!

Leah said...

mmmmmm cupcakes!!!!

happy birthday!!

Poppyprint said...

Happy belated, Jacquie. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work and insight with us here on the blog!

MightyMom said...

Happy Birthday!!
Cool cupcake!!
I'm jealous of your guild. Maybe one day I'll have the time to be part of a sewing group.

Now get tp work!!

Stephanie D said...

B is for belated--a belated happy birthday to you and many, many more!