Monday, October 3, 2011

A Different Kind of Hero

I've been sewing up a storm, but I don't have much I can show you. In the past few days I made a couple of heros. Yes, you can make a hero. A hero, in TV lingo, is the finished product. (You learn something new every day!) I can't remember if I told you I'm going to be on television. I was asked to do an episode for Sew It All TV on PBS. The taping is just weeks away, so I'm working hard to get prepped. All those pieces on the chair are step outs for one project. I'm doing 3 projects on the show. It's loads of work and uses up LOTS of fabric, but I'm so excited (and a bit nervous) for the taping!
I've been spending time decorating the apartment too.  I found the perfect place for my dad's quilt rack.  I had 3, but was only able to take one with me to the new place.  I love having it front and center in the living room.  I think about my dad every time I look at it.
He called the other day and told me he's making one just like it for a quilter in California.  He's shipping it to her.  I'm so proud of him.  I know she'll love it just like I do!  Congrats Dad....he's my hero too!


Paige said...

I didn't know about the tv thing! I hope you'll post when it airs!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Congratulations on being a TV star Jacquie! And please let us know when we can view it! I would love a quilt rack like that too!

Kristy said...

YAY! Congratulations on the TV-gig, you'll do great!

Be sure to let us know when it will show.

**nicke... said...

you are a super star! make sure you share with us when it airs!

Kelli said...

Congrats! I wish we got that show. Our PBS cancelled all adult learning shows--no more cooking, painting, sewing or woodworking shows anymore. It was a sad day for me.

folksmith said...

I love the quilt rack, i want one!

i will have to look and see if my PBS station carries that TV show.

Cheryl Arkison said...

That light in the new place! What a treat.

Jenny said...

Congrats!!! I'll watch for you!

Jody Sanders said...

Congratulations! Love the look of the new place.

Pétra said...

Congratulations! I love your nook it's so stylish and your Dad's quilt rack is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are having one exciting year! Good luck with the TV taping.

Kim said...

I hope this TV program will be available so we can enjoy the show here in MN. Looks like you are settling in at your new home very nicely, you make moving look so easy! But I know otherwise. You must be superwoman. :O)

CitricSugar said...

That's wonderful about the tv show!

Love your new view... :-)

Jill Chapman said...

Wow, congratulations on your TV spot and your new apartment looks gorgeous!

em's scrapbag said...

Congrats on getting to be on TV. That's awesome.
Isn't it great to have a dad that can make things for your to display your quilts on. I love the quilt rack my dad made for me.

Laura said...


Kritta22 said...

Yes please let us know when it airs!! I'm so excited for you! And nervous! I get butterflies for you!

MariQuilts said...

Congrats on the TV show...the apartment looks great, I love the quilt rack.

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Oh my goodness a real life TV Star! Dad'll be so proud too!

Fabric Fanatic said...

Would your dad be willing to make one for me too? I'd be happy to pay for it; it is perfect.

audreypawdrey said...

The apartment is looking so nice! I do love that quilt rack, and congratulations on the tv show! That is exciting!

Marty Mason said...

What great lucky fame and a bright, sunny, wonderful place to sew in your new digs.

MightyMom said...

wow, and to think I knew you BEFORE you were famous!!!


congrats. sounds fun.

wishing I had TV....

Elsa said...

How exciting to be on TV doing what you love!
And I love that your Dad is your Hero. Mine was too and miss him a lot.

lindsey said...

That's exciting being on TV...shame we wont be able to view it in the UK. Your projects are looking great. I love the quilt rack....I am sure you are proud of your Dad!

Clare said...

Lovely photos and love the rack.