The first day of Quilt Market is Schoolhouse. Schoolhouse is a full day of short presentations on what's new in the quilting fabrics, books, patterns, notions and even ideas. Each time slot has multiple presentations so you have to make choices on what to see. I am pleased to say that "modern" was the subject of several schoolhouses. Schoolhouse is an opportunity to talk directly to a group of potential buyers.

Alissa and Kristen, the authors of
Block Party did a schoolhouse presentation. These gals were prepared and had a well thought out presentation that not only showcased the fabulous quilts in the book, but talked directly to shop owners on how the book would be good for business.

I had the opportunity to see my quilt that's part of
Block Party for the first time in over a year. Thanks to Kristen for giving my quilt such a great name...Profit the name and coincidentally it speaks to what Quilt Market is all about.

The exhibits open the morning after Schoolhouse and book signings happen periodically over the next three days of market. Publishing companies provide a limited number of free books that are given away during the book signing.

You can see from the crowd that Alissa and Kristen and their publisher did a great job marketing their book. The signing was packed...lots of folks wanting
Block Party who didn't get in line soon enough to get a copy.

Block Party isn't on shelves yet, but is
available for pre-order on Amazon. It's a wonderful book with great quilts and 12 interesting and very different women. I'm proud to be a part of it.
I'm going to share one of my advance copies with one of my readers. If you're interested, leave me a comment telling me what you look for in a quilting book. I'll announce the winner on Monday. Good luck!
Comments are now closed. Thanks for entering. I'll do the random number thing and announce the winner as soon as I can!
I would totally love a copy of that book!
I guess for me the most important thing is that the quilt book fits my aesthetic. Otherwise I'll be too slow to read it, however good and clear the information is that it contains... I found this out borrowing quilting books from the library, some I just counldn't get through.
Interesting having insight into the business side of the guilty world. I like clear photos- at least one showing the whole quilt flat as well as the arty inspiration shots
I can't wait to get my hands on Block Party!
I think I look at quilt books and hope to find patterns that a mere mortal like me can make, and then some challenging patterns as well, so I can up my game a little.
For me, it's all about color and clarity. I want clear instructions. I don't want to be pulling out my seam ripper AND my hair!
I love clear instructions and handy little hints such as cutting (perhaps some advice on options if you only have a fq). I love money shot photos of the whole quilt and suggestions on how the back could work. Mind you, I love love love all my quilt books and pour over the 'eye-candy' from cover to cover. And I would REALLY love a copy of Block Party!
Inspirational photos, the story behind the people that made the quilts and photos that not only show the original quilt but how different it could look by using different fabrics/colours. Thanks for the chance to win this book.
I look to quilt books for inspiration-from color ideas to piecing and quilting ideas. Right now I'm more focused on quilting ideas, because there have been some very inspiring fmq styles recently. A fresh perspective is always a good thing!
I like to see original ideas, inspiring photos and clear instructions & diagrams!
Looking forward to this book! Lately I am liking quilts that look like improv but are actually a pattern.
I love quilt books when they inspire me! I love looking at the pictures of the quilts and saying oh I have to make that, thats when I know I have to buy the book.
Photography is important!
this books sounds intriguing, 12 different quilters!
I like a book when all the patterns in it appeal to me so much that I want to make them all.
Congrats on your soon to be released book! Your blog has been an inspiration to me ever since I discovered the quilting blogland!
Personally I love a quilting book that gives me inspirations on quilt design and color combination. Easy to follow instructions in text and photos are a must.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I look for color and design. I look for directions that are clear and comprehensive, and I look for an author that shares the process with his/her readers.
clear instructions and colours that catch my eyes that are interesting and different
What I like most in a quilt book is inspiration and seeing fresh ideas. Thank you for having a give away!
I love to be inspired by fabric/color/design. Well-thought out and laid out instructions are a must. Little tips scattered throughout the book are always a fun addition. Those are the things I like in a quilt book.
Thank you for this opportunity!
I love a quilt book that is accessible and achievable. I go into a new book hoping to learn something and try something new. I don't expect to be able to make every quilt in the book, or even to want to. But I do find myself looking through some of my favorites before starting a project for some inspiration. Especially colorful books that will get me out of my comfort zone color-wise.
I look for inspiring projects and detailed pictures and clear directions. Also the style of the quilts have to appeal to me -- I don't want to work too hard to reimagine the patterns in my fabrics or aesthetic.
I look for clear and well written instructions and variety in the quilt patterns and projects! thanks for a lovely giveaway.
Being visual I look for step by step pictures showing the desired result of each step. I tend to "get" the instructions when I can "see" how to do it.
I would love a copy of the book. Thanks for the great giveaway. I was watching a video last night about dresdan plates and really love the look of your quilt.
I've been anxiously awaiting the publication of this book. My favorite part of quilt books is all the lovely photos... they make me wish for 48 hours in every day for more sewing time :) Thanks for the chance to win!
I love quilting books that are full of beautiful, inspiring photos, and I really look for books with ideas that I can get excited about and things I haven't seen before. Thanks for sharing!
I am always looking to be inspired by any quilting book I buy...this one will do just that, I can already tell!!
Im super excited about this book coming out in June! What I look for in a quilt book: Pictures, of course! Preferably a pattern in different color-ways so I can get more ideas for it. Easy instructions with detailed pictures for the more difficult steps. And some witty humor thrown in is always a plus :)
I LOVE quilt books! Especially those that show new designs and also designs with color options.
If I am going to actually buy a quilting book it has to have great photography, at least a dozen or more quilts, and an original spin on the pattern. I also really like it if it shows how the quilt looks with different color schemes/values. Thanks!
I look for inspiration from the photos/patterns, since so many times blocks are variations on other patterns. I look at the color combinations. The photos are the key.
I like for a quilting book to give advice on color, and also one that is written with clear instructions. Lately, I have been especially drawn to books with cutting and piecing tips (i.e. cutting and piecing 'quicker' by sewing strips and then cutting). And, of course, lots of inspiring photos!
Thanks for the giveaway...I'm anxious to read this book!
Clear instructions and inspiration for projects that I would do.
I look for pictures, bright pictures that make me want to make a quilt or to just sit and read the book and get inspired.
I'm looking for clear instructions and patterns I like. But I pay attention to the layout of the book and whether it is so jammed with text it makes it more difficult for me to follow.
thanks for the opportunity!!
I look for very clear instructions, as my first laguaje is not english I always try to find a book with step by step pictures... and of course I'm always looking for beautiful and doable proyects, color options and inspiration.
I don't have a quilt book yet, crazy right? I'm new to quilting, and most of my inspiration and direction has come from the blogosphere and magazines. I love patterns with stories behind them, and that have lots of photos, i'm such a visual learner. ;)
Thanks for the chance to win, hope this is my first book!
I like lots of pictures of the quilts including close ups that show the fabrics and quilting clearly. I especially like learning something about the author/designers and how they work. Also, instructions should be clear just in case I need to read them ;-)
I already got a copy of Block Party at my LQS on Tuesday and would highly recommend it.
I don't own many quilting books. Mostly because I don't always like to follow patterns. I do a lot of Googling images that might inspire me to create something. When I do purchase a book, I look for bright colorful, eye-catching pictures. The same inspiration style that I get when I'm searching online. I look for something that makes me want to sew/quilt. Thanks for the giveaway, Jacquie! See you tonight at guild :)
I know little about what Quilt Market is about so your posts are really educational.
I like clear photos of the quilt. I like to see the finished quilt completely open and flat (both sides if the design is double sided). I appreciate the artsy draped over a fence shot too but for construction sake, I want to be able to stand back and see the whole thing. I also appreciate schematics and a graphic layout of how the blocks go together and form an overall quilt.
Personally, I think I am leaning more toward using an eclectic group of fabrics so I tend to favor scrappy designs rather than quilts that are designed with a particular fabric line in mind. I recognize there is a place for those too though.
Thanks for asking and for the giveaway.
My interest in a book depends on the designs of the quilts. Love the new modern look quilts, and it looks like everything in this book will deliver that. Also really like to have full color shots of the entire quilt, not just glam shots of the quilt draped over a chair or something. Would love to win as this book looks like it would be wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway.
Jacquie, It has been so fun seeing you all over flickr with all the QM coverage. I am so curious about your business venture/research. I think what I most look for in a book is inspiraion. Then I seek clear instructions. This book looks awesome but bc I already have so many books I haven't used yet, please don't enter me in the draw. I hope it goes to someone who will really get some use out of it!
I love being inspired by the quilts in a book: Quilts that make me see beyond the original quilt design and imagine what it would be like with my fabrics. Love clear and concise directions, too.
thanks for this opportunity to win Modern Quilts! I look for quilts that are adaptable to many colorways and scrappy, too.
Inspiration! Being a traditional quilter I love the new "Modern" approach to quiltmaking
A quilt book needs to get my creative juices flowing by showing the different layouts and color combinations that can be used to make a project my own.
I look for great pictures and patterns that are easily adaptable to my own ideas. I also like it when authors talk about their own inspiration and approach. I'm looking forward to this book!
I look for inspiration in a quilt book and I think that is what I'd find in the Block Party book. I'd love to win a copy! Thanks for the giveaway.
Nancy in Denver
nkadenver @
most of all I look for beautiful quilts but since I am also a pretty inexperienced quilter I also look for simple and clear instructions
I like quilting books that keep me inspired each time I open looks like this book is one of those! Thanks for hosting the giveaway. :-)
what I look for in a quilt book is great photography of projects that are different. by different, I mean something that I would need a pattern to do (or would want a pattern so I didn't have to do the math) but something inventive moreso then your strip quilts or patchwork. something with pizzazz! I'm hoping to find that in this book.
I've already been eyeing this book on amazon. It looks very interesting!
In a quilting book, I look for multiple projects, an explanation of any more advanced techniques, and of course, visual inspiration. It's fun to see a design quilted twice using different fabrics.
I like to see original projects in unique color combinations. I also look for innovative techniques that will advance my sewing skills.
I look for inspiration first, and pattern second. Mostly it's a jumping off point more than trying to copy someone's else idea. Another book for the must buy list.
It's the photos that first catch my interest in a quilting book. I really appreciate full layout shots, so I can really see what the design is. I also love when the design is shown in an alternate colourway or two. I'm always looking for new and interesting designs - or ideas for combining colours.
Thanks for asking this question, Jacquie. I've enjoyed reading what attracts each of us to quilting books. Thanks for being so generous and congrats on another clever quilt design. I love your fresh take. You inspire me!
I'm drawn to books with inspirational ideas and great photos more than I am to the actual patterns. I want something I'll enjoying thumbing through time and time again that will ignite that spark to want to go do my own thing. Thanks for the inside look and the chance to win a copy. Did they bring all 12 quilts to market from the block party bee?
In this part of my quilting life, I want something in a book that speaks "new idea" to me. Since the modern movement is relatively new itself, I'm sure this book would do that.
Thx for the chance to win it.
I look for a variety of patterns, both at my level and more advanced (something to aspire to!). I like clear photos and I like to see a variety of color combinations and patterns within the fabrics themselves. I LOVE to read about a quilter's inspiration and thought process.
Thanks for the giveaway, this book looks great!
I am always attracted to books featuring more improvisational quilts, the kind of patterns that you can almost look at the picture and figure out how to make it on your own. I have seen pictures on Flickr of a lot the quilts in this book and it is right up my alley!
Jacquie, thank you again for giving us the inside know on Quilt Market, especially from the business angle, which as a consumer I havent had the privilege to understand. Gives us a greater appreciation.
Books - a combination of instruction and inspiration with empowerment, expands my experiences while also empowering me to expand my vision, unleash creativity, and break out of the box. Up until now I have been such a pattern follower to the t down to the fabric, and I love it when an artist takes me through the pattern, exposes me to the ideas and principles (what makes it work) and then gives me the freedom and encouragement to start here, try this, then go beyond. Like helping someone learn to ride a bike - here, follow the pattern, okay, let go and glide.
Books that respect the traditional then translate it into the modern realm, as well as those with some edge, appeal and always provide the encouragement and permission to try something a bit out of my comfort zone! Thanks for sharing and allowing us to share!
Thanks so much for a chance to win a copy of the book! For me, a good book inspires and stimulates my creative process. I learn from those projects that use color well and clearly show techniques that will lead to success in my own quiltmaking. I am drawn to old patterns, but really love the way designers are taking the old and making them new again with modern fabrics and the use of color.
I really appreciate books that provide both technical information (clear, well written patterns for example) and also some about technique or inspiration (how a quilter chooses fabric or finds inspiration). And yay for Block Party!
I love a book that teaches a new skill or technique with each quilt. This one looks awesome. Thanks for the chance!
Thanks for hosting a give-away!! I like quilt books for inspiration and I especially like books that allow me to learn something and then be able to create the exact quilt or my own variation. New techniques are also something I look for!
I like patterns that rely more on the block design and color than any specific fabric to make it look lively and interesting. And I appreciate color advice, especially about achieving pleasing contrast in a block. I'd love to win this book!
clear concise instructions, lots of pictures and fun tips.
I think the most important thing I look for in a quilting book is the designs of the quilt. They have to be up my alley and if they aren't then I just pass it. The next thing I look for is how easy are the directions. I don't like sitting there with a broken brain trying to figure it out.
Thanks for the giveaway!!!When you left SL, UT. . it's just been raining and raining. . . Utah misses you!!! ;)
What I look for in a quilting book are the pictures! There is nothing better to inspire me than eye pleasing photos.
In a quilting book I look for design and what kind of colour they use. My colour palette is quite predictable. Books are always a good source of inspiration.
Eeva, Tre, Finland
The first thing that catches my eye are the pictures. However, for me to buy the book it must have clear patterns and instructions. Although I am capable of drafting my own patterns, when I am buying a book of quilt patterns I like to be lazy. lol :) Hope (
This book and the quilts in it look so fantastic. What I look for in a quilting book are inspiring projects, clear instructions, and useful tips. I also like hearing about the story behind each project - the specific inspiration.
I buy books that have at least two quilts that I want to make. Of course, I don't usually actually make them.
I am very particular about the quilt books I buy now days. I used to buy anything and everything but no more! Now I look purely for inspiration. I make all my own patterns and designs so patterns in books don't interest me. I just want to be inspired with millions of photos and new ideas!
When I look through a book I have to see at least 5 quilts in it that I would like to make before I consider buying it. I also like when the author shows several colorways for each quilt.
I would have to say the thing that would make me buy a quilt book is interesting, unique patterns that are "doable" Not to difficult. ha! I also love books with modern fabrics in the photos. Thanks for sharing!
What fun!
I look to a book to provide inspiration - be it through good clear photography, including closeups, detailed sketches, new techniques, or wonderful colour schemes. A good book is one that I pick up and cannot put down until I've gone through every page. Directions need to be specific, but it also has to be a good read. I'd love to add this one to my library!
A quilt book will come home with me if it has clear, concise instructions and more than one quilt that I want to make.
I love that the modern quilting movement was so prevalent at market..
The book looks wonderful and needs to be in my hands! Love your work and your blog.
Sharon T
Thanks for the peek into quilt market! :) And for the chance to win this new book!
I look for inspirational designs. And more than just ONE in a book! Many times you will have one "winner" and the rest is just filler. I usually pass on those. :) Modern, modern and more clean lovely modern!
Techniques that are new to me with clear instructions and not just an assumption that we all know what to do! LOL Since that's why we buy the pattern or book! :)
Looking forward to seeing this one!
What do I look for in a book... Clear and precise directions. I also look for color options and variations on the quilts or blocks.
I am first attracted to the aesthetic of the quilts and the book design. But I keep a book that I can use repeatedly because of the multiple quilt designs, the clarity of the instructions, and any helpful hints or suggestions included in the instructions or scattered throughout the book.
I look forward to this book!
pretty pictures. I can (and often do) reverse engineer quilts and sewing so I can have it exactly the size, etc that I want.... But pretty inspiring pictures are a necessity. (BTW, I LOOOOVE "Profit Margins")
Since I've been quilting for many years, I don't often buy quilting books. But if and when I do, I'm looking more for the color combinations and designs that are fresh and "modern." Yes, I'm an old dog that can be taught to appreciate and enjoy the new direction quilting seems to be going! Winning this book and adding it to my quilting library would put be like putting a rose among thorns! Thanks for the chance to win.
P.S. Our FIRST Modern Quilt Guild meeting is in Des Moines, Iowa, tonight!
I like books with lots of photos, close-ups and whole quilt. I like to hear about the inspiration behind the design and love when the same quilt is shown in a different colorway.
As a beginning quilter, I am looking for clear instructions and lots of pictures- I'm a visual learner. I also like/ need good tips for constructing a well made quilt. Thanks for the chance.
I buy a lot of quilt books because I feel like I get a lot for my money. I usually buy a new quilt book because it has something fresh in it that I really want to make. I don't currently own any books with a modern or Bee theme- and it looks intriguing. Thanks for the chance.
Usually nowadays I am looking for a book that helps me develop my own designs, but I also love a quilt books that is chock full of photos and projects...the kind of book that uses fabrics that are NOT in my comfort zone!
It's hard to pin down, but I know it when I see it. Good photos as well as illustrations would catch my eye first.
In quilt books I look for inspirations in design and colour as well as for technical hints. Thanks for the chance to win!
congrats on the book & i look for clear instructions as well as great pictures. yep, i'm still a kid that wants pictures in her books. :)
I like a quilt book that has a good mix of easy and difficult patterns-that gives me choices depending on how much time and energy I have.
Thanks for the chance!
The book looks amazing!! I usually like to see tips and tricks, different ways of doing one thing, and different variations of one pattern that could be made completely different. Also would love to see the creative process of quilt design, how to choose fabrics and colours, and some options on quilting would be nice too! Thanks for the giveaway, I'd love to win a copy!
I look for something new - like a fresh take on a classic pattern. Lots of inspirational pictures, and alternatives showing how varied a design can be.
I look for clear instructions, pictures of the pattern in more than one color scheme, and I like tips on the best way to cut fabric for the pieces so I don't waste any.
I look for beautiful photos, alternate fabric choices for the finished quilt. I also look for clear instructions and a detailed, complete index.
I'm looking for inspiration more than a pattern to follow. I love to learn more about color, people, and their approach to quilting.
I look for inspiration - so a couple of different colourways that could work for that quilt. I like at least one full-frontal photo of the quilt. Clear directions. I personally don't need the "quilting basics" stuff, but I can see its value to beginning quilters.
I really look for inspiration. Sure, projects are nice but I want to be inspired to not only make the project, but make it with my own spin. I think that Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr do a great job of this in their books.
Yay!!! I've been waiting for this book to be released for what seems like forever! My friend Sarah is one of the quilters and I'm so excited for all of you that contributed. I love quilt books and as long as it's pretty to look at and has several patterns I want to try, I want to add it to my collection. I also like when the author writes like I have a personal teacher/friend walking me through the process. Thanks for the opportunity!
I like a book that has been well-edited and the instruction have been tested so that there are no errors.
I look for good photos that show the project clearly, not just artistically.
I look for good craftmanship in the examples given, new ideas and techniques, and that the book delivers what the cover promises.
Having a book spiral bound is a big plus.
How exciting - I cannot wait for the book. I love new patterns - something a little different and I know this book is full of that. Clear instructions are a must too - and fun fabrics!
The price of books means I'm more discerning. It should last longer than a magazine read through. I'd want to be looking at it for techniques and design possibilities. I also would like the patterns to inspire ideas to tweak, improvise and make it my own.
I would love a copy of the book!
I like books that offer lots of different colorways of a design and explore the basics of the quilt design - encouraging the reader and creator to make it original. I think that Weeks & Ringle do a fabulous job of this - they explore why the quilt pattern works and what small changes might make it work differently.
theloopdesigns @ gmail
A good quilt book is inspiring! This one looks like it is.
The best thing about a great quilting book is the photos. When I see the wonderful colors and patterns my imagination goes wild. Sometimes I just get a cup of coffee (or glass of wine) & look thru my favorite quilty books for inspiration, especially good for me if I feel a little brain dead or experiencing quilter's block.
The thing that all of my favorite quilt books have in common is inspiration. It's not all about pattern, or color, or photos, or instructions--although all of that helps! It's the invitation to take what the author(s) have done and run with it, making it your own. I can definitely see Alissa and Kristen doing so!
Good pictures, and more importantly, clear accurate instructions :)
I am a bookworm and a quilter so it's hard for me to NOT dive in to a quilt book. I would have to say the one thing I really like in a quilt book is having varying skill levels in one book. I like to challenge myself, but sometimes I want a quick and easy project, too. Thanks for the market coverage. Jealous!
Clear accurate instructions and fresh modern new ideas.
I am looking for very clear directions with lots of pictures to help! I also want to see inspiring images and a variety of projects that range from easy to hard, so I can learn new patterns/techniques from the book. Thanks for the opportunity!
I have been wishing for this book!
What I look for in a quilt book--what makes me buy it instead of flip through it--is a clear "voice" or style. I want to have a feel for the author/designer's vision. It may be different than my own, but just the energy of it can spark my creativity.
And from a very practical point of view, I really like to see a full shot of the finished quilts. Seeing an artistically draped quilt is not enough to convince me to invest the time and money making a certain pattern. I want to see the whole quilt, and it's surprising to me how often that doesn't happen.
Thanks so much for the giveaway.
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
I love beautiful photography and odd places where quilts are displayed. I like seeing how round shapes are designed, pieced, measured and so on. I like reading the story behind the quilt - about the designer or quilter or the inspiration for the quilt.
Hi. I like to be inspired, like many posters have said, but I like to be challenged most of all. I can enjoy any style of quilting that makes me marvel at the quilter's skill. Also, i'm kind of a nerd, so I like background information about the quilt pattern or designer.
I love your blog, thanks!
I am so excited for this book. When I'm buying a quilt or craft book I look for projects or design aesthetics that I am attracted to. Ownership of the book is only partly about making the projects in them. There is also the visual aspect. I see these books as works of art, coffee table books for my sewing space if you will. It adds another layer to the dimension of the inspiration they provide.
I have become more discriminating when it comes to purchasing quilt books lately. I look for ingenious ways to showcase the lovely fabrics that keep coming and coming, with inspiration in color and design.
First, the title must capture my imagination and photos tell me if the book has quilts that I would like to make. Second, as I flip through it, does the book look organized so is usable? Then, scan one of the sections - can I understand the writing? Last, back cover - how much $
This book sounds good and if I win, will you autograph the page with your quilt? Thanks for the opportunity to put in my five cents of opinion.
I look for a book that has inspiring patterns, lots of pictures, and I like when they provide instructions for different sizes.
I like a new book to inspire me to create something different, out of my comfort zone. Good photography is a must. I'm so excited to get this book!
Wow, would love to win a copay. I look for color photography and clear instructions. The more pictures, esp. in different colorways the better! Lisa in Texas
I look for easy to follow instructions and great pictures that show lots of options for what can be done. Different sizing options are a plus as well :)
I've never owned a quilting book, but I'd probably look for something with fresh, new designs that I wouldn't be able to come up with on my own.
Hi Jacquie,
I am looking for a "fresh modern quilt book" and this may be one that fits the bill! I want to branch out of traditionald quilts into modern quilts.
I like the pictures - both of the finished product and the process. I'm all about the process! Thanks for the giveaway.
i like good clear pictures, ones that show the entire quilt front and back. I like a pieced back, as well as alternate colorways. I like yardage requirements if possible to include straight yardage as well as how to use pre-cuts (jelly rolls, fat quarters, etc. Oh, Fransson did a pretty good job with her book :)
I would be so excited to win a copy!
I look for interesting quilts and colors that catch my eye but are easy enough for me to accomplish. I like clear directions and a picture of the whole quilt as well. I love looking through quilt books!
A well thought out book that flows from one subject to another. I like great pictures and great closeups. I like to see how the quilt was quilted. I also like to see different color options.
I look for inspiration and great patterns! :) Whenever I am in a quilting rut I tend to pull out all my books and go through them looking for a quick pick me up! :)
Thank you for explaining schoolhouses - I kept hearing about them on twitter and wasn't sure what the deal was. The thing I most look for in a quilting book is inspiration and ideas about design and color/pattern combinations. I love it when books show a design done up several different ways to see how fabric choices change the look!
I look for something that strikes a cord, and maybe tells a story. I love knowing the process behind things and math is fun too.
Good illustrations and directions are key. I enjoy pictures more than words.
Thanks for the chance! I look for inspiration, patterns that I like, and color photos. It's also nice to see new ways of doing things.
I am first looking to be inspired. If it is a pattern that I'm not afraid to try, that's good, if not I'll try a simplified version. This book is on my list. Thanks for the giveaway.
I want lots of gorgeous quiltiness in a variety of experience levels. Sometimes you like a challenge. Sometimes you just need to sew...
I look at quilt books for inspiration, and most appreciate great photography and push-the-envelope color and pattern combinations. Nothing same-old-same-old. I also like the personal story behind the quilts/designs, where that inspiration came from, and how it was molded into something new along the way.
I'd love to win the book. I look for clear diagrams, detailed instructions, tips to make things go faster, a photo of the finished quilt, and it's great to have a second idea of a color combo pictured, like Quiltmaker mag. does.
What a great question! I look for books that have a technique that I can't figure out on my own, plus quilt examples that inspire me based on their design and color. Also, I like books that are well-edited and have excellent full-quilt photos of both the front and back plus detailed views. Thanks for sharing a chance to win!
Inspiration, great photographs and clear instructions.
In a book I look for easy to follow instructions and eye catching designs I can look at for hours!
I look for books that make me think and have different color combos or colors that are combined in a way that I have not seen. I am not afraid to try anything, but I need clear directions. I love to share my quilts with others, especially those who do not have a special quilt, but I keep the ones that I love.
check out the quilt exhibit at the Meleni? international museum in Balboa Park in San Diego - African American quilts from 1920's on - the designs reminded me of some of your work
Wow, thanks Jacquie! I look mostly for inspiring photography (and not just of quilts, but of photos that inspire quilts), unexpected colour combinations. What I don't read is the entire "how to" general section because I've been quilting long enough to know most of the basics. I just want pages full of great projects and pictures!
I like quilting books that have a lot of patterns I like, full-on pictures of the quilt (instead of artsy pictures), clear cutting instructions, and pictures of versions of the quilt in different patterns. I also really like it when the book includes instructions for different sizes of each quilt.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I'm dying for a copy! I took my very first quilting class from Alissa and it was so wonderful! It really opened up a whole new world for me. I love quilting books that have clear, colorful photos and easy instructions (that don't make me do too much math!).
I would love a copy of this book. I like quilting books that have a modern slant, that have clear & detailed instructions & also have lots of photos of all projects, front, back, close-up - I don't think there is such a thing as too many photos!
If a book has beautiful pictures and/or interesting technique with effective instructions, and I can imagine still using it 10 years from now, it's a winner. I think the process is similar to buying a cookbook.
I'm likely to buy quilt books with beautiful clear photos of the quilts, combined with easy to read insturctions, with lots of how to pic. The works all go "blah, blah, blah" to me, but a picture tells a thousand words!
I look for good photos, at least one with the whole quilt top finished and one close up of the quilting. Thanks for another great giveaway.
I want more than just instructions on how to make the exact quilt. I want suggestions or tips on how to my a quilt uniquely mine. The instructions need to be spot on, giving construction tips that make me a better quilter.
The photos need to be well styled, including one photo of the whole quilt.
Great give-away! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I look for inspiration in a quilt book, first and foremost. That can mean a technique book but more usually a gallery-type book, often of antique quilts, but seldom, if ever, a pattern-type book. I don't even like to have a few patterns at the back to make an exact replica of quilts showcased in the main body of the book though I do like patterns for unusual or detailed pieced blocks or applique. I also look for books that talk about how others find and encourage inspiration and creativity.
I look for something to read, something to look at - meaning clear or beautiful photos, and something in a bright, colorful style or new artistry. I want to either read and think, or see and learn, or be inspired. My daughter is now quilting so a clear book appealing to the modern aesthetic with photos and directions on how to do things that doesn't get bogged down with "only one right way" is great too.
I'm looking for a careful balance on the technical difficulty: I don't want something that's so hard that it will be over my head even with instruction (or so intricate that I'll never finish the project), but I also don't want designs that are simple enough that I could figure out how to make them myself. Interesting techniques that make a design much easier to execute than it would look at first blush are a big plus.
For spendability and keepability I like to see at least a few patterns that I love, pictures of color and setting options. I really like to learn a little about the designer too.
I look for great pictures - they provide inspiration for color combinations on other designs. I have not yet copied an exact quilt. So generally the better the picture, the more I can take away with my own ideas.
Simple/clear instruction - I'm after technique, not so much an exact replication of the quilt (but never say never!)
...and I love the stories, what was the idea, where did it come from, what inspired the creator. I'm a sucker for these.
I hope I win :)
I want the book to be inspiring and give me some options in sizes depending on the project. I love color photos and seeing the same pattern done in different color schemes. I like a variety of projects as far as degree of difficulty and full size patterns!
First and foremost, visual inspiration. I respond to images of quilts, especially when there is both a close-up and whole quilt image. And I look for a variety of patterns, some simple, some offering a new challenge/learning experience. I want to learn from quilters, too. So it is important that the text be well organized, well edited (so I don't waste fabric or time) and personal. My favorite quilt books give me a sense of the writer's sensibility. I have a small library of favorite quilt books that I return to again and again, sometimes for inspiration and sometimes just for comfort. :)
Hmmm, the most important thing for me is probably the photos. I love looking at pictures of crinkly quilts that fit what I like. Fresh colors and modern prints.
I look for easy to follow instructions with lots of pictures and quilts of varying skill levels.
I'm looking for new and fresh modern minimalist quilt patterns that utilize both prints and solids (together or separate). For example, I often am unable to imagine minimal amount of grouped colors with a majority of a neutral or solid color (black, white, etc). I have even more difficulty just thinking about working with asymmetrical pieces.
I look for a quilt book, that is easy enough for me a beginner quilter, but also has to make me want to try something new, some inspiration. I also want the ability to see the quilts in other fabric lines, not just what is in the picture.
Love the profit margins quilt - I like to have more than 1 great project in a book! I like to see variations of the quilts as well.
I'd love a quilt book which is beginner friendly with all the necessary informations about quilting.
Thanks for the chance :D
Oh the book looks AMAZING!! So jealous of the whole Market experience.. maybe one day ill pack up and fly from Aussie to you... Do you have a spare room?? xx Thanks for sharing and the opportunity xx Bec xx
For me, quilting books need to have 1. eye candy - great pictures of fantastic quilts, in colours I can see, 2. precise instructions for individual quilts and 3. stories behind the quilts - I like the whys and where-fors! Also "rating" the quilts (easy, hard etc) is useful. And I enjoy a good read and being able to flick back through a book again and again! (And yes! I have quite a few books that match all of these criteria!!) Thank you for listening.
I'm looking for inspiration...not just the same old blocks like I see in most quilt books.
I look for two things in quilt books - 1) Something I haven't seen and it INTERESTS me and 2) there is a project I want to DO.
new and interesting ideas...color inspiration and solids....thanks for the chance...fingers crossed.
I look for something different -- a different use of an old pattern, a fresh take on something that's been done before. Thoughtful text that not only instructs, but informs and inspires. Lots of colour! Clear instructions. And something more -- something that offers more than just patterns -- something interesting, different, personal, inspiring ... something intangible that the author/quilter includes to make the book their own, and special.
Love your blog!
Debbie R.
I look for beautiful, bright, modern fabric's & easy designs!
I look for great photos and easy to understand constructions. thanks for the opportunity.
I would love a copy of the book! Thanks for the chance!
I like a book that first draws me in with great photos. Then I go back and read the patterns. There needs to be a couple easy ones to start, but when they go together well, I will try more complex patterns. Thanks for a chance to win this.
I like to see where peopke get inspiration from. whether it is architecture or nature or other quilts...I like to see what inspires others and then I look at those types of inspiration more closely.
I look for inspiration- use of colors, interesting techniques, new ways of looking at the "quilt" world.
I look for variety in the book's projects, and clear instructions! A beautiful cover photo is a must to draw me in!
Because I'm a newbie, I always looks for a lot of photos that show how to do each step. :)
Would love to have this book.
I like quilt books to have a range of projects that suit me as a almost beginner but also enough to inspire me to continue learning and advancing in my skills. Block party looks a great book to have.
I'm always looking for fabulous photography and a good crisp lay-out. After that, I want to hear the stories behind the quilts--what inspires their creators.
I love to see unusual fabrics used in common blocks. -- from jeffcityknitter and quilter
I like quilting books that put a new spin on traditional blocks. Thanks for the giveaway.
Well, I am certainly looking for accurate instructions! I love looking at the color selections and the traditional blocks. It's nice to see the quilting done on the projects as well.
I like pictures....same quilt in different colorways. Guess I am a visual learner.
I also like quilting suggestions...more than the "quilt as desired and bind" instructions.
I only have one quilting book, so I guess I look for clear instructions. Color cues are helpful, too.
I just recently discovered your site and I am so inspired by your work. Your workmanship and creativity is amazing and refreshing. Pay no attention to the "quilt police". And in short, that is exactly what I look for in a quilting book.
Besides looking for woinderful pics I look for well designed patterns.
The instructions must be clear to understand as well as any graphics included in the piecing process. Also clear and good colored pictures are so helpful. Might not want to use that colorway but it helps in determining what I might do in a different colorway. Quilting guidelines are also a bonus.
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