Monday, July 9, 2012

A Big News Day!

It's a pretty exciting Monday...I have some big news to share today.
First, I found out this weekend that "Quilting Modern" is in its 2nd printing only a little over two months from its release date.

I can tell you I'm pretty over the moon about it.

Second big is the day that QuiltCon announces the whole conference deal....prices, class catalogue...the whole shebang.  I hope you're planning on coming....I can't tell you how excited I am about it.  I'm teaching, lecturing with quilts in hand and I'm planning on learning, learning, learning!  I hope you got your QuiltCon newsletter today to read all about it.
Vacation was so great and so needed for both of us.  The place we chose was quiet, private, and beautiful.  We enjoyed hiking in the woods, canoeing and kayaking, and some time alone.  There were two small twin fawns that were regular visitors at our cabin. I have to admit there was a weak wifi signal and so we both snuck in a bit of work, but no cell signal so at least there were no ringing phones and intense work conversations.  We ventured into town to see the local water ski show and enjoy some fireworks on the 4th.

Reading is always a part of our vacation ritual. I read three books that reenergized me.
War of Art is a go to book, a must read and I read it when I need a creative kick in the butt. I always need a creative kick....I've read this book many times and I always learn something about myself and how I work and maybe how I can work a little better.
 I have watched Randy's 'Last Lecture' on video, but I finally had time to read the book where he tells the stories behind the lecture.  Tears ran down my cheeks almost the whole time I was reading, but it's worth a couple of red eyes and a runny nose to make it through this book.  It's a wonderful reminder about what is important in life.
I also picked up a book called 'The Simple Home' by Sarah Nettleton from the library at the place we were staying.

Yes, it had a library.  I'm in the middle of house hunting in Chicago and finding the process totally frustrating.  There's a conflict between what I want, need and can afford.  This book was all about living simply and what is really needed and important in a home.  Reading this book was a grounding experience for me and I'm refreshed and ready to tackle more house hunting with a new outlook.

It nice to be home!


Kit Lang said...

Congrats on all the exciting news and welcome home! :)

lindsey said...

Congratulations on the second printing!

Valerie said...

Oh, wow, Jacquie-that's amazing about the second printing already-incredible!! I'm excited about QuiltCon, and I'm also registered for your class in NC this fall. Yay!!

Anonymous said...

Could you share the authors name for the book The Simple Home. We are talking of downsizing and it may be helpful.


jacquie said...

The Simple Home is by Sarah Nettleton...available on Amazon.

Laura said...

I have looked through the class catalog for Quilt Con and I am hoping to get into one of your classes!

stitchinpenny said...

I sympathize on the house hunt. You had such a wonderful place before, now the challenge is to make a new wonderful place. Glad the book gave you new ideas.

redheadwiththread said...

Welcome home, Jacquie and congratulations too. My offer for neighborhood navigating in north Chicago still stands if you need it!

Amanda Jean said...

congratulations on your second printing!!!!!!! woohoo!!! (and not surprising in the least.) sending you big hugs!

carol said...

No surprise to me that the book is in it's second printing. I must have bragged about it enough to sell a goodly amount, myself! Congrats should be proud! I LOVE the book! (And apparently so does everyone else!)

FlourishingPalms said...

Another book helpful at putting a perspective on the kind of house you need is "The Not So Big House" by Sarah Susanka. Sarah has a whole philosophy about homes that she translates into designs. She's building in Libertyville, Illinois now.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the second printing!

Congrats too on QuiltCon - you and the rest of the organizers have outdone yourselves with the amazing line up of talent that will be teaching and lecturing. I am in awe to be a small part of such a stellar group.

Glad to hear you had such a lovely vacation :)

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Congratulations! I am so glad to havebeen a part of it all! I bought the book!


Cheryl Arkison said...

That's awesome news! I am so excited and proud for the Quilt Con organizers. Such an amazing line-up!

And oh, The Last Lecture is phenomenal.

Jennifer said...

Congratulations on all the good news!

Donna said...

Want vs need vs. afford... Your strugglss are my struggles .
2nd printing? Fabulous!

cinzia said...

Congrats on all the great news! If I ever make it to quiltcon, your class is at the top of my list. The simple home book sounds divine!

Unknown said...

That is great news about the book!! What a nice surprise after a relaxing vacation.

And I hear ya about the want/need/afford housing issue. I had a major reality check in Seattle! "Luckily" I'm not in love with where we are in NY now, so I'm sticking to a rental until we can make our way back to Chicago. :)

Good luck in the search, as frustrating as it can be, house hunting is sort of fun, too.

Jodi said...

I'm not surprised at all that your book is in it's second printing. It is my new favorite book --- it is so refreshing to get a book that teaches not only projects, but techniques. Love it!