Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I Thought It Was Over

I was cured...I thought.  I had an affliction, or maybe it was an affection....for fabric.  And then I moved.  After packing it, moving it so I could load it, loading it, unloading it, putting it somewhere, putting it somewhere else, then moving the boxes so I could get to other boxes, moving it again so I could make room to put the stuff in the boxes where the other boxes were sitting...after lifting it, carrying it, toting it and sliding it, I was done with it.  Once it was unpacked and finally arranged I thought I didn't need any more fabric.  I thought my obsession with fabric was over.

Turns out, time dulls the memories.  Sore muscles heal and slowly, in those quiet moments I found myself thinking about fabric.  And then Tammy emailed me that the Yoshiko Jinzenji fabrics had arrived.  I first saw her new fabrics at quilt market in Salt Lake and fell in love with them.  When I saw her fabrics again that deep place in me where those secret fabric desires live was awakened.

I popped onto Tammy's store, Marmalade Fabrics, and stocked up.  I can't wait to see them in person.  They're so unique and I love working with fabrics that are different and interesting. Tammy tells me they are selling fast.  I'm not surprised.  Take a minute and check them out.

I picked up a few other pieces too.  She's got so much great fabric, it's hard to resist.  Who am I kidding...cured...I'm sicker than ever!

Though, when the box arrives, I might get someone else to move it.


Melissa said...

I have moved several times with ALL of my fabric:) I can't bear to part with any of it, but really do understand your being tired of constantly lifting boxes of it and moving them hither and yon! It is so nice to "find" pieces that you have forgotten about, too:) Addicts are never "cured" only in remission!!!

Unknown said...

Oh no, no amount of moving, packing, slugging, or dragging great caches - no, make that truckloads- of luscious, delicious fabrics will "dim" (much less put a dent in) an FABRIC affection (AKA ADDICTION)!
Marmalade Fabrics is AWESOME! There is so much beauty there!


Live a Colorful Life said...

I know what you mean about fabric! and Tammy surely tempts us, doesn't she?

Laura said...

Oh, I have absolutely NO WILLPOWER when it comes to fabric.

agent99 said...

I can quit any (burp) time I want (hiccup), really.

kait. said...

Haha, that didn't take long, two weeks? :) That looks like beautiful fabric.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I'm not sure there is a cure for fabric least I hope there isn't!

Anonymous said...

Who could possible resist Jinjenzi?!

Off to buy some now - thanks for letting us know it is available.

Cheryl Arkison said...

I've been drooling over that fabric too...

ayumills said...

I saw these in person at my local fabric store! So beautiful and I love the light weight - just amazing!

Sharon said...

Nothing that a nice glass of pinot grigio won't cure. Well, maybe not cure, but make sufferable.

Poppyprint said...

good call on getting someone else to move it!

Unknown said...

I live in Wyoming in a teeny tiny apartment in the summer, and Ohio in the winter. This summer, I took as much fabric as summer clothes. Next summer, I'll take way fewer clothes so there's more room for fabric!

MightyMom said...


WE will NEVER be cured!!
you silly girl!

Lauren said...

Ok - so I have to know. When you say "stock up" on fabrics, what does that mean? I have often found entire lines of fabric that I love and wonder how much do I "need"? I am so curious...