Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Bruno Chronicles - I am A Giant Basting Pin

Guest Blogger: Bruno

Hi folks! In case you didn't know this about me, I am a quilter too.
Jacquie really couldn't do any of this without me.

Don't I make a great giant basting pin?

Well, maybe I'm not so great at basting, but I did remind her that this quilt needed some batting. What would she do without me?

PS  Pet hair on quilts is a design element.


Jess said...

I loe your giant basting pin. I think he is so cute and obviously very helpful.
PS. Love the colors in the quilt.

Molly said...

I love Bruno :) And I hear you on the hair too. There is so much in the batting that we could deconstruct a quilt if we needed to clone Jada and get plenty of DNA!

elizabeth said...

Awwww, we couldn't do it without our helpers, could we : ). What a cutie!

Nicci P said...

So glad to hear Bruno WAS a basting pin and didn't get stuck by one. I loved your p.s. message so much that I quoted you on my MQG fb wall. Pet hair (everywhere) is the small price we pay for all that love and joy our pets give us!

Sara said...

What is that tan color in there? Love that doggie of yours.

Pet hair a design element..I will keep that one in mind;)

Elsa said...

Bruno is a beautiful basting pin! and pet hair is a must! (I've got 3 cats).

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

ha! thank gave me a big chuckle... My dogs do the same thing... You were on my mind yesterday as I handed out SOOOO MANY of your quilts at the BASICS quilt event yesterday... THANK YOU!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Bruno! I have 2 big wimmer and my Xena is a blue one (black) and when I look at Bruno I can see my Xena! Keep posting about him... he makes me smile!

**nicke... said...

oh bruno! what would your momma do without you! ;)

Simone de Klerk said...


Anonymous said...

Who could resist that face!

tirane93 said...

what a beautiful beast and well photographed too! hooray for quilt dogs!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

LOL. My lab Max would lay on a face cloth if I dropped it! They are so funny!

You have never had dog hair unless you have had a couple of three Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs in the room for 3 seconds. Bonnie Doon would lay upside down on my maroon carpet and rub her back. When she got up, there would be a dog angel in tawny grey undercoat!

glen: doggy bones to Bruno!

Candace said...

Bruno, my dog Penny is the same way...a giant basting pin. Luckily she has learned to walk off the quilt gentle so that she doesn't disturb it too much. :)

Patty said...

Manny, our Boston Terrier, believes that no quilt is complete without a bit of Manny hair on it. He sets himself in the middle of them all. Bruno, you're doing a great job helping Jacquie out!

Aliceart said...

What a cute baby! Labs are so wonderful...miss my old lab even more looking at that wonderful face.

monique said...

I love it when Bruno guest blogs!

Unknown said...

I love it when Bruno guest blogs! Too cute.

Sara said...

I had three of Bruno's tribe "helping" me baste last night. They were complaining to me that it would be easier if someone would come up with safety pins that didn't necessitate opposible thumbs. I was complaining to my husband that they, my dear dogs, were pulling the neatly taped-down back of the quilt off the floor, crumpling the smoothed out batting, and generally freaking me out.

Paula said...

I was wondering how Bruno was doing! Glad he is helping out.

A.S.K.-P. said...

LOL Bruno is ADORABLE! I have a few helpers of my own 1 of my 3 cats and 1 of my 2 dogs always want to "help" when I'm quilting/sewing. I've gotten to where I put a chair beside me with the weiner dog's quilt (YES, I made him a quilt LOL) in it and put him there while I work. :D

Molly said...

Oh this is so darned sweet! Gotta love that face. My quilt dog Moose- a huge 100lb Labradoodle is not only a giant basting pin, he is my favorite thread catcher as well. He insists on sleeping under my sewing table just next to my pedal when I sew. His lovely thick black curly hair seems to be the perfect magnet for all the clipped thread ends. Once after a busy sewing day my BF declared that he was rainbow thread dog- and that nickname has stuck. Gotta love the quilt dogs in all their glory, they remind us that it is supposed to be fun and we should have a little giggle from time to time amongst all the serious quilting we do.

Marty Mason said...

You are right hair adds great texture! So nice to see your smiling face again.

EG said...

I don't have a design wall because I sew in a room with dormers (is that the right words? I don't have a tall wall is what I mean). The white quilt I have on my floor right now is all covered in black lab hair. She is also convinced that spreading a blanket on the floor must be for her!

Also, when I returned from an outing this morning I was informed that the 2-year-old got in there and there was dancing. Fortunately I'm at a point where it was easy to recreate!

Debbie said...

I love when you post Bruno pix. I also have a large black dog who is a huge help in quilting!

FlourishingPalms said...

What an adorable face. Guess you might have to switch to making only black quilts!

Karyn said...

My cat also likes the basting part. Lucy likes to get btwn the top and the batting!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wish I designed and quilted like you. But today I found we at least have dog hair in common. lol.

angela said...

Sweet dog! Mine is my best friend.

Nicole said...

Bruno is too cute!

SarahSchuyler said...

I love Bruno. How could you possibly ask that face to move? My German Shepherd Greta is the same - if there is a blanket near one of her people spread on the floor she is convinced it must be for her to lay on while she "guards" them.

Elisa said...

good dog.

Linda said...

Adorable dog! He looks just like my grand-dog.

Sally said...

Bruno is adorable! I'm glad to know that pet hair is a design element, because I certainly can't get rid of it around here (no matter how much vacuuming I do!)

MickeyT. said...

I had to laugh at this. My pets (two little dogs, one cat) will be asleep in another part of the house until I lay a project on the floor and boom! Three little furry bodies on it! Bruno's a doll.

Bethany said...

I too quilt with a Craft Lab! He's oh so helpful, NOT! He likes to nonchalantly grab the end of binding I'm pressing and just walk away with it. So glad to see another big dog in a studio, I love everyone's cats, but a Lab is, well a Lab!

Mama Spark said...

Pet hair is a design element! My new mantra. I <3 Bruno!!

Kyra said...

I made a quilt for friends as their wedding present. Since my dogs are faithful sewing room companions, I told them it was sewn with love and dog hair.

Stina Blomgren said...

*SMILE* LOve your basting pin... :O)
My Molly Monster have a lot to learn...that is all I can say!!

Samantha said...

from the amount of time my cat spends on the ironing board, I think HE thinks he is an iron... these 2 should get together!

Ellen said...

Your Building Bridges quilt is awesome, made even more special with the Bruno hair. With two black Lab housedogs, I quit fighting the hair and now embrace it. Your Bruno and our Shep could be those gray beards!