Monday, September 13, 2010

It's All About Jon

Sorry Ben, this one is all about Jon. This quilt was inspired by a drawing that my youngest son, Jon did for me. I think he was about 10. I gave that drawing to my Sew Connected Bee buddies as inspiration. They came through with flying colors!
I played with negative space in this quilt. It wasn't easy to put together....lots of set in seams in this one, but it was worth it.
Angela quilted it for me and again that girl is a genius. We talked through some ideas and she took it from there. Can you see the design that is throughout the negative space?
Love this little detail.
My only struggle with this quilt is what to call it. In my world, all quilts need names. Ideas?

For those who asked, the solids in this quilt are Kona snow, espresso brown, and ice frappe.


Kandra said...

LOVE this so much! As for names - what about Jon's Connection? Combine Jon's drawing with the Sew Connected Bee:)

It really turned out great!

Brenda said...

ooohhh, lovely, lovely. but its too early in the morning for me to think of a name. sorry!

dutchcomfort said...

Gorgeous! The first name that came to me was Gerrit Rietveld, a Dutch designer and architect, member from De Stijl:

A name for the quilt... Jon’s Style?

Kelly O. said...

how about "disconnection" or "broken ladder" or "shutes and ladders"

RosaMaría said...

these is fantastic!!! I really love it!

KateKwiltz said...

I think you already named it! What's wrong with "All About Jon"???

Barb said...

This is a wonderful clean and fresh quilt! I love that it was inspired by a drawing!
can we see the drawing?

ritad said...

I agree.....What's wrong with IT'S ALL ABOUT JON

james and bess said...

so beautiful! i love the frank lloyd wright feel. how about "jonny on the spot?" :)


Barb said...

the drawing is incredible!
thanks for sharing this quilt process

Patty said...

I so love how this quilt looks. The name that pops in my mind is connection

Nancy said...

Jon Squared... LOVE that quilt.. such great colors..and design

Alice R. said...

Amazing quilt! I so love the connection; you'll cherish it always. I agree with the others: it seems to me it already has a name.

Poppyprint said...

It is really outstanding! Naming quilts is not my strong suit...good luck! How wonderful to finish up such an inspiring bee quilt.

Paula said...

I love the urban, architectural feeling, how about 'City Blocks'?

Julie said...

I think you did name it...."Its all about Jon" or "Jon's Gift"


MichelleB said...

It is really spectacular! I'm no good with names - so no help there.

Emily said...

I was thinking "Negative Space" when you wrote that...

Tammy Vasser said...

LOVE IT!!!! How about Jon's Art, Jon's Inspiration or maybe Art@10? Again, truly wonderful quilt!!!!

John said...

I was on the same wavelength as Tammy. How about "Artistry", or "A Son's Artistry"?

I just commented on Flickr, but I'll say it again -- this turned out AMAZINGLY. It all started with your vision, which looks like it was realized beautifully.

I hope it is well-loved by your family for a long time to come!

Unknown said...

Another stunner Jacquie - the quilt speaks for itself so I'd keep it simple - eg: 'Connected'

Alissa said...

Wow!! I love it so much. I'm a nightmare about naming my own quilts so I'm not gonna suggest anything... I never have good quilt name ideas. But boy do I love the quilt!! That quilting sure does make me wanna go take some long arm classes...

hawghugger said...

I now have my favortie quilt of all times. Love the colors, design and overall look of your quilt. I have to agree, you already named it!!!

chris baker said...

How about "Jon's creative mind" that would be a good name since it was inspired from his drawing. I absolutely love the end result, amazing and inspiring!!

Barbara said...

I LOVE this quilt. I know we'd all love it if the pattern were made available. I would, anyway. How about "Windows and Walls" for a title. It's the first thing that popped into my head. Take care. Great quilt.

Vicki W said...

I like your blog heading as the name! It's a very cool quilt.

Sharon said...

What a fabulous quilt, what about calling it Frame Squared. It reminds me of empty picture frames.

Tina Johnson said...

amazing! Love the colors!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Is it ok to call it lovely? As for names...I'm terrible...I'm asking for help with naming a new bag pattern. But I'm thinking "All About Jon"

momto2wasd said...

Love it! What about calling it "All About Jon"?

Melissa said...

Bess mentioned Frank Loyd Wright and I immediately thought "Yes!"

Here's some info from wiki:
"Wright's residential designs were "Prairie Houses" because the design is considered to complement the land around Chicago. These houses featured extended low buildings with shallow, sloping roofs, clean sky lines, suppressed chimneys, overhangs and terraces, using unfinished materials. The houses are credited with being the first examples of the "open plan". The manipulation of interior space in residential and public buildings are hallmarks of his style."

You have some elements of the prairie - the dark fabric for the earth, the sky blue, the lines are quite architectural.

How about Prairie Style, Prairie Home or something along those lines? I like Prairie home. It ties into your studio name, the quilt was inspired by art in your home....

2ndAvenueStudio-Rachel said...

Bee Cause of Jon... ?
I too vote for soem mix of the scBee and Jon.

Contented Caroline said...

It's gorgeous and quilted so beautifully too. The name that popped up in my head was; 'Connected to Jon' not very original but implies the connection he had with the inspirational drawing, the connection to the makers and the best bit ... your connection to Jon.

Missy said...

This is just stunning. I, too, vote for "all about Jon".

mg said...

awesome quilt

how about WINDOWS for the name

Anne D said...

WOW that is a great quilt!!!

Tracey Jacobsen said...

this is fabulous... unlike anything I've seen.

I'd probably call it "Jon's Drawing Quilt." or "Look what Jon Drew" or something like that. :)

Anonymous said...

What a stunner and a name stumper! Hmmm...I can't think of a good one... said...

What wonderful work....a tricky quilt, but truly a piece of art. You should be proud. As for naming it....

Frank Lloyd Wright or craftsman came to mind right off....but I like Julie's idea of 'it's all about jon'

Jenny said...

ive never named a quilt...but Mondri-Jon is what popped into my head!!
its so wonderful!

Heddy said...

It really is lovely ... and what an inspired and creative child to make such a lovely drawing.

How about "Jon's Geometry" or "Twelve" (the number of squares on the front side)(or you could use "XII")?

Vicki said...

I am no good with names. But it's gorgeous, I love it.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking that is one gorgeous quilt! What popped into my head was something like "Accentuate the Negative" or "Negative is Positive". Whatever you choose, it will be a standout!

Marit said...

It looks gorgeous, Jacquie!

Two words comes to mind: chocolate and Mondrian

; )

Anonymous said...

This quilt is totally amazing! You and Jon gave your bee buddies great inspiration and they really came through. Add your fabulous layout and the wonderful quilting and AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

How about 'Mondrian' for the name? This looks like a Mondrian painting!

Lauren H said...

"Bee Inspired by Jon!"?


Love this Quilt! and the quilting is gorgeous!

Lauren H said...


Do we get to see the back, too?! Thanks!

Can't quilt coming back to look at this quilt one more time!

Miri said...

Gorgeous! Truly an inspiring quilt.

Suzanne said...

I'm no help with the name. I want to know where that quilt is going to live. Does Jon get it or does it stay with you to remind you of Jon?

Anonymous said...

It definitely looks "architectural" as others have noted. How about "Townhouse Layouts" or some play on blueprints, house, apartment, layout, etc.?

anniem said...

I kind of reminds me of the game Jenga--so how about Jon's Jenga Quilt?

anniem said...

I kind of reminds me of the game Jenga--so how about Jon's Jenga Quilt?

Anonymous said...

When read that u r tring to figure out a name? ALL ABOUT JON is perfect!!!

meg said...

That is *gorgeous*!! I love that you were able to capture your son's drawing in such a creative way; what a treasure!

"Glass Ceiling" is the name that popped into my head, although it doesn't capture the story behind it. I think it was just the way the bits of blue peeks through the white, and then is all broken up into panes by the negative space. Named or not, though, it's splendid.

Unknown said...

Super awesome. Love the contrast & movement.

lindaroo said...

My son, John, age 16, saw this quilt on my computer screen and said, "Now that's a quilt I like!" I agree, "All About Jon" sounds right!

Stephanie D said...

Fabulous quilt!

Amanda Jean said...

it turned out fabulously, jacquie!

angie said...

Love the colors, the blue with the white and black...yummy!

Unknown said...

I LOVE how this came together, and to be a part of it! It's amazing - I'm no help with names, I hope you got some good suggestions.

Patty Ashworth said...

It reminds me of Frank Lloyd Wright's windows. So Jon's windows? Really nice effect in the blocks. Did a great job.

Sarah ACP said...

I think it looks like pathways. "Pathways of life", sometimes you go in circles, sometimes you have to stop and ponder, sometimes you can get there in a straight line. Just a thought.

Brenis said...

Jacquie - this turned out amazing! I am way behind on reading my favorite blogs - life has just been so busy - so forgive the lateness of this comment! I LOVE this quilt, the design, the negative space - all of it!
The name that popped to mind immediately when I saw it, was "intersecting lives". His design, your quilting brilliance, quiet times in our lives together where we are just allowed to "be" (the negative space that has such an impact on our relationships) and busy times where we are running into each other and trying to find our way. :) What a blessing that we get to do life TOGETHER! And your stories of your kids, yourself and your hubby - well... this quilt just spoke it all to me :)
You are truly blessed!

Corinnea said...

This is beautiful. I love your inspiration!

That One Girl said...

That is a FANTASTIC quilt!! I can't wait to start on our quilt! Hubs and I are making one together! :-D

Anonymous said...

wow - it's gorgeous! I love how the quilting has been line drawing over a line drawing. Utterly perfect match!
...I'd call it Dear Jon, since that's who inspired it!

bellsjo said...

This is stunning - what an amazing job you and the Bee did on it!

Blåbærtua said...

Amazing! I vote for "All about Jon!"